After ensuring that the cluster meets the system prerequisites for distributed computing, and that Speos HPC installation is complete, proceed to the configuration of the Speos HPC cluster environment.
Note: The cluster must be configured by an Information Technician.
Once Speos HPC installation is complete, perform a communication test to verify that the MPI software is set up correctly.
Log on to the Head Node of the cluster.
Load the MPI Library in your environment.
Launch ./SPEOSHPC.x.
If SPEOSHPC returns a version, the configuration is correct.
If you get an error when loading the shared library, check if the redists_SPEOSHPC_Intel folder is located in SPEOSHPC.x folder and if the MPI Library is correctly loaded in your environment.
To run your simulation in a Linux environment using the SPEOS Core interface:
Download and install an emulator and a SFTP client to be able to communicate with the cluster machine.
Create script files to be stored in a shared folder on the cluster. These script files will be used as template for SPEOS Core users.
Launch SPEOS Core and configure the cluster parameters
. To configure the cluster parameters, see Accessing a Linux Cluster from Windows in the Speos HPC User’s Guide.
If you are a first time user willing to access the Speos HPC cluster, download and install PuTTY and WinSCP.
PuTTY allows you to connect to a Linux machine from a Windows machine, using a secured connection, and emulates a Linux console.
WinSCP is a SFTP client for Windows allowing you to transfer securely files from a local machine to a remote machine.
Configuring PuTTY
Ask your Information Technician for the login access of the cluster Head Node (Host Name or IP address, and username).
In the PuTTY Configuration window, in the Session category, specify the Head Node Host Name (or IP address) of the cluster.
If the connection type that the Information Technician configured is SSH, you may require Public and Private Keys to access the Head Node.
In the Connection category, in the Data sub-category, specify the Auto-login username.
In the Session category, in the Saved Sessions field, name the session and click Save.
Configuring WinSCP
Once you have configured PuTTY, configure WinSCP to transfer the files between the Head Node and your computer.
In the Login - WinSCP window, click Tools and select Import Sites.
Select the Import from PuTTY.
Select the site corresponding to the cluster.
The site corresponds to the session you configured on PuTTY.
Click OK.
Six simulation script template files must be configured to use the Speos HPC interface:
1 script to check the simulation: CheckMySimulation
1 script to run the simulation: RunMySimulation
The CheckMySimulation and RunMySimulation scripts contain variables among the provided list that are automatically replaced by the parameters defined in the Speos HPC interface.
1 script to submit the CheckMySimulation script to the scheduler: SubmitCheckMySimulation
1 script to submit the RunMySimulation script to the scheduler: SubmitRunMySimulation
1 script to control the running simulation or the simulation being checked: RunCommandMySimulation
1 script to cancel the simulation job: CancelMySimulation
The scripts contain variables among the provided list that are automatically replaced by the parameters defined in the Speos HPC interface.
1 script to retrieve the job id: Parsejobid (useful for SLURM)
These six scripts are unique for each cluster. They must be placed in a shared folder with reading, writing and execute access rights to all computers and users on the domain.
To understand how to create the scripts, here are script template examples:
Note: The examples provided are created to be read by a LSF scheduler. The scripts will depend on your scheduler.
The table presents the variables you can use to create the simulation script templates.
Table 3: List of Variables
Variable |
Description |
Can be used in |
Full path to Speos HPC executable. |
CheckMySimulation RunMySimulation RunCommandMySimulation |
$(SV5PATH) |
Full path to the exported simulation system. |
CheckMySimulation RunMySimulation RunCommandMySimulation |
Full path to the output file of scheduler. |
CheckMySimulation RunMySimulation |
Full path to the error file of scheduler. |
CheckMySimulation RunMySimulation |
Full path to the file named CHECKKO. |
CheckMySimulation |
Full path to the file named RUNKO. |
RunMySimulation |
$(LANG) |
String corresponding to code page converter. |
CheckMySimulation RunMySimulation |
Job name. |
RunMySimulation |
$(JOB_ID) |
Job identifier. |
CancelMySimulation |
File path that will contain the job ID at the submitting time. |
SubmitCheckMySimulation SubmitRunMySimulation |
$(NODES) |
Number of nodes used by simulation. |
RunMySimulation |
Maximum job time. |
RunMySimulation |
$(PARAM) |
String containing simulation parameters. |
RunMySimulation |
Control command options (-merge, -stop 1, ...). |
RunCommandMySimulation |
Full path to check script. |
SubmitCheckMySimulation |
Full path to run script. |
SubmitRunMySimulation |
User email address. |
SubmitCheckMySimulation SubmitRunMySimulation |
Table 4: MPI Command Line Switches
MPI Command Line Switch | Description |
-launcher | Defines the connection type to launch the mpiexec.hydra |
-hosts | Defines the list of the hosts that will run the jobs. |
-mpi | Defines which Message Passing Interface to use (example: IntelMPI, OpenMPI) |
-n (or -np) | Defines the total number of processes. Note: Speos HPC only uses one process. |
-ppn | Defines the number of process per nodes. Note: Speos HPC only uses one process per node. |
For more information, refer to the Intel MPI documentation, or in the linux terminal enter the following command
line: mpiexec -help
Table 5: Speos Command Line Switches
Speos Command Line Switch | Description |
-speos | Defines the input data to be computed by Speos HPC. |
-threads | Defines the number of threads per node on which to run the job. |
-gpu | Allows you to run the simulation using the GPU resources of the cluster. | script is the template of the submission script to the scheduler. It contains scheduler commands, a call MPI environment loading and Speos HPC launch command.
