ic_load_tetin filenames tri_tolerance [0] keep_model_params [1] blanks [0] quiet [0]
These functions manipulate the geometric data which is loaded in from the tetin file. Geometric entities are referenced by type and name. For every entity of a given type there is a unique name, and every entity is in a given family which is generally transferred to the mesh that is created from the geometry. The types are:
surface: surfaces, which may be either trimmed NURBS surfaces or faceted (from STL or other triangular formats). Surfaces correspond to regions of triangles or quads in the mesh, and nodes in the mesh that fall on a surface have a dimension of 2.
curve: either NURBS curves or piecewise linear paths. Curves correspond to bar elements and nodes with dimension 1.
point: prescribed points. These correspond to NODE elements in the mesh and nodes with dimension 0.
material: material points. These define connected regions, where all volume elements are assigned the family of the material point.
loop: a list of curves which defines a closed loop, which is used by the Quad surface mesher.
density: a density polygon is a set of points that define a convex hull, in which the size of the tetra elements must be no greater than a specified value.
Load the specified tetin files. The full path names must be given. If the tri_tolerance is specified, that becomes the new triangulation tolerance for the file, overriding what is specified.
The tetin file will be merged with any existing geometry already loaded. See also ic_unload_tetin.
On Windows use the "/" character as the path delimiter instead of the backslash "\" character. For example:
ic_load_tetin c:/speed_racer/mach5.tin
Creates an empty geometry database.
ic_save_tetin file only_visible [0] v4 [0] only_fams [""] only_ents [""] v10 [0] quiet [0] clear_undo [1]
Saves the current geometry data to the given file name. The full path name must be specified. If only_visible is 1 then only the visible data will be saved. If v4 is 1 then the tetin file will be saved in Ansys ICEM CFD 4.x compatibility mode.
Note: On Windows use the "/" character as the path delimiter instead of the backslash "\" character. For example:
Unloads the current geometry data.
ic_geo_import_mesh domains [""] do_seg [1] no_orfn [1] do_merge [1]
Imports a mesh file and creates a tetin database. Surface elements are turned into
surfaces (by family), bar elements to curves, node elements to prescribed points, and
one volume element per family to material points. If domains is "" then it will be
imported from the loaded unstructured mesh. If do_seg
is 1, then the curves and surfaces will be segmented by connectivity, else they will be
kept as one object per family. If no_orfn is 1, then
any elements that were in the ORFN (0)
will be moved to a new family called MOVED_ORFN
update_surface_display obj
Utility to update display of surface and related edges, vertices.
ic_geo_export_to_mesh merge fams [""] quiet [0]
Copies the current geometry into the mesh database. This is the opposite of ic_geo_import_mesh. Surfaces will be turned into families of triangles, etc. If merge is 1, then all surfaces, etc will keep their families, and if 0, then the geometric objects will each be mapped to a separate family in the mesh.
ic_ddn_app type partname partdir extra_cmds batch [1]
Runs either DDN or a DDN GPL application.
type may be ddn, mif, input, or frontal.
partname and partdir:
The partname and partdir arguments map to the DDN pn and db command line arguments.
extra_cmds is a list of lines that will go into the input file after the commands to start up the GPL application.
If batch is 1 (the default) then DDN will be run without graphics.
Note: This command is currently broken in MED 4.2 08/16/01
ic_list_ddn_parts dir update
Updates the DDDN directory file.
dir | name of parts directory |
update | 1 = update the directory |
return | List of DDN parts |
Prints a summary of the geometry in the message window.
ic_geo_lookup_family_pid fam
Returns the internal numeric id (pid) of the family. This is not a safe function to use in general because the pid is not guaranteed to stay the same between one invocation of the program and the next, and no scripting commands use it as an argument.
Reports if any geometry is loaded.
Reports if the current geometry has been modified since the last save.
ic_geo_valid_name name no_colon
Changes a name into a valid family/entity name.
ic_geo_set_modified on
Sets the modified flag for the current geometry. This should not be used for most operations since they set this flag themselves.
ic_geo_check_family name
Checks whether a family exists.
ic_geo_check_part name
Checks whether a part exists.
ic_geo_new_family name do_update [1]
Creates a new family if it is not already there. Returns 1 if a new family was created, or 0 if it already existed.
Note: The newly created family will not appear in the interactive family list unless you issue the update_family_display command interactively.
ic_geo_new_name type prefix
Creates a new, unused name for an entity in a family.
ic_geo_get_unused_part prefix no_first_num [0]
Creates a new unused part or family name.
ic_geo_delete_family names
Deletes a family, or a list of families.
ic_geo_params_blank_done type reset [0]
Blanks those entities that have some meshing parameters already defined. If reset == 1, then the entities blanked entities are unblanked.
ic_geo_match_name type pat
Returns the names of the objects that match a given pattern.
ic_geo_update_visibility type vis_fams visible
Changes the visibility so that only objects with the given families and type are
visible or not, depending on the visible option. If
vis_fams is *skip*
then they are retained and the type is checked. If a family is not listed in the family list then it is
ic_geo_get_visibility type name
Returns whether an object is visible or not.
ic_geo_set_visible_override type name val
Sets or unsets the visible_override flag. If this flag is set for an object then it is always visible no matter what types and families are enabled. This is needed for geometry subsets.
ic_geo_temporary_visible type objects vis force [0]
Temporarily blanks or unblanks an object. This will not go away when you change anything larger scale. If objects is set to all then all will be blanked or unblanked.
ic_geo_get_temporary_invisible type [entity]
Gets the temporarily blanked entities. Returns a list of “type name”, or an empty list if no entity was blanked. Type can be entity (for all types), point, curve, or surface.
Example usage: ic_geo_get_temporary_invisible [type]
ic_geo_set_visible_override_families_and_types fams types
This is a helper function that sets the visible_override flag for all objects in some families and types, and clears it for all others. Note that after calling this function all the visible flags on the non-override families will be off.
ic_redraw_geometry type name
This redraws the geometry in case something changes.
ic_geo_incident type names even_if_dormant [0]
Returns what objects of higher dimensionality are incident to this one. Surfaces are incident to curves and curves are incident to points.
ic_geo_surface_get_objects surface type [embedded_points]
Returns a list of objects associated to a surface.
ic_geo_loop_get_objects loop type [surface]
Returns a list of objects associated to a loop.
ic_geo_surface_edges_incident_to_curve surfname curvename
Returns the edges in a triangulated surface which are incident to a given curve.
ic_geo_surface_normals_orient refsurfname [""] outward [1]
Reorients the normals of surfaces in a model with respect to the given reference surface refsurfname in direction given outward [0|1]. If there is no material point, outward means reverse reference surface before reorienting with respect to it.
ic_geo_get_side_surfaces tol how list [""]
Returns a list of surfaces whose normal of magnitude tol does not intersect another surface.
ic_geo_boundary type names [""] outer [0] even_if_dormant [0] embedded [0]
Returns the objects of lower dimensionality which are the boundary of the one
specified. Points are the boundary of curves and curves are the boundary of surfaces and
loops. The list returned has a sublist for each element in names such that {{c00 c01} {c10 c11}
, unless names is one element, in which case the returned list goes
as: "c00 c01
".. names may be one name, or a list of names. outer may be 0 or 1, indicating what kind of boundaries. even_if_dormant may be 0 or 1, indicating which additional
boundaries. embedded may be 0 or 1, indicating which
additional boundaries.
ic_geo_object_visible type names visible
Changes the visibility of a specific object or objects. The visible argument is 0 or 1.
ic_geo_configure_objects type simp shade st sp sh sq names wide dnodes count nnum tnum norms thickness lshow lfull lst lsq comp [0] grey_scale [0] transparent [0] count_quad [0] dormant [0] protect [0] hardsize [0]
Configures the attributes of all the visible objects of a given type. The arguments are:
simp : the level of simplification. 0 shows the full detail of the object, and higher values simplify them more: 5 is very simple. In the case of faceted geometry, this value is 1/20 of the angle that is used to extract internal curves
shade : how to draw the objects: one of wire, solid, solid/wire, or hidden.
st : if 1 show sizes appropriate for Tetra.
sp : if 1 show sizes appropriate for Prism.
sh : if 1 show sizes appropriate for Hexa.
sq : if 1 show sizes appropriate for Quad.
names : if 1 show the names of the objects.
wide : draw wide lines. This value plus 1 is the line thickness.
dnodes : if 1 display the nodes of the object.
count : if 1 show curves in different colors:
green: no surfaces are adjacent to this curve
yellow: just one surface is adjacent to this curve
red: two surfaces are adjacent to this curve
blue: more than two surfaces are adjacent to this curve
nnum : draw node numbers (internal to the surface or curve, useful for debugging)
tnum : draw triangle or segment numbers (internal to the surface or curve, useful for debugging)
norms : draw normals of non-mesh surfaces
comp : show composite curves
grey_scale : show all grey scaled
transparent : show all transparent
count_quad : show curve element count
dormant : show dormant elements (points/curves)
protect : show protected elements (points/curves)
hardsize : show hard sized curves
ic_geo_configure_one_attribute type what val
Configure one attribute of a whole type.
ic_geo_configure_one_object type name what val [-]
Configure the attributes of one object.
ic_geo_list_families only_material [0] non_empty [0]
Lists the current families used by geometry objects. If only_material is 1 then limit the listing to families used by materials. If non_empty is 1 then list only families which are non empty.
ic_geo_list_parts prefix [""] non_empty [0]
Lists the current parts.
ic_geo_check_part name
Checks if a part exists.
ic_geo_list_families_in_part part
Lists the current families in a part.
ic_geo_list_families_with_group gname
Lists the families in a group.
ic_geo_list_parts_with_group gname
Lists the parts that have some family in a group.
ic_geo_family_is_empty fam
Returns whether or not the family is empty of entities.
ic_geo_family_is_empty_except_dormant fam
Returns whether or not the family contains only dormant entities.
