Chapter 5: Post-Installation Instructions

The following post-installation procedures apply to all Ansys, Inc. products. Individual products may have additional post-installation procedures; refer to the following sections for each product.

Note:  If the installation program reported any errors, review the installation error file (install.err) located in the Ansys Inc directory. Contact your Ansys Support representative if you have any questions.

After the product is installed, you need to establish some system settings, including path names and environment variables. See your shell documentation or man pages file for the shell being used for specific instructions on setting paths and environment variables.

  1. Add the following paths to all users' login startup files (that is, .cshrc, .profile, or .login files).

    (or appropriate path to the individual products' executables)
    (contains ANSLIC_ADMIN utility)
  2. Set the following environment variables based on the behavior you want. Set the environment variables following the conventions of your shell. For example, to set an environment variable in the C shell, type:

    setenv environment_variable value

    For example, to set the DISPLAY environment variable, you type the following, where dev is the workstation hostname or IP address on which to display graphics:

    setenv DISPLAY dev:0.0
    DISPLAY - set this to the IP address or hostname of the workstation to which the users will output their analysis results. Note that the X server must have permission to connect to the host machine.

    If you will be using connection functionality, you may have additional environment variables to set. See the section Configuring CAD Products later in this guide for more information.

  3. Set the license manager to start automatically at boot time. For platform-specific instructions, see License Manager Automatic Startup Instructions in the Ansys Licensing Guide.

  4. Designate server(s) for license checkout and establish necessary user privileges (recommended but not required). For information on these tasks, see ANSYS Licensing Settings Utility in the Ansys Licensing Guide.

  5. Make a backup copy of the /ansys_inc directory using a tape backup command such as tar.

  6. Verify the installation by logging out as root (if you installed as root) and logging back in as a regular user and then starting the product to verify that it starts and runs correctly.

Quality Assurance Services:

If you require verification of your Ansys software installation, Ansys, Inc. offers Quality Assurance services for some applications. If you are interested in this service, go to the Quality Assurance link under About Ansys on the Ansys web site or call the Ansys, Inc. Corporate Quality Group at (724) 746-3304.