7. Documentation

Ansys continues to refine the Mechanical APDL documentation set. To that end, the following notable changes and enhancements to the documentation have occurred:

7.1. Updates for Programmers

Routines and functions documented in the Programmer's Reference have been updated to reflect the current source code. To see specific changes in a file, Ansys recommends opening both the old and current files (using a text editor that displays line numbers), then comparing the two to determine which lines have changed. You can copy the updated files to your system by performing a custom installation of the product.

7.1.1. New UserMat Example

An example has been added to the Programmer's Reference to provide information on how to set up a UserMat API in C or C++.

7.2. Feature Archive

Legacy features, commands, elements, and theory information continue to move to the Feature Archive. While Ansys intends to support legacy capabilities for the immediate future, some may be undocumented in future releases. Consider moving to their recommended replacements. For information about especially notable features that have been archived, see Features Removed or Archived in the Update Guide section of this document..