In the following template example:
We want SPEOSHPC to use 1 task per node, that’s why we use (for PBS and Slurm respectively) :
#PBS -l select=$(NODES):mpiprocs=1
#PBS -l place=scatter
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --exclusive
If you want to run a simulation using the GPU of the cluster, you can add the -gpu command line as shown in the script below.
The -threads option will limit the number of threads per nodes if you want to use the maximum number of threads on your machines you could use –threads 999
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N "$(JOBNAME)" #PBS -l walltime=00:$(WALLCLOCK):00 #PBS -q main #PBS -o "$(FILE_OUTPUT)" #PBS -e "$(FILE_ERROR)" #PBS -l select=$(NODES):mpiprocs=1 #PBS -1 place=scatter:excelhost # Load the user environment export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@LICENSE_SERVER export TMPDIR=/tmp export PBS_O_PATH=$PATH source /ansys_inc/vXXX/tp/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/env/ ############################### # SPEOSHPC command line options ############################### # Distribute my SPEOSHPC simulation on 2 computers for 10 seconds in this example. mpiexec.hydra -launcher ssh -hostfile "path/to/machinefile" -np $(NODES) -ppn 1 "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -speos "$(SV5PATH)" $(PARAM) $(LANG) -threads 200 -mpi IntelMPI -gpu # NOTE: if you want to run simulation using GPU of the cluster, add the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: the -threads command line is useless when using the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: machinefile must contain all the names of the machines that will run the simulation job qstat --version mpiexec -V | head -n 1 ldd --version | head -n 1 cat /etc/*release* | head -n 4 locale | head -n 1
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -o "$(FILE_OUTPUT)" #SBATCH -e "$(FILE_ERROR)" #SBATCH -J "$(JOBNAME)" #SBATCH -n $(NODES) # spread the tasks evenly among the nodes #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --exclusive #SBATCH -t 00:$(WALLCLOCK):00 # Load the INTEL redistribuables export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=LICENSE_SERVER export TMPDIR="/tmp" ############################### # SPEOSHPC command line options ############################### . /ansys_inc/vXXX/tp/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/env/ hostlist=$(scontrol show node ${SLURM_JOB_NODELIST} | awk '/NodeAddr=/ {print $1}' | cut -f2 -d= | paste -sd ',' -) mpiexec.hydra -launcher ssh -hosts ${hostlist} -ppn 1 "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -speos "$(SV5PATH)" $(PARAM) $(LANG) -threads 64 -mpi IntelMPI -gpu # NOTE: if you want to run simulation using GPU of the cluster, add the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: the -threads command line is useless when using the -gpu switch in the command line. sinfo –version mpiexec -V | head -n 1 ldd --version | head -n 1 cat /etc/*release* | grep "PRETTY" locale | head -n 1 script is the script submission command on the cluster.
# Submit job according to scheduler
# Submit job according to scheduler qsub "$(PATH_RUN_SCRIPT)" > $(JOB_ID_PATH) script is the checking version of the script. The only difference is that you must set script to run on only one node and activate the -check Speos HPC command which initializes and stops a simulation before running.
