5.3. Product Localization

Some Ansys, Inc. products are available in multiple languages, including English, German, and French. For those products that are localized, you are able to view the GUI and messages in the specified language. See your specific product documentation for instructions on choosing a localized version of the product.

Note:  To view Localization Support Requirements for the current release of Ansys products, see Ansys customer site> Knowledge Resources> Online Documentation> Documentation Information.

All products that are localized define the language via the languagesettings.txt file. In most cases, you will not have to manually edit this file. If you do need to edit it manually, you can use one of the following values:

en-us (English, default)
de (German)
fr (French)

Ansys, Inc. applications will look for the languagesettings.txt file in the following locations, in order:

  1. $Home/.ansys/v251

  2. <install_dir>/ansys_inc/v251/commonfiles/language

Ansys, Inc. licensing also looks for the languagesettings.txt in the licensing languages subdirectories in order to display the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility and the Ansys, Inc. Licensing Interconnect message and log files in a different language.

Some products are not fully localized but offer only the messages in a translated version. See the following section for instructions on translated message file installation.

5.3.1. Translated Message File Installation for Mechanical APDL

If your Ansys sales representative has supplied you with message files in your local language, use the following procedures to install and access these files. You must create new message files for each release because error messages may occur in a different order for each release.

  1. Create a language-named subdirectory (for example, fr for French) under the /docu directory:

    mkdir /ansys_inc/v251/ansys/docu/fr
  2. Copy the message files msgcat.251, msgidx.251, and msgfnm.251 into that subdirectory.

  3. Access these files from the Language Selection option of the launcher or via the -l command line option:

    ansys251 -l fr