Cone of Compression Imprint Wizard

This wizard creates imprints on the geometry which is in contact with bolts. The imprint face sizes are generated automatically, respecting the conical assumption of the clamp zone. In the Bolt Geometry section, bolt bodies are selected and used as imprint guides.

Note:  The Bolt geometry must be a single body part.

You can select the geometry where the imprint is required. If the Imprint Geometry option is left blank, all active bodies are taken into account. All the geometric bodies that must be ignored during the imprinting process must be selected using the Ignore Geometry option.

There are further options:

  • Auto Remove Bolt Hardware: This automatically detects washers and nuts, and removes them from imprinting. Where there is no washer, the body in contact with the bolt head is removed from imprinting (even if it is explicitly selected in the Imprint Geometry section).

  • Open SpaceClaim: This opens SpaceClaim to update the geometry.

  • Save Backup of Current Geometry: This is a backup of the current geometry, which is saved in the working directory. This geometry can be retrieved using the Revert Geometry option under Imprint.

    Note:  This option will not save the history of all the changes made to the geometry. For example, if the imprint operation is carried out in multiple steps, it will not automatically save the initial geometry (the first geometry on which the imprint operation was performed).

  • Refresh Geometry: With this option, the geometry is updated and imported in Mechanical. This will not allow the option to explicitly open SpaceClaim.

In the Detection section, a Compression Cones preview can be visualized and imprint faces can be activated. The Imprint Geom Now option starts the geometry modification process in SpaceClaim. Depending on the selected option, the modified geometry can be refreshed automatically in Mechanical (without opening SpaceClaim) or the geometry can be imported manually in Mechanical.

After imprinting the geometry, the Create Contacts option can be used to generate contacts between the imprinted faces.

Figure 6.24: Cone of Compression Imprint Wizard

Cone of Compression Imprint Wizard