Lists all the non-empty families.
Note: This does not check whether there are directives.
Lists all the families containing only dormant entities.
Note: This does not check whether there are directives.
ic_geo_num_objects type
Returns the number of objects of the given type.
ic_geo_list_visible_objects type even_if_dormant [1]
Returns the number of visible objects of the given type.
ic_geo_num_visible_objects type any [0]
Returns the number of visible objects of the given type. If any is 1, specify whether that number is more than 0.
ic_geo_num_segments type name
Returns the number of triangles or bars, and nodes in this object.
ic_geo_set_family type newfam how objs rename [1]
Changes the geometry with the given type and name to family newfam. The first argument tells the type of geometry objects: surface, curve, material, point, density, or loop. The second argument is the new family name to be set. The third argument tells how to select the objects and the fourth is the list of object specifiers. how can be one of the following:
names: a list of the names of the objects
numbers: a list of the internal numbers (not for general consumption)
patterns: a list of glob-patterns that match the names of the objects
families: a list of the families to select
all: all objects of that type (the objects list is ignored)
visible: all visible objects of that type (the objects list is ignored)
rename: if 1, change the name of the object to match the new family, if appropriate. Note that if this function is called as part of a larger script, the renaming might break things if other parts of the code think they know the names of the objects they are dealing with and those names change beneath them.
ic_geo_set_part type names newpart rename_part [1]
Moves geometry from one part to a new one. This has to create the new part name and copy the boundary conditions if necessary so that the other groups in the family are not disturbed.
ic_geo_set_name type name newname make_new [0] warn [1]
Change the geometry with the given type and name to name newname. If make_new is 1 then an unused name that starts with newname is used and this value is returned from the function. If possible newname is used without modification. If make_new is 0 then any objects of that same type and name that already exist will be deleted first.
ic_geo_rename_family fam newfam rename_ents [1]
Rename the family. All objects in fam will now be in nfam. If rename_ents is set, family entities will be renamed.
ic_geo_replace_entity type e1name e2name
For two geometry entities of type, the first, of name e1name, will be replaced by the second, of name e2name, as well as being put into the family of the first entity and having the meshing parameters copied from the first to the second. The name of the first entity is appended with _OLD and put into the family ORFN.
Returns the reference mesh size. This is used to scale all meshing parameter values for display to the user.
ic_set_meshing_params type num args
Set or get the meshing parameters associated with the model or the geometry. The type and num arguments define what the parameters are being defined for. The remaining arguments are name/value pairs, so that the function call might look like
ic_set_meshing_params surface 2 emax 10 erat 13
The num argument can also be a name. Any or all of the meshing parameters can be specified, and the ones not given are not modified. Note that all the sizes are in absolute units, not factors of the reference size. This is different from what you see in the GUI. The type can be one of the following:
global: set or get the global parameters like natural size, etc. The num argument is ignored. The parameters that are accepted are:
gref: the reference size for the model
gmax: the maximum size of any element in the mesh
gnat: the natural size value
gnatref: the natural size refinement factor
gedgec: the edge criterion
gcgap: the number of cells allowed in a gap
gttol: the triangularization tolerance
gfast: if the value is 1 then set fast transition
igwall: if the value is 1 then ignore wall thickness
grat: the growth ratio value
curve: set or get the parameters on curve num The parameters that are accepted are:
emax: the maximum element size
ehgt: the maximum height
erat: the size expansion ratio
ewid: the number of layers of tetrahedra of the same size that should surround a surface
nlay: the number of quad offset layers
emin: the minimum size
edev: the deviation value
surface: set or get the parameters on surface num The parameters that are accepted are:
emax: the maximum element size
ehgt: the maximum height
erat: the size expansion ratio
hrat: the height expansion ratio
ewid: the number of layers of tetrahedra of the same size that should surround a surface
nlay: the number of prism layers
emin: the minimum size
edev: the deviation value
point: set or get the parameters on prescribed point num The parameters that are accepted are:
ehgt: the maximum height
erat: the size expansion ratio
hrat: the height expansion ratio
density: set or get the parameters on density volume num The parameters that are accepted are:
emax: the maximum element size
loop: set or get the parameters on loop num The parameters that are accepted are:
etyp: the element type
curve_fam, surface_fam, point_fam: set or get the parameters on all objects of the family num (in this case num is not a number but a family name). The accepted parameters are the same as the ones listed for individual objects.
The return value of this function is a list of names and values in the same format as the arguments, which are the values after the modification. Therefore to get the current values you can use ic_set_meshing_paramstypenum with no other arguments.
Note: If you give a family instead of a number then you will get the parameters only for one of the objects in that family.
Returns mesh growth ratio.
ic_get_meshing_params type num
Returns the meshing parameters. This has the advantage over ic_set_meshing_params that it is not recorded in the replay file.
ic_geo_scale_meshing_params types factor
Scales the meshing parameters on geometric entities of types by a factor. If types is all then rescales entities of types "surface curve point material density loop".
ic_geo_set_curve_bunching curves args
Sets curve bunching.
ic_geo_get_curve_bunching name
Gets curve bunching.
ic_geo_create_surface_segment name how args
Creates new surfaces by segmenting an existing one. The name argument is the name of the existing surface. The how argument describes how to do the segmentation:
angle: split the surface where the angle exceeds the given value (see below)
curve: split the surface at the named curves (see below)
plane: split the surface at the given plane (see below)
connect: split the surface by connectivity
The remaining optional arguments are:
angle: the angle to use for splitting
mintri: the smallest number of triangles to allow in a surface
curves: a list of curve names to use for splitting
plane_p: the point to define the plane (in the current LCS)
plane_n: the normal to define the plane
keep_old: if 1 then keep the old surface after segmentation. The default is 0
The return value is a list of numbers which are the newly created surfaces.
ic_geo_create_curve_segment name how args
Creates new curves by segmenting an existing one. The name argument is the name of the existing curve. The how argument describes how to do the segmentation:
angle: split the curve where the angle exceeds the given value (see below)
plane: split the curve at the given plane (see below)
connect: split the curve by connectivity
The remaining optional arguments are:
angle: the angle to use for splitting
minedge: the smallest number of edges to allow in a curve
point: point for splitting
plane_p: the point to define the plane
plane_n: the normal to define the plane
keep_old: if 1 then keep the old curve after segmentation. The default is 0
The return value is a list of numbers which are the newly created curves.
ic_geo_split_curve curve points
curve | name of the curve |
points | list of points |
return | names of curve segments |
Note: This splits the curve in the specified order of the points
ic_geo_split_curve_at_point curve point tol [0]
Splits a curve at a point.
curve | name of the curve |
point | may be a prescribed point name or {xyz} coordinates |
tol | (optional) on curve tolerance |
return | names of curve segments (usually 2) |
If the trim operation does not segment the curve (e.g. trim at curve endpoint), the result string will be empty.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_create_loop name fam how curves all_separate surfs fams [""] pts [""] crs [""]
Creates a loop with the given name and family using the specified curves. If how is names then curves is a list of the names of the curves to use, and if it is families then it is a list of family names. If all_separate is 1 then all the curves are considered individually and if it is 0 then they are all taken together to create the loop. Surfaces are associated to the loop if a list surfs of names of surfaces is given. Optionally the loops can be set to the families in the list fams in order, in the case of all_separate is 1. Points can be added to a loop if a list points of names of points is given.
ic_geo_modify_loop name curves surfs [""] pts [""] crs [""]
Modify 1 loop with the given name using the specified curves, points and surfaces. A list of names of curves must be given. Surfaces are associated to the loop if a list surfs of names of surfaces is given. Points/corners can be added to a loop if a list points of names of points/corners is given.
ic_geo_pick_location args
Selects a geometric entity on the screen. Arguments are:
line{{x y z} {x y z}}: the line in model space
typetype: one of: entity, surface, curve, point, material, loop, or density
The return value is a list that contains the type, name, and location on the object.
ic_geo_get_object_type type names
Determines whether an object is type param (a trimmed NURBS curve or surface) or mesh (a faceted surface or piecewise linear curve). If both types are present in the list of names mixed is returned.
ic_geo_trim_surface surf curves build_topo [1]
Trims the surface by the curves. This creates a new surface with the name of the old surface followed by .cut.$n.
ic_geo_intersect_surfaces fam surfs bsp_flag [""] multi_flag [""]
Intersects the surfaces and creates new intersection curves in the given family.
family | family containing surface |
surfs | list of surfaces |
bsp_flag | == "use_bsp" - create curves as b-spline |
multi_flag | == "multi_crv" - create multiple curves |
return | names of created curves |
When multi_flag is set to "multi_crv", the function will produce 1 curve for each connected component of the intersection. When multi_flag is set to "", the function will produce 1 unstructured curve.
Setting the bsp_flag to "use_bsp" implies setting the multi_flag
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_intersect_surfs_by_groups groups fam [""] bsp_flag [""] multi_flag [""]
Intersects surface groups.
groups can be a list of two forms:
{srf1 srf2 srf3 ...}
{{srf1 srf2 srf3 ...} {srf4 srf5 srf6 ...} {srf7 srf8 srf9 ...} ...}
In the first form, every surface is intersected with each other, but curves created from each surface pair intersection will be separate. In the second form, each set is intersected with every other set. Surfaces within each set will not be intersected with each other. Separate curves are still generated from each surface pair intersection.
ic_geo_create_unstruct_curve_from_points name fam pts
Creates a piecewise linear curve from the points. This curve is given the specified name and family. pts is a list of triples of floating point numbers or list of prescribed point names and they are connected in order. The points are in the current local coordinate system.
ic_geo_create_unstruct_surface_from_points name fam pts
Creates a surface from 4 points, with the given name and family. pts is a list of 4 triples of floating point numbers or list prescribed point names and 2 triangles are created to make a rectangular surface. The points are in the current local coordinate system.
ic_geo_create_empty_unstruct_surface name fam
Creates an empty surface, with the given name and family.
ic_geo_create_empty_unstruct_curve name fam
Creates an empty curve, with the given name and family.
ic_geo_create_curve_ends names
Creates points at the ends of the named curve.
names | names of curve |
return | names of created points |
Note: This function creates new points at curve endpoints as needed. See also ic_geo_mod_crv_set_end.
ic_geo_mod_crv_set_end crv pnt crvend tol [-1]
Sets the curve end.
crv | name of curve |
pnt | name of prescribed point |
crvend | curve end indicator |
tol | merge tolerance |
return | name of curve vertex |
The curve end parameter, crv1end, takes the values:
start point 0
end point 1If the curve end is already associated, the function will take no action. The name of the curve end will be returned in any case.
If the merge tolerance is set negative, the tolerance will default to the triangulation tolerance.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_crv_get_end crv crvend
Returns the curve end.
crv | name of curve |
crvend | curve end indicator |
return | name of curve vertex |
The curve end parameter, crv1end, takes the values:
start point 0
end point 1If the curve end is not already associated, the function will return an error which must be caught.
ic_geo_create_points_curveinter curves tol fam name [""]
Creates points at the intersection of curves. curves is a list of curves to intersect.
ic_geo_create_point_location fam pt in_lcs [1]
This function has been replaced by ic_geo_cre_pnt
ic_geo_create_material_location fam pt
This function has been replaced by ic_geo_cre_mat
ic_geo_create_density name size pts width [0.0] ratio [0.0] strfac [1.0] strvec [""]
Creates a density polygon from a set of points. It is given the specified name and tetra size. Stretch factor with direction may be specified optionally.
name | name of polygon |
size | tetra size (must be > 0) |
pts | list of points (must have 4 or more) |
width | size of constant spacing layer |
ratio | expansion rate |
strfac | stretch factor |
strvec | stretch direction |
Note: Points may be passed either as 3-tuples or as names of prescribed points.
ic_geo_extract_points names angle
Extracts points from curves based on the angle between adjacent segments in degrees.
ic_geo_extract_curves names bound angle minedge
Extracts curves from mesh surfaces. If bound is 1 then only the boundary of the surface is extracted. If it is 0 then the angle is used to determine feature lines. The minedge argument determines what the smallest curve that will be extracted is.
ic_geo_create_surface_edges names
Creates curves based on the edges of a surface.
ic_geo_get_srf_edges srf
Returns any curves associated as edges to a surface.
ic_geo_stats type name
Returns some statistics about the object. This is a readable string that says what the type is, how many triangles, nodes, etc.
ic_geo_get_point_location name
Given the name of a point, returns its location.
ic_geo_get_material_location name
Given the name of a material point, returns its location.
ic_set_point_location args
Sets the location of a point or points. The names and locations must come in pairs.
ic_set_material_location args
Sets the location of one or more material points. The names and locations must come in pairs.
ic_delete_material names
Deletes a material.
ic_geo_check_objects_exist type args
This function checks to make sure the objects exist - it returns the list of names that were found. If no objects with the given type and names were found it returns an empty list.
ic_geo_get_objects types fams [""] even_if_dormant [0]
This function returns all the objects of the given type and family. If the family does not exist it returns an empty list, and if it is "" then it returns all objects of all families.
ic_geo_count_in_family types fams
Returns the number of objects of the given type in the given family.
ic_geo_objects_in_family types fams
Returns a list of objects in the given family name.
ic_geo_objects_in_parts types parts
Returns a list of objects (type/name pairs) in the given parts.
ic_geo_get_internal_object type name
Returns the internal object associated with a name. This is a bit of a back door.
ic_geo_get_name_of_internal_object obj
Returns the name of an internal object. This is a bit of a back door.
ic_geo_get_text_point type name
Returns the text point list for an object, specified by type and name. The list is: "{xloc yloc zloc} {xdir ydir zdir}"
ic_geo_get_centroid type name
Returns the centroid for an object, specified by type and name. The return is: "{xloc yloc zloc}". This function only works for curves at this time.
ic_geo_num_segments type name
Returns the number of segments or triangles in the object. This returns 2 numbers - the number of segments and the number of nodes.
ic_geo_num_nodes type name
Returns number of nodes in the object.
ic_geo_get_node type name num
Returns a node in a mesh curve, surface or density polygon.
ic_geo_drag_nodes type name ptnums startpts startmouse spos svec how
Allows you to interactively drag nodes in surfaces and curves.
ic_geo_drag_point name startpt startmouse spos svec
Allows you to interactively drag prescribed points.
ic_geo_drag_material name startpt startmouse spos svec
Allows you to interactively drag material points.
ic_geo_drag_body name startpt startmouse spos svec
Allows you to interactively drag body points.
ic_geo_project_point type names pt dir [0 0 0] tan_ext [0]
Project a point to a set of objects. dir is the vector along which to project, or 0 0 0 if the nearest point is desired. dir is used only in the case of surfaces.
type | point, curve, surface |
names | list of entity names |
pt | point -- either entity name or 3-tuple |
dir | projection vector, {0, 0, 0} for nearest point |
tan_ext | project to tangential extension (curves only) |
ic_geo_project_and_move_point type names pt dir [0 0 0] tan_ext [0] fam [""]
Project and move a point to a set of objects. dir is the vector along which to project, or 0 0 0 if the nearest point is desired. dir is used only in the case of surfaces.
type | point, curve, surface |
names | list of entity names |
pt | point -- either entity name or 3-tuple |
dir | projection vector, {0, 0, 0} for nearest point |
tan_ext | project to tangential extension (curves only) |
fam | part name (if blank, use the part name of the point) |
ic_geo_project_coords type names ptloc dir [0 0 0] tan_ext [0]
Project coordinates to a set of objects. dir is the vector along which to project, or 0 0 0 if the nearest point is desired. dir is used only in the case of surfaces.
ic_geo_nearest_object type pt dir [0 0 0] tol [0]
Projects a point to a set of objects, and return the name of the best one and the location. dir is the vector along which to project, or 0 0 0 if the nearest point is desired. pt may either be an XYZ location or the name of a prescribed point. The tol argument is used for intersecting a line with curves.
Note: Curve projection is not yet implemented.
ic_geo_project_curve_to_surface crvs surfs name fam [""] new_name [0] bld_topo [0]
Projects one or more curves to one or more surfaces.
crvs | list of curve names |
surfs | list of surface names |
name | base name of created curve |
fam | family of created curves |
new_name | do not reuse existing names |
bld_topo | trim surfaces by projected curves |
return | name(s) of created curve(s) |
ic_geo_create_surface_curves crv1 crv2 name
Creates a faceted surface from crv1 and crv2. If the curves are not connected, the new surface will connect straight across the gaps.
name is the name of the new surface.
ic_geo_create_surface_curtain crvs surfs name fam bld_topo [0] quiet [0]
Creates a curtain surface between one or more curves and a surface.
crvs | list of defining curves |
surfs | surface(s) to project to |
name | base name of created surfaces |
fam | family of created surfaces |
bld_topo | run the topology builder |
quiet | suppress diagnostic messages |
ic_geo_set_node type name num pt
Moves a node on an object.
ic_geo_get_family type name
Returns the family for an object.
ic_geo_get_part type name
Returns the part for an object (just the family with stuff after the first : removed)
ic_build_topo args
Builds the topology information from the geometry data. Arguments are:
tolerance: the gap tolerance
-angleangle: the angle for extraction
-filter_points: extract the cad points
-filter_curves: extract the cad curves
-delete_degenerate: delete degenerate surfaces
-save_old: do not delete existing entities.
-quiet: suppress diagnostic messages
-no_reg_surf: do not trim/regularize surfaces
-no_concat: do join edge curves
-create_interior: create interior curves on mesh surfaces
family_name: name(s) of family(ies) to operate on.
Get a good tolerance for the current geometry.
ic_delete_geometry type how objects [""] report_err [1] even_if_dormant [0]
Deletes geometry objects. The first argument tells what kind of objects to delete: surface, curve, material, point, density, or loop. The second argument tells how to select the objects and the third is the list of object specifiers. how can be one of the following:
names: a list of the names of the objects
numbers: a list of the numbers of the objects
patterns: a list of glob-patterns that match the names of the objects
families: a list of the families to select
all: all objects of that type (the objects list is ignored)
visible: all visible objects of that type (the objects list is ignored and can be left out)
blanked: all blanked objects of that type (the objects list is ignored and can be left out)
objects: the internal handles for the objects
report_err: optional argument - if 0 then do not report errors if objects do not exist
ic_geo_pnt_mrg_inc_crv how objects
Deletes a point and joins incident curves.
how - defines how points are selected. See ic_delete_geometry.
objects - the internal handles for the objects
ic_facetize_geometry type name args
Makes a new geometric entity that is the faceted or piecewise linear equivalent of the old one. Optional arguments are:
noisyon : if 1 print status information
replaceon : if 1 replace the old object, otherwise make a new one.
ic_move_geometry type args
Moves an existing geometry entity. The type argument gives the type: point, curve, surface, material, density, loop, or all. The other arguments are:
names: a list of the names of the objects
type_names: a list of pairs with the types and names of the objects
numbers: a list of the numbers of the objects
patterns: a list of glob-patterns that match the names of the objects (* = all objects)
families: a list of the families to select
objects: the internal handles for the objects
cent: a list of X Y Z giving the center for rotation, scaling, and mirroring, which could be "centroid"
translate: the X Y Z values for translating the entity
rotate: the number of degrees to rotate the object about the axis given by rotate_axis
rotate_axis: the vector giving the axis to rotate about
scale: a scale value, or 3 values giving the factor to scale in X Y and Z
mirror: the axis about which to mirror
The translation vector, center of rotation, and rotate axis should be specified in the current local Cartesian coordinate system.
ic_geo_duplicate type name newname [""] facetize [0]
Duplicates an existing geometrical entity. If the newname is given then that is used, otherwise a name is generated automatically. If facetize is specified then bspline surfaces are turned into facets.
ic_geo_fixup mesh [0]
Fix problems in surfaces and curves like duplicate triangles, unused nodes, etc.
ic_geo_min_edge_length args
Returns the minimum edge length on a list of surfaces or curves. Arguments are:
surfaceval: list of surface names
curveval: list of curve names
Example usage: set surfaces "surf1 surf2 surf3" set curves "curv1" ic_geo_min_edge_length surface $surfaces curve $curves
ic_geo_coarsen args
Simplify surfaces or curves by coarsening them. The arguments are:
tolval: the tolerance to use for coarsening, which determines how far from the original surface the new nodes can move (default 0)
surfacesnamelist: the surfaces to coarsen.
curvesnamelist: the curves that define prescribed nodes that should not be coarsened (default none)
pointsnamelist: the points that should not be coarsened away (default none)
auto_curveson : UNIMPLEMENTED - automatically determine what curves to preserve
auto_pointson : UNIMPLEMENTED - automatically determine what points to preserve
n_iternum: how many iterations of coarsening to try (default 16)
noisyon : print status information
ic_geo_gap_repair args
Perform geometry repair. Arguments are:
tolerval: the geometry tolerance
toler_maxval: the maximum gap tolerance
partialval: allow partial repairing if set, default is 0
yellowval: yellow curves only if set, default is 1
doval: Close gaps if value is 1, match surfaces if 2, close one hole if 3, and close multiple holes if 4.
build_topoval : build topology if set, default is 1 (for do = 1 only)
new_familyname : the family name for new geometry
new_namename: the entity name for new geometry
quietval : Quiet operation if set. Default is 0. For do = 1 it selects re-intersection, if 1, fill, if 2, blend, if 3, and Y-closure if 4.
dbval: Do some checking and printing if > 0, print less messages if < 0. Default is 0.
curvesnames : the names of the curves to do
Return value is 0 if there was an error and 1 if it was OK.
ic_geo_midsurface args
Creates midsurfaces. Arguments are:
max_distval: the maximum distance between surface pairs
familyval: the family name for midsurfaces
surfacesnames: the names of the surfaces to compress
surfaces2names: the names of the second set of surfaces to compress
save_oldval : save compressed surfaces if set
partialval: create partial midsurface if set
similarval: do similar pairs only if set
alternateval: do alternate order of surfaces if set
prefer_connectedval: prefer connected surface pairs if set
precisionval: precision value for midsurface if set
offsetval: just offset side 1 half distance to side 2
toleranceval : the midsurface tolerance if set
askval : quiet operation, if not set, ask yes/no if 1, present the candidates and ask yes/no if 2, just count and return number of candidates if 3
Return value is 0 if there was an error and 1 if it was OK.
ic_geo_lookup types how spec [""]
Looks up geometry objects based on certain criteria. type may be one of the geometry type names or all. This always returns a list of type/name pairs. Useful values for how and args are:
namesnames: return objects with the given names
familiesnames: return objects with the given families
all: return all objects of the specified types
patternspats: looks up objects based on glob-style name matching (for example, FAM*)
visible: all visible objects
blanked: all non-visible objects
ic_geo_get_entity_types entnames
For the given list of entities, return a *flat* list of "type entname" pairs, i.e. {type_1 ent_1 type_2 ent_2 ... type_n ent_n}
Specifies how much memory is used for the geometry data.
ic_geo_project_mode which
Sets the projection mode.
Specifies the current coordinate system.
ic_csystem_set_current what
Sets the current coordinate system.
Lists the existing coordinate systems.
ic_csystem_get name
Returns information on the named coordinate system. This returns a list of 4 items: the type of the coordinate system, the origin, and the 3 vectors that define coordinate system. The type can be one of:
ic_csystem_delete name
Deletes the named coordinate system.
ic_csystem_create name type center axis0 axis1 axis2
Creates a new coordinate system with the given parameters.
name: the name of the system to create.
type: the type which can be one of cartesian, cylindrical, spherical, or toroidal (as yet unsupported).
center: the center point in 3-D coordinates.
axis0: the first axis vector.
axis1: the second axis vector.
axis2: the third axis vector.
ic_coords_into_global pt system [""]
Translates coordinates from the current or given system into the global system.
ic_coords_dir_into_global pt system [""]
Translates a vector from the current or given system into the global system.
ic_coords_into_local pt system [""]
Translates coordinates from the global system into the current or given local system.
ic_csystem_display name on
Displays the specified coordinate system. If name is all and on is 0 then erase all coordinate systems.
ic_geo_untrim_surface surf
Untrims a surface.
Returns the thincut data.
ic_geo_set_thincuts data
Sets the thincut data.
Returns the periodic data.
ic_geo_set_periodic_data data
Sets the periodic data.
ic_geo_get_family_param fam name
Returns the family parameters.
ic_geo_set_family_params fam args
Sets the family parameters. If there is no such family, nothing will be done.
ic_geo_reset_family_params fams params
Reset family parameters on families fams for parameters params.
ic_geo_delete_unattached fams [""] quiet [0] only_if_dormant [0]
Deletes unattached geometry.
ic_geo_remove_feature curves
Removes features.
ic_geo_merge_curves curves
Merges curves.
ic_geo_modify_curve_reappr curves tol ask [1] quiet [0]
Reapproximates curves.
curves | list of curve names |
tol | re-approximation tolerance |
ask | prompt to accept result |
quiet | suppresses messages |
return | list of new curve names |
Note: In interactive mode, if the ask parameter is 1 (default), the application prompts you to confirm whether the result is okay for each curve. Parameter is ignored in batch mode.
ic_geo_modify_surface_reappr surfaces tol ask [1] each [0] curves [""]
Reapproximates surfaces.
surfaces | list of surface names |
tol | re-approximation tolerance |
ask | prompt to accept result if set |
each | re-approximate each surface separately if set |
curves | list of curve names |
return | list of new surface names |
Note: In interactive mode, if the ask parameter is 1 (default), the application prompts you to confirm whether the result is okay for each surface. Parameter is ignored in batch mode.
Resets the Tcl data structures after making big changes to the proj database.
ic_geo_params_update_show_size type size
Modifies the display of the size icons for ref, natural, and max size. Can also be used for per-object parameters like tetra_size.
ic_geo_stlrepair_holes type segs add_nodes int_surf complete_edges [1] dcurves [""] toler [""] part [""]
Repairs holes using the stlrepair functionality. type indicates the entity type by which segments are specified, e.g. surface.
ic_geo_stlrepair_edges type segs merge_tol merge_ends [-1]
Repairs edges using the stlrepair functionality. type indicates the entity type by which segments are specified, e.g. surface.
ic_show_geo_selected type names on color [""] force_visible [0]
Displays some geometry selected or not.
Resets all selection display.
Returns all current geometry selections.
ic_set_geo_selected selected on
Sets all previous geometry selections.
Returns the previously used selection option.
ic_geo_add_segment type name item pts
Adds segments or triangles to a surface or curve.
ic_geo_delete_segments type name item pts
Deletes segments or triangles from a curve or surface.
ic_geo_restrict_segments type name item pts
Restrict to segments or triangles from a surface or curve.
ic_geo_split_segments type name item how pts
Splits some segments in a surface or curve.
ic_geo_split_edges type name pts
Splits some edges in a surface.
ic_geo_split_one_edge type name ed
Splits one edge in a surface.
ic_geo_swap_edges type name pts
Swaps some edges in a surface.
ic_geo_move_segments type name1 name2 item pts
Moves some segments from one surface to another.
ic_geo_move_node type name nodes args
Moves a node in a surface or curve. nodes is a list of the node numbers. After this, specify either one or more positions. If one, then all nodes are moved to that position. If more, then the nodes are moved to their corresponding positions.
ic_geo_merge_nodes type name nodes
Merges nodes in a surface or curve.
ic_geo_merge_nodes_tol type name tol
Merges nodes in a surface or curve by tolerance.
ic_geo_merge_surfaces to from
Merges multiple surfaces.
ic_geo_merge_objects type dest objs
Merges multiple curves, or surfaces.
ic_geo_merge_points_tol pts tol
Merges multiple points using a tolerance.
ic_geo_finish_edit type name
Cleans up a surface or curve after editing operations.
ic_geo_delete_if_empty type name
Deletes a surface or curve if it is empty.
ic_geo_smallest_segment type name
Returns the smallest triangle in a surface.
ic_geo_get_config_param type name param
This is kind of an escape.
ic_geo_set_config_param type name param val
This is kind of an escape.
ic_geo_set_tag type names tagname on
Sets the given tag on the objects, or removes it. If the tagname is pickable this affects the geometry selection code. If the type is clear then the tag is removed from all objects and the name and on parameters are ignored. If name is an empty string then all the objects of that type will be modified.
ic_geo_highlight_segments type name add hsmode segs
Highlights some segments of an image.
ic_geo_bounding_box objlist
Returns the bounding box of a set of objects. objlist is a list of type names pairs, e.g. { { curve {C1 C2 C2} point {C2 C3}} } It can also be all which will give the bounding box of all the geometry.
ic_geo_bounding_box2 objlist
This is the more rigorous version of the boundary box calculation.
This gives the bounding box of all objects in projlib.
ic_geo_feature_size type name
Returns the feature size of an object.
ic_geo_replace_surface_mesh name pts tris
Replaces a surface mesh. pts is a list of x y z
triples. tris is a list of 3 point numbers. e.g.,
ic_geo_replace_surface_mesh SURF.1 {{0 0 0} {1 1 1} ...}
{{0 1 2} ...}
ic_geo_replace_curve_mesh name pts bars
Replaces a curve mesh. pts is a list of x y z
triples. bars is a list of 2 point numbers. e.g.,
ic_geo_replace_curve_mesh CRV.1 {{0 0 0} {1 1 1} ...} {{0
1} {2 3} ...}
ic_geo_vec_diff p1 p2
Computes the displacement vector between two points.
p1 | point -- e.g. {1 2 3} |
p2 | point -- e.g. {3 4 3} |
return | 3-tuple containing difference |
# Compute the dot product between two vectors
if [catch {ic_geo_vec_diff {1 2 3} {3 4 3} } crv1] {
mess "$crv1\n" red
} else {
mess "vec diff, $crv1\n"
ic_geo_vec_dot v1 v2
Computes the dot product between two vectors.
v1 | vector -- e.g. {1 2 3} |
v2 | vector -- e.g. {3 4 3} |
return | dot product |
# Compute the dot product between two vectors
if [catch {ic_geo_vec_dot {1 2 3} {3 4 3} } crv1] {
mess "$crv1\n" red
} else {
mess "vec dot, $crv1\n"
ic_geo_vec_mult v1 v2
Computes the cross product between two vectors.
v1 | vector -- e.g. {1 2 3} |
v2 | vector -- e.g. {3 4 3} |
return | cross product |
# Compute the cross product between two vectors
if [catch {ic_geo_vec_mult {2 0 1} {1 3 0} } crv1] {
mess "$crv1\n" red
} else {
mess "vec mult, $crv1\n"
ic_geo_vec_nrm vec
Normalizes a vector.
vec | vector -- e.g. {1 2 3} |
return | normalized vector |
# Normalize a vector
if [catch {ic_geo_vec_nrm {2 2 4} } crv1] {
mess "$crv1\n" red
} else {
mess "vec normalize, $crv1\n"
ic_geo_vec_len vec
Computes the length of a vector.
vec | vector -- e.g. {1 2 3} |
return | length |
if [catch {ic_geo_vec_len {3 4 0} } len] {
mess "$len\n" red
} else {
mess "vec length should be 5: $len\n"
ic_geo_pnt_dist pnt1 pnt2
Computes the distance between two points.
pnt1 | point -- e.g. {1 2 3} or point name |
pnt2 | point -- e.g. {1 2 3} or point name |
return | distance between points |
if [catch {ic_geo_pnt_dist {2 2 4} {3 2 1}} len] {
mess "Error: $len\n" red
} else {
mess "Distance = $len\n"
ic_geo_vec_smult vec scal
Multiplies a vector by a scalar.
vec | vector -- e.g. {1 2 3} |
scal | scalar -- e.g. 42 |
return | scalar product vector |
# Multiply a vector by a scalar
if [catch {ic_geo_vec_smult {1 2 3} 42 } crv1] {
mess "$crv1\n" red
} else {
mess "vec smult, $crv1\n"
ic_geo_vec_sum v1 v2
Computes the sum of two vectors.
v1 | vector -- e.g. {1 2 3} |
v2 | vector -- e.g. {3 4 3} |
return | cross product |
# Compute the sum of two vectors
if [catch {ic_geo_vec_sum {1 2 3} {4 5 6}} crv1] {
mess "$crv1\n" red
} else {
mess "vec sum, $crv1\n"
ic_geo_crv_length crvs t_min [0] t_max [1]
Computes the arc length of a curve segment.
crvs | list of one or more curves |
t_min | lower limit of segment (unitized |
t_max | upper limit of segment (unitized |
return | list of computed arc lengths |
t_min and t _max default to 0 and 1 respectively
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_srf_rev family name gen base zaxis srtang endang dxn [a] bld_topo [0]
Creates a revolution surface from a generator curve and axis.
family | family containing surface |
name | name of created surface |
gen | generator curve(s) |
base | axis base point |
zaxis | axis direction vector |
srtang | start angle (degrees) |
endang | end angle (degrees) |
dxn | c-clockwise, a-anticlockwise |
bld_topo | associate edge curves |
return | name of created surface |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
Positions may be specified explicitly or using names of prescribed points
The dxn flag determines whether the curve is swept clockwise or anti-clockwise (counter clockwise) about the rev axis.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_crv_iso_crv family name srfs par sel do_split [0] coord [0]
Creates isoparametric curve segments on a surface.
family | family containing curves |
name | name of created curves |
srfs | list of surface names list of surface names |
par | surface parameter 0 <= par <= 1 |
sel | == 0 u cons; == 1 v cons |
do_split | == 1 split the surface |
coord | == 0 use restricted coordinates; == 1 use natural coordinates |
return | list of created curves/surfaces |
The defining parameter is assumed to be unitized
When applied to trimmed surfaces
The feature may produce multiple result curves
Restricted coordinates are taken with respect to the active region of the trimmed surface, not the domain of the underlying surface.
Natural coordinates are taken with respect to the underlying surface. This alternative is consistent with the output of ic_geo_find_nearest_srf_pnt in that while the coordinates are still unitized, they run through the full extent of the underlying surface.
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The surface parameter is unitized.
The return value is a list containing two elements, names of created curves and names of created surfaces
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_srf_pln_3pnts family name p1 p2 p3 rad
Creates a bspline plane from 3 points.
family | family containing plane |
name | name of created plane |
p1 | point data, e.g. {1 2 3} |
p2 | point data, e.g. {1 2 3} |
p3 | point data, e.g. {1 2 3} |
scale | scales surface extents |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
For an annotated example of usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_srf_pln_nrm_pnt family name pnt nrm rad
Creates a bspline plane from a point and normal vector.
family | family containing plane |
name | name of created plane |
pnt | point data, e.g. {1 2 3} |
nrm | plane normal, e.g. {1 1 1} |
rad | radius of created surface |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
For an annotated example of usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_srf_pln_nrm_dist family name nrm dist rad
Creates a bspline plane from normal vector at a distance from origin.
family | family containing plane |
name | name of created plane |
nrm | plane normal, e.g. {1 1 1} |
dist | signed distance between origin and plane |
rad | radius of created surface |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
This variant replaces plane definition by coefficients from older API's. The plane equation can be written in terms of the input variables as:
DOT(nrm, X) = LENGTH(nrm)*dist
if [catch {ic_geo_cre_srf_pln_nrm_dist duck dewey \
{1 2 3} {1 0 0} 10 42} pln1] {
mess "$pln1\n" red
} else {
mess "created a plane, $pln1\n"
ic_geo_cre_arc_from_pnts family name p1 p2 p3
Create a bspline arc from 3 points.
family | family containing curve |
name | name of created curve |
p1 | point data, e.g. {1 2 3} |
p2 | point data, e.g. {1 2 3} |
p3 | point data, e.g. {1 2 3} |
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
Positions may be specified explicitly or using names of prescribed points.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
For an annotated example of usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_bsp_crv_n_pnts family name pnts tol [0.0001] deg [3]
Creates a bspline curve from n points.
family | family containing curve |
name | name of created curve |
pnts | point data |
tol | approximation tolerance |
deg | curve degree = 1 (linear) or 3 (cubic) |
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
Positions may be specified explicitly or using names of prescribed points.
The approximation tolerance is relative. It will be scaled by the pointset chordlength to form an absolute tolerance. It has a default value of 0.0001.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_bsp_crv_n_pnts_cons family name pnts fixPnts tanCons tanIndx tol [0.001]
Creates a bspline curve from n points with constraints.
family | family containing curve |
name | name of created curve |
pnts | point data |
fixPnts | fixed points |
tanCons | specified tangents |
tanIndx | indices of points in pnts associated to tangent vectors |
tol | approximation tolerance |
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
Positions may be specified explicitly or using names of prescribed points
Point array is indexed as 0, 1, 2, . . .
The approximation tolerance is relative. It will be scaled by the pointset chordlength to form an absolute tolerance. It has a default value of 0.0001.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_crv_arc_ctr_rad family name center x_ax normal radius srtang endang
Creates a bspline arc from center, radius information.
family | family containing curve |
name | name of created curve |
center | arc center |
x_ax | vector aligned along angle == 0 |
normal | arc normal |
radius | arc radius |
srtang | start angle (degrees) |
endang | end angle (degrees) |
return | name of created curve |
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
If endang < srtang or (endang - srtang) > 360, the angle will be adjusted by adding 360 increments.
Positions may be specified explicitly or using names of prescribed points.
For annotated examples of usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_srf_cyl family name center x_ax z_ax radius srtang endang length
Create a bspline cylinder from center, radius information.
family | family containing surface |
name | name of created surface |
base | cylinder base point |
x_ax | vector aligned along angle == 0 |
z_ax | vector aligned along cyl axis |
radius | cylinder radius |
srtang | start angle (degrees) |
endang | end angle (degrees) |
length | length |
return | name of created surface |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
If endang < srtang or (endang - srtang) > 360, the angle will be adjusted by adding 360 degree increments.
Positions may be specified explicitly or using names of prescribed points.
For an annotated example of usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_line family name p1 p2
Create a bspline line from 2 points.
family | family containing curve |
name | name of created curve |
p1 | point data, e.g. {1 2 3} |
p2 | point data, e.g. {1 2 3} |
return | name of created curve |
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
Positions may be specified explicitly or using names of prescribed points
For an annotated example of usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_pnt family name pnt in_lcs [1]
Creates a prescribed point from coordinates.
family | family containing point |
name | name of created point |
pnt | point data, e.g. {1 2 3} |
in_lcs | 1 if the location should be in the current local coordinate system (default) |
return | name of created point |
The specified point name may be modified to resolve name collisions
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
# Create a prescribed point from coordinates
if [catch {ic_geo_cre_pnt duck louie {1 2 3} } pnt1] {
mess "$pnt1\n" red
} else {
mess "created a ducky point, $pnt1\n"
ic_geo_cre_mat fam name pt in_lcs [1]
Create a material point from coordinates.
family | family containing material point |
name | name of created material point |
pnt | point data, e.g. {1 2 3}, or the word outside |
in_lcs | 1 if the location should be in the current local coordinate system (default) |
return | name of created material point |
The specified point name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
# Create a material point from coordinates
if [catch {ic_geo_cre_mat duck louie {1 2 3} } pnt1] {
mess "$pnt1\n" red
} else {
mess "created a ducky point, $pnt1\n"
ic_geo_get_srf_nrm upar vpar srf
Get the normal vector of a surface at a parameter.
upar | surface u parameter |
vpar | surface v parameter |
srf | list of surfaces to evaluate |
return | list of 3-tuple of doubles |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The return string will be a list of 3-tuples
The input uv coordinates should be unitized.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_get_srf_pos upar vpar srf
Get a surface position at a parameter.
upar | surface u parameter |
vpar | surface v parameter |
srf | list of surfaces to evaluate |
return | list of 3-tuple of doubles |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The return string will be a list of 3-tuples
The input uv coordinates should be unitized.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_pnt_on_srf_at_par family name upar vpar srf
Creates a prescribed point on a surface at a parameter.
family | family containing point |
name | name of created point |
upar | surface u parameter |
vpar | surface v parameter |
srf | list of surfaces to evaluate |
return | names of created points |
The specified point name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The input uv coordinates should be unitized.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_pnt_on_crv_at_par family name par crv
Creates a prescribed point on a curve at a parameter.
family | family containing point |
name | name of created point |
par | curve parameter |
crv | name of curve to evaluate |
return | name of created point |
The specified point name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_crv_concat family name tol crvs
Create a new curve by concatenating existing curves.
family | family containing curve |
name | name of created curve |
tol | merge tolerance |
crvs | list of curves to be joined |
return | name of created curve |
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The list crvs contains curve curve names.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_create_curve_concat family name tol crvs
Deprecated version of ic_geo_cre_crv_concat. This function has been replaced by ic_geo_cre_crv_concat.
ic_geo_cre_srf_from_contour family name tol crvs
Create a new surface spanning a planar contour.
family | family containing new surface |
name | base name of created surface |
tol | merge tolerance |
crvs | list of curves to span |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The list crvs contains curve curve names.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_create_surface_from_curves family name tol crvs bld_topo [0]
Create a new surface spanning two to four curves.
family | family containing new surface |
name | name of created surface |
tol | merge tolerance |
crvs | list of curves to span |
bld_topo | associate edge curves |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The list crvs contains curve curve names.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_create_param_surface family name nu nv ord_u ord_v rational u_knots v_knots control_pts loops
Create a new surface from a u,v set of coordinates.
family | family containing new surface |
name | name of created surface |
nu | number of u coordinates |
nv | number of v coordinates |
ord_u | order of u |
ord_v | order of v |
rational | dimension of polynomial fit above 3 |
u_knots | for rational=0, list of u coordinates |
v_knots | for rational=0, list of v coordinates |
control_pts | points the surface should go through |
loops | loops to trim |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
ic_geo_list_crv_data file format crvs
Lists the IGES data defining a list of curves.
out_file | output file |
format | output format |
crvs | list of curves |
Output formats:
iges IGES Style tetin TETIN Style If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The list crvs contains curve names.
# List the IGES data defining a list of curves
if [catch {ic_geo_cre_crv_arc_ctr_rad duck dewey \
{1 2 3} {1 0 0} {1 1 1} 4.2 0 1.047197} crv1] {
mess "$crv1\n" red
} else {
mess "created a ducky arc, $crv1\n"
if [catch {ic_geo_cre_crv_arc_ctr_rad duck louie \
{1 2 3} {0 1 0} {1 1 1} 4.2 0 1.047197} crv2] {
mess "$crv2\n" red
} else {
mess "created a ducky arc, $crv2\n"
if [catch {ic_geo_list_crv_data out.txt iges \
"$crv1 $crv2"} err] {
mess "$err\n" red
ic_geo_list_srf_data file format srfs
Lists the IGES data defining a list of surfaces
out_file | output file |
format | output format |
crvs | list of surfaces |
Output formats:
iges IGES Style tetin TETIN Style If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The list srfs contains surface names.
ic_geo_make_conn_regions type entities surf_angle [180] surf_curvature [360]
Makes connected regions of type: surface or curve entities are a list of the type, surfaces or curves. If type is surface, surf_angle limits connectivity based on curves over the feature angle; default is 180, 0 would make each surface separate. If type is surface, surf_curvature limits connectivity to surfaces with curvature over value; default is 360, 0 would make each surface separate. The return is a separated list based on connectivity.
ic_geo_get_attached_entities attach_type orig_type entities
Gets all attached entities based on attach_type and orig_type to a list of entities. attach_type could be boundary or incident. orig_type could be surface curve or point. Example: if you want all curves attached to a list of surfaces attach_type is boundary, orig_type is surface, entities is the list of surfaces.
ic_geo_get_entities_by_attach_num type num entities [""]
Gets all entities of a type: point or curve; that have defined number of entities attached to it. For example a single curve has 1 entity attached. entities is list of type to look for. Default is all entities of this type. If num is multiple, it will find attachments of 3 or more. If num is double, it will find attachments of 2. If num is single, it will find attachments of 1. If num is unattached, it will find attachments of 0.
ic_geo_get_internal_surface_boundary surf not_single [0]
This command will take a given "surf" and return the curves that are internal. In other words, it will return all attached curves except those on outer boundary. Optional argument not_single will limit the returned curves to only those that are attached to more than 1 surface.
ic_geo_find_internal_outer_loops surfs not_single [0] all_boundary [0]
This procedure returns a list of outer curves and inner curves attached to a set of surfaces, optional argument not_single will limit the list to just curves attached to more than 1 surface.
ic_geo_find_internal_surfaces loop surrounding_surfs outer_curves [""] exclusion_surfs [""]
This function will find a set of surfaces enclosed by a loop of curves.
ic_geo_make_conn_buttons loop exclusion_surfs [""]
This function will take a curve list (loop), and find all surfaces attached to it excluding any given exclusion_surfs.
ic_geo_split_surfaces_at_thin_regions srfs tolerance min_res_curve_len
Splits boundaries of the given surfaces at thin regions, that is, where a surface boundary points is less than tolerance from an other boundary curve. It will not, however, split curves which would result in segments of length less than min_res_curve_len. Returns a list of all new points, if any.
ic_geo_surface_create_smart_nodes srfs tolerance min_res_curve_len
Split boundaries of the given surfaces at thin regions, that is, where a surface boundary points is less than tolerance from an other boundary curve. It will not, however, split curves which would result in segments of length less than min_res_curve_len. Returns tcl-error-stat.
ic_geo_surface_topological_corners surfs
For each surface in the given list surfs returns a
list of the four corners of a rectangular topology of that surface. The points are
ordered around the rectangular either clockwise or counter-clockwise. The form of the
list returned is: "{surf_name_1 {pt_name_1_1 pt_name_1_2
pt_name_1_3 pt_name_1_4} {surf_name_2 {pt_name_2_1 ...}}"
ic_geo_flanges_notch_critical_points surfs
Returns the critical point of the notch in a given flange surface.
ic_geo_trm_srf_at_par srf par sel
Splits a surface at a parameter.
srf | surface name |
par | surface parameter 0 <= par <= 1 |
sel | == 0 u cons; == 1 v cons |
if [catch {ic_geo_trm_srf_at_par $srf1 0.5 0} err] {
mess "$err\n" red
ic_geo_trm_srfs_by_curvature srfs ang
Splits folded surfaces by maximum curvature.
srfs | surface names |
ang | maximum total curvature |
ic_surface_curvature surf tol [100] debug [0]
Calculates curvature of surface.
surf | surface name |
btol | relative boundary tolerance (100 -> 1/100 -> 1%) |
ic_hull_2d entities tol [0] four [1] type [surface] shrink [0] debug [0]
Creates 2D hull of surfaces or curves.