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N "$(JOBNAME)" #PBS -l walltime=00:$(WALLCLOCK):00 #PBS -q main #PBS -o "$(FILE_OUTPUT)" #PBS -e "$(FILE_ERROR)" #PBS -l select=1:mpiprocs=1 #PBS -1 place=scatter:excelhost # Load the user environment export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@LICENSE_SERVER export TMPDIR=/tmp export PBS_O_PATH=$PATH source /ansys_inc/vXXX/tp/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/env/ ############################### # SPEOSHPC command line options ############################### # Distribute my SPEOSHPC simulation on 2 computers for 10 seconds in this example. mpiexec.hydra -launcher ssh -hostfile "path/to/machinefile" -np 1 -ppn 1 "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -speos "$(SV5PATH)" $(PARAM) $(LANG) -threads 200 -mpi IntelMPI -gpu # NOTE: if you want to run simulation using GPU of the cluster, add the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: the -threads command line is useless when using the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: machinefile must contain all the names of the machines that will run the simulation job qstat --version mpiexec -V | head -n 1 ldd --version | head -n 1 cat /etc/*release* | head -n 4 locale | head -n 1
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -o "$(FILE_OUTPUT)" #SBATCH -e "$(FILE_ERROR)" #SBATCH -J "$(JOBNAME)" #SBATCH -n 1 # spread the tasks evenly among the nodes #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --exclusive #SBATCH -t 00:$(WALLCLOCK):00 # Load the INTEL redistribuables export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=LICENSE_SERVER export TMPDIR="/tmp" ############################### # SPEOSHPC command line options ############################### . /ansys_inc/vXXX/tp/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/env/ hostlist=$(scontrol show node ${SLURM_JOB_NODELIST} | awk '/NodeAddr=/ {print $1}' | cut -f2 -d= | paste -sd ',' -) "/ansys_inc/vXXX/tp/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/bin/mpiexec.hydra" -launcher ssh -machinefile hosts -ppn 1 "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -speos "$(SV5PATH)" $(PARAM) $(LANG) -threads 64 -mpi IntelMPI -gpu # NOTE: if you want to run simulation using GPU of the cluster, add the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: the -threads command line is useless when using the -gpu switch in the command line. sinfo --version mpiexec -V | head -n 1 ldd --version | head -n 1 cat /etc/*release* | grep "PRETTY" locale | head -n 1 script is the script submission command on the cluster.
# Submit job according to scheduler qsub "$(PATH_CHECK_SCRIPT)" > $(JOB_ID_PATH) script is used to run Speos HPC control commands.
You do not need to submit it to the scheduler.
You can execute it only on the login node, as it only send a command to Speos HPC which is running a simulation.
# Load the user environment # Run control command of SPEOSHPC #./SPEOSHPC.x -sv5 "../SV5/DirectSimulation/LG_50M_Colorimetric.sv5/LG_50M_Colorimetric.sv5" -stop 0 "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -sv5 "$(SV5PATH)" $(SPEOSHPC_CMD)
# Load the INTEL redistribuables . /ansys_inc/vXXX/tp/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/env/ export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=LICENSE_SERVER export TMPDIR="/tmp" #./SPEOSHPC.x -sv5 "../SV5/DirectSimulation/LG_50M_Colorimetric.sv5/LG_50M_Colorimetric.sv5" -stop 0 "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -sv5 "$(SV5PATH)" $(SPEOSHPC_CMD) script is used to cancel a pending or a starting job.
ParseJobID allows to retrieve only the job id and create a *.txt file with only the job id provided, to be then used in the other scripts.
ParseJobID is useful for SLURM scheduler.
# parse output of scheduler submitting command to get job id sed -i "s~Submitted batch job ~~" $(JOB_ID_PATH)
To run a simulation in a Linux environment using scripts and command lines, download and install an emulator and a SFTP client on workstations that will need to communicate with the cluster machine.
Ask your Information Technician for the login access of the cluster Head Node (Host Name or IP address, and username).
In the PuTTY Configuration window, in the Session category, specify the Head Node Host Name (or IP address) of the cluster.
If the connection type that the Information Technician configured is SSH, you may require Public and Private Keys to access the Head Node.
In the Connection category, in the Data sub-category, specify the Auto-login username.
In the Session category, in the Saved Sessions field, name the session and click Save.
Once you have configured PuTTY, configure WinSCP to transfer the files between the Head Node and your computer.
In the Login - WinSCP window, click Tools and select Import Sites.
Select the Import from PuTTY.
Select the site corresponding to the cluster.
The site corresponds to the session you configured on PuTTY.
Click OK.