The following updates were made to the Mechanical add-ons for Release 2025 R1:
The DesignLife add-on now offers the following capabilities:
Hybrid Loading Events including time-step loading
Temperature load provider for Time Domain Loading Events
Virtual Strain Gauge analysis
The display of Least Safety Factor tabular data for evaluated results
Fatigue life estimation for MSUP Harmonic analysis with Residual Vectors is now possible. This newly introduced manual-selection option helps you to perform fatigue life estimation for Harmonic loading including a residual vector, which was not supported previously.
Manual selection of a Modal rst file for the Modal-Transient case in a Time Domain analysis.
s3t or dat file input for a Time Series Load
The Solution Location option is exposed under Analysis Settings, allowing you to select between AveragedNodeOnElement, WeldHotSpot, NodeOnElement or Element options
Surface Nodes Only and Resolve to Local Analysis Settings for crack analysis in solid elements
Advanced Analysis Settings for Equivalent Life calculation and Output Stats for reporting minimum and maximum combined stress
Thermal Offset for Vibration Fatigue projects with an upstream Thermal Analysis system
Material names in Materials Assignment now support special and Japanese characters
A new parametric studies option for Certainty of Survival can be set as a parameter design point
Workflow improvements:
The DesignLife add-on now only passes FE files of selected environments, so the solution of every upstream system is no longer required
Multiple DesignLife systems can now be connected and can also be intercalated with other systems.
The DesignLife add-on can load environments from upstream or downstream systems
A DesignLife system can be independent if only manual rst files are loaded.
The NVH Toolkit add-on now includes support for:
The use of Grouped Input and Output Remote Points and h5 file export from the FRF Calculator
The FRF Calculator also allows frequency spacing based on Harmonic Response Analysis and allows import of Damping data from an Excel file.
Pre-Test Worksheet filter mode options for Absolute Participation Factor and Relative Frequency Tolerance
The MAC Calculator now allows the use of distributed rst files for File2
The Rotordynamics add-on has been added and includes the following capabilities:
Compatibility with every officially-supported language.
The Forced Response add-on now includes support for:
Dark, Classic, and Light modes.
The Crystal Plasticity (CP) Microstructure add-on has been added and includes the following capabilities:
Generates element (mesh) and materials data files that accurately capture grain geometry and texture
Serves as a pre-processor for crystal plasticity (CP) simulations in Mechanical APDL.
The Bolt Tools add-on now offers:
A Create Contacts option added to generate contacts between the imprinted faces in the Cone of Compression Imprint Wizard.
Updates for the Additive Manufacturing add-ons are described in the Additive Manufacturing Release Notes: