Ansys Common Licensing (ACL) creates direct communication from all Ansys applications to the FlexNet Publisher server. ACL is launched when an application makes its first licensing call and continues to run until all connected clients exit. By default, ACL uses a random port to listen to all clients. ACL can be configured to use ports from user specified range. To configure ACL to use a specific port, see Specifying a Port for Ansys Common Licensing .
There is one ACL per process tree, meaning the parent and all the children connect to the same ACL launched by the parent.
By default, licenses are shared in a parent/child process tree. Ansys Common Licensing follows parent/child/max logic. Here are a few examples of this logic:
If the parent checks out the increment "meba" and the child tries to check out the same increment "meba" then the net result is there is only one increment "meba" consumed from the license server/pool.
If the parent checks out increment "meba" and the child tries to check out the 2 counts of the same increment "meba" then the net result is there are two tasks of "meba" consumed from the license server/pool. This is an example of max logic
If the parent checks out 1 count of the increment "meba" N number of times, then the net result is there is only increment "meba" consumed from the licensing server/pool.
Parent/Child across machines/process tree: This process enables the parent child sharing for the specified license features with child being on a different machine.
User Host Display: This process enables applications to share the same listed features across multiple instance of the applications for a specific user tied to the host/display.
HPC Parametric Sharing: HPC parametric sharing enables applications to use a single solver license and anshpc_pack or 8 anshpc features for each additional variance. This also allows applications to share anshpc_pack increments for core checkouts from the solves started as variances of the same context. For more information on HPC Licensing, see HPC Licensing.
Note: Queuing is not supported in any type of license sharing.
You can use the ANSYS_LICENSING_DESKTOP_PORT_RANGE keyword to configure Ansys Common Licensing to communicate using a specific port or port range. This keyword can be added as an ansyslmd.ini file entry or as environment variable.
The following example causes ACL to use a port in the range of 5000 to 5100.