entities | entity names |
tol | approximation tolerance |
four | split hull at best four corners if set |
type | surface or curve |
shrink | relative shrink tolerance (0 ... 1) |
ic_surface_from_points points part [""] name [""]
Creates a faceted surface from points using a 2D Delaunay triangulation.
points | point names |
ic_geo_surface_extend curve surfaces toler [0] bld_topo [1] perpendicular [1] connect [0] concat_crvs [1] db [0]
Extends surface edge to surface(s).
curve | "yellow" edge to extend |
surfaces | surfaces to extend surface edge to |
toler | geometry tolerance |
bld_topo | associate edge curves |
perpendicular | extend normal to curve if 1, create a curtain surface if 0, or do a parametric extension if 2 |
connect | connect extension to target surface(s) if set |
concat_crvs | clean points on surface edges if set |
ic_geo_cre_srf_crv_drv_srf family name gencrv ctrcrv bld_topo [0]
Create a curve driven surface.
family | family containing new surface |
name | name of created surface |
gencrv | name of generator or driven curve |
ctrcrv | name of center or driver curve |
bld_topo | associate edge curves |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
ic_geo_get_types which [all]
This function returns a list of all geometric entity types available in the loaded geometry. If no geometry is loaded, it returns all possible types: "surface curve point material density loop"
ic_flood_fill_surface_angle surf curve angle
Returns the list of incident surfaces at curve whose dihedral angle with surf is less than the feat_angle.
ic_geo_flood_fill what ents all [1] feat_angle [0] bound_mode [all] nedges [0]
Returns the list of entities connected by the lower dimension entities. For example surfaces connected by the curves.
what - 'curve' or 'surface'
ents - list of type, name pairs
all - 0 if only one level is desired
feat_angle - 0 >= theta <= 90, valid only for $what = surface
bound_mode - 'outer' if only outer loop is desired, valid only for $what = surface
nedges - for use with curves - if 0 then all attached curves, else only go with curves that have the specified number of attached surfaces
Returns a two-element list containing the triangulation tolerance of the model, such that the first element is the tolerance (real number) and the second element is an integer (0 or 1) indicating whether or not the value is relative to a global setting.
ic_geo_convex_hull entities name fam
Creates the convex hull of the objects. entities is a list of pairs, where the first element is the type and the second is the name.
ic_geo_remove_triangles_on_plane surf plane tol
Remove triangles on a plane in the named surface.
ic_geo_bbox_of_entities ents
Return the bounding box of some objects. The ents
argument is a list of the form {{type name} {type name}
ic_geo_classify_by_regions planes entities how
Used by convex hull.
ic_geo_split_surfaces surfs planes
Used by convex hull.
ic_geo_elem_assoc domain assoc
Generate mesh geometry associativity for CATIA interface.
domain | domain file |
assoc | output associativity file |
ic_geo_cre_bsp_srf_by_pnt_array family name n_ptu n_ptv pnts tol [0.0001]
Creates a bspline surface from a point array.
family | family containing surface |
name | name of created surface |
n_ptu | number of points in u direction |
n_ptv | number of points in v direction |
pnts | point data |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
Positions may be specified explicitly or using names of prescribed points
The approximation tolerance is relative. It will be scaled by the pointset radius to form an absolute tolerance. It has a default value of 0.001.
ic_geo_cre_geom_input in_file fit_tol [0.0001] mode [input] pnt_fam [PNT] pnt_prefix [pnt] crv_fam [CRV] crv_prefix [crv] srf_fam [SRF] srf_prefix [srf]
Create point and b-spline geometry from an Ansys ICEM CFD Input file.
fit_tol | approximation tolerance |
mode | type of ICEM CFD input file |
pnt_fam | family for point entities |
pnt_prefix | prefix for point names |
crv_fam | family for curve entities |
crv_prefix | prefix for curve names |
srf_fam | family for surface entities |
srf_prefix | prefix for surface names |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
MED must be initialized by loading a tetin file or opening an empty part (see ic_empty_tetin).
The approximation tolerance is relative. It will be scaled by the pointset radius to form an absolute tolerance. It has a default value of 0.001.
Supported values for mode are input and plot3d. named for named entities is planned, but not yet supported.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_import_str_to_cad doms srf_fam [SRFS] crv_fam [""] pnt_fam [""]
Converts structured surface domains to b-spline geometry. If successful, the current mesh and geometry are unloaded, and the new geometry is loaded. Surfaces, curves, and points are created only if families are provided for each argument type. By default, only surfaces will be created.
ic_geo_crv_data crvs datums
Return the b-spline data associated to a curve.
crvs | list of curve to examine |
datums | list of curve properties to return |
curve properties may be a list of one or more of the following:
order — Integer order of spline
ncp — Number of control points (3-tuples in model space)
rat — Rational flag -- 1 if rational; 0 if integral
cps — Return model space control points
knots — Return knot vector
weights — Return a list of curve weights
If the utility is called for multiple curves, the data for each curve will be grouped together
If weights are requested for an integral spline, the list of weights returned will be null
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_srf_data srfs datums
Return the b-spline data associated to a surface
srfs | list of surface to examine |
datums | list of surface properties to return |
surface properties may be a list of one or more of the following:
order — Integer orders (u and v) of spline
ncp — Control point counts in u and v
rat — Rational flag -- 1 if rational; 0 if integral
cps — Return model space control points. Control points are returned in a list arranged in v-major order (see example program for details)
knots_u — Return u knot vector
knots_v — Return v knot vector
weights — Return a list of surface weights. Weights are returned in a list arranged in v-major order
If the utility is called for multiple surfaces, the data for each surface will be grouped together
If weights are requested for an integral spline, the list of weights returned will be null
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_srf_loft_crvs family name tol crvs sec_ord [4] form [0] bld_topo [0]
Create a new surface by lofting two or more curves
family | family containing new surface |
name | name of created surface |
tol | approximation tolerance |
crvs | list of curves to loft |
sec_ord | order in cross direction |
form | 0 (C1 cubic blend) or 1 (C2 cubic blend) |
bld_topo | associate edge curves |
The surface order in the cross direction must be 2 (linear) or 4 (cubic).
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The approximated surface should lie within tol of the curves.
The list crvs contains curve curve names.
ic_geo_cre_crv_test_project_surface family name surface curve dir
Project a curve to a surface.
family | family for new curve |
name | name for new curve (can be "") |
surface | name of input surface |
curve | name of input curve |
dir | direction vector |
Return value is the name of the new curve.
ic_geo_cre_surface_section family name surface mode P0 P1 P2 [""] trim [0]
Create curve as section of a surface with plane, cylinder or segment.
family | family for new curve |
name | name for new curve (can be "") |
surface | name of input surface |
mode | 0 - section with plane |
1 - section with cylinder | |
2 - section with segment | |
P0, P1, P2 | define plane, cylinder or segment: |
Surface through three given points | |
Cylinder with axis on P0-P1 line and P2 on the radius | |
Segment from P0 to P1 projected in direction P0-P2 |
Return value is the name of the new curve.
ic_geo_offset family name surface_to_offset offset max_factor [3]
Offset surface using mesh representation.
ic_geo_cre_crv_datred family name crvs tol [0.001]
Creates a reduced b-spline curve
family | family containing curve |
name | name of created curve |
crvs | list of curves to be joined |
tol | approximation tolerance |
return | names of created curves |
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The list crvs contains curve curve names.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_srf_datred family name srfs tol [0.001]
Create a reduced b-spline surface.
family | family containing surface |
name | name of created surface |
srfs | list of surfaces to be joined |
tol | approximation tolerance |
return | names of created surfaces |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The list srfs contains surface surface names.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_srf_sweep family name gen drv bld_topo [0]
Creates a swept surface from a generator curve and axis.
family | family containing surface |
name | name of created surface |
gen | generator curve(s) |
drv | drive curve or vector |
bld_topo | associate edge curves |
return | name of created surface |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
Positions may be specified explicitly or using names of prescribed points.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_crv_is_opposite crv1 crv2
Determines whether two curves are oriented in parallel or opposite directions.
crv1 | curve 1 name |
crv2 | curve 2 name |
return | 1 if opposite, 0 otherwise |
Main use of this function is to diagnose failures in some of the surface construction codes.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_crv_is_edge crv
Determines whether a curve bounds a surface.
crv | curve name |
return | number of surfaces bounded |
ic_geo_fix_degen_geom switch [0]
Activates repair function for degenerate bsplines in the tetin reader. For now these functions are disabled by default.
switch | 0 for off; 1 for on |
ic_geo_find_nearest_srf_pnt srf pnt want_ext [0]
Finds parameters of closest point on surface.
srf | name of surface |
pnt | test point |
want_ext | want extended output |
return | uv pair |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The uv coordinates will be unitized.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_find_nearest_crv_pnt crv pnt
Finds parameters of closest point on curve.
crv | name of curve |
pnt | test point |
return | t parameter |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The t parameter will be unitized.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_distance_from_surfaces surfs coords
Gets the distance of coords from the nearest surface in surface_family
ic_geo_nearest_surface_list coords surfaces
Gets nearest surface to coords from a list of surfaces.
ic_geo_get_crv_nrm par crv
Gets the normal vector of a curve at a parameter.
par | curve t parameter |
crv | list of curves to evaluate |
return | list of 3-tuple of doubles |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The return string will be a list of 3-tuples
The input uv coordinates should be unitized.
ic_geo_get_crv_pos par crv
Gets a position on a curve at a parameter.
par | curve t parameter |
crv | list of curves to evaluate |
return | list of 3-tuple of doubles |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The input uv coordinates should be unitized.
The return string will be a list of 3-tuples
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_get_crv_binrm par crv
Gets the binormal vector of a curve at a parameter.
par | curve t parameter |
crv | list of curves to evaluate |
return | list of 3-tuple of doubles |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The input uv coordinates should be unitized.
ic_geo_cvt_uns_to_bsc family base uns
Creates one or more bspline curves from an unstructured curve.
family | family for new curves |
base | base name of created curves |
uns | name(s) of unstructured curve(s) |
return | name of created curves |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
If the input curve is a b-spline curve it will be returned without modification as the output curve
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_srf_area srfs
Computes the area of one or more surfaces.
srfs | list of one or more surfaces |
return | area of surfaces |
Surface area is computed from projlib's facetization of the geometry; the results will be influenced by the value of the triangulation tolerance when the part was read.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_sort_by_srf_area surf_list args [""]
Sorts surfaces by their surface area. args is arguments for the sort.
ic_geo_reduce_face srfs
Trims a surface back to its active area.
srfs | list of one or more surfaces |
A form of data reduction; trims the undisplayed portion of a b-spline away.
Unless the underlying surface is reduced by at least 5% in the u or v coordinate, the surface will be left unmodified.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_get_crv_tan par crv
Gets the tangent vector of a curve at a parameter.
par | curve t parameter |
crv | list of curves to evaluate |
return | list of 3-tuple of doubles |
The tangent vector will be the un-normalized derivative vector with respect to the unitized parameterization
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The input uv coordinates should be unitized.
ic_geo_mod_crv_tanext crvs dist srtend
Tangentially extend a curve.
crvs | list of curves to extend |
dist | distance (relative) of ext. |
srtend | extend start (0), end(1) |
return | names of extended curves |
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions
The length of the extension will be roughly "
dist*curve length
"If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
If the curve has topology (i.e. references surfaces or vertices) it will be copied rather than modified.
The list crvs contains curve curve names.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_mod_srf_tanext srfs dist srtend bld_topo [0]
Tangentially extend a surface.
srfs | list of surfaces to extend |
dist | distance (relative) of ext. |
edge | index of edge to extend |
return | names of modified surfaces |
The dist parameter is unitless and will be scaled by the lengths of the u or v constant control point rows.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The edge indicator is set as follows:
1 V-Min direction
2 U-Min direction
3 V-Max direction
4 U-Max direction
The list srfs contains surface surface names.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_mod_srf_ext srfs dist edge bld_topo [0]
Extend a surface.
srfs | list of surfaces to extend |
dist | distance of extension |
edge | curve at edge to extend |
return | names of modified surfaces |
ic_geo_mod_crv_match_crv crv1 crv2 crv1end [0] crv2end [0] modes [""]
Matches two curves.
crv1 | name of first curve |
crv2 | name of second curve |
crv1end | curve1 end indicator |
crv2end | curve2 end indicator |
modes | 5 element list of flags |
return | names of modified curves |
The curve end parameters, crv1end and crv2end, take the following values:
closest endpoint 0 start point 1 end point 2 The modes argument is an optional 5 element list of flags addressing the following functions:
mode[0] 0 point only 1 point and tangent (default) 2 point, tangent, and curvature 3 point and curvature mode[1] 1 geometric matching (default) 2 exact matching mode[2] 0 do not change order 1 permit change of order (default) mode[3] 0 both splines matched (default) 1 only first spline changed mode[4] 0 3d matching (default) 1 4d matching If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_mod_crv_match_pnt crv pnt crvend [0] modes [""]
Match curve and a point.
crv | name of curve |
pnt | name of point |
crvend | curve end indicator |
return | name of modified curve |
The curve end parameter, crvend takes the following values:
closest endpoint 0 start point 1 end point 2 If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
ic_geo_cre_srf_offset family name base offset all_conn [0] stitch [0]
Creates one or more offset surfaces.
family | family containing surface |
name | base name of created surface |
base | surface(s) to offset |
offset | distance to offset |
all_conn | offset connected surfs if set |
stitch | preserve connected edges if set |
return | name(s) of created surface(s) |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
Negative offsets are allowed.
If more than one surface is given to the routine, offsets will be oriented relative to the first surface if the two surfaces are related by an edge adjacency chain.
If the all_conn flag is set, all surfaces connected to the first surface by an edge adjacency chain will be offset.
If the stitch flag is set, the offsets of two surfaces sharing an edge will be extended tangentially so that the offset surfaces also share an edge
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_build_bodies fam [LIVE] buildtopo [0] tol [0.01] multi [0] newm [0] surf [""] assem [0] from_solids [0]
Automatically creates a body for each closed volume of surfaces as determined by the connectivity produced from build topology.
fam | Family for bodies |
buildtopo | Build topology if non-zero |
tol | Tolerance for the optional build topology function |
multi | Old style assembly naming if non-zero |
newm | Use the new schema if non-zero |
surf | Initial surface |
ic_geo_create_volume matlpt name [""] fam [LIVE]
Creates volume from material point name, matlpt.
Updates the current defined bodies in the model, by removing nonexistent ones and adding any new ones to the display.
ic_geo_create_body surfs name [""] fam [""] quiet [0]
Creates a body from the collection of surfaces, surfs. The new body will be given the name, name, in the family, fam.
ic_geo_get_body_matlpnt bdy
Returns the material point name associated with the body, bdy.
ic_geo_srf_radius srfs
Computes the radius of a b-spline surface.
srfs | list of one or more surfaces |
return | list of computed surface radii |
The radius is the maximum chord length of the control point rows.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_cre_srf_offset_edge family name crv offset
Creates an offset surface from a generator curve and axis.
family | family containing surface |
name | name of created surface |
gen | generator curve(s) |
base | axis base point |
zaxis | axis direction vector |
srtang | start angle (degrees) |
endang | end angle (degrees) |
return | name of created surface |
The specified surface name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
Positions may be specified explicitly or using names of prescribed points
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_body_lower_entities bdy
Given a body name, bdy, it returns the names of the surfaces, curves, and points belonging to the body. These are returned in the form of argument pairs where the first name is the entity type and the second name is the entity name.
ic_geo_cre_geom_plot3d in_file fit_tol [0.0001] pnt_fam [PNT] pnt_prefix [pnt] crv_fam [CRV] crv_prefix [crv] srf_fam [SRF] srf_prefix [srf]
Creates point and b-spline geometry from a Plot3d file.
fit_tol | approximation tolerance |
pnt_fam | family for point entities |
pnt_prefix | prefix for point names |
crv_fam | family for curve entities |
crv_prefix | prefix for curve names |
srf_fam | family for surface entities |
srf_prefix | prefix for surface names |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
MED must be initialized by loading a tetin file or opening an empty part (see ic_empty_tetin).
The approximation tolerance is relative. It will be scaled by the pointset radius to form an absolute tolerance. It has a default value of 0.001.
This routine is called by ic_geo_cre_geom_input
ic_geo_cre_srf_db_pnts srfs
Create the deboor points of a bspline surface.
srfs | list of surfaces |
return | names of created points |
ic_geo_cre_crv_db_pnts crvs
Creates the deboor points of a bspline curve.
crvs | list of curves |
return | names of created points |
ic_geo_read_off_file fam name in_file
Read an OFF file (native format for Geomview).
fam | family for new geometry |
name | root name for new surfaces |
in_file | input file |
This function reads triangulated surfaces from the input file and creates unstructured surfaces in MED.
Only minimal coverage of the OFF format has been implemented.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_read_xyz_file fam name in_file off_file mode [""]
Reads and triangulate a list of XYZ points.
fam | family for new geometry |
name | root name for new surfaces |
in_file | input file |
off_file | intermediate OFF file |
mode | fast, tight |
This function reads triangulated surfaces from the off file and creates unstructured surfaces in MED.
Only minimal coverage of the OFF format has been implemented.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
.mode can be used to specify fast execution or watertight model.
ic_geo_crv_is_arc crvs tol [-1]
Determine whether one or more curves are circular.
crvs | list of one or more curves |
tol | approximation tolerance |
return | list of true/false flags |
The tolerance defaults to
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_get_keypoints dir border bb [""]
Gets keypoints for the current geometry. dir is 0, 1, or 2. If border is non zero, then add some slack.
ic_geo_reverse_crv crvs
Reverses the orientation of one or more curves.
crvs | list of one or more curves |
return | error message on failure |
For example usage, refer to ic_geo_reverse_crv.tcl
in the Ansys installation directory under
ic_geo_cre_edge_concat crvs require_topo [0]
Merges one or more curves and associated topology.
crvs | list of curves to be joined |
require_topo | fail if topology will not merge |
return | name of created curve |
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The list crvs contains curve curve names.
If require_topo is set, the utility will fail if the associated topology cannot be merged. If require_topo is not set, the utility will create a new curve and preserve the original edges if the associated topology cannot be updated.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_create_histogram_box min max lblList
Make a histogram box.
min | min pt of the box |
max | max pt of the box |
lblList | list of labels |
Each label in lblList is a list of {lbl_text, lbl_pt, ispt}.
If $ispt==1, a point will be drawn as well as the label.
ic_geo_build_topo_on_srfs srfs crvs [""] tol [-1] trim_srfs [0] concat_crvs [0] quiet [0]
Builds topology on a list of surfaces.
srfs | surface(s) |
crvs | optional curve(s) |
tol | merge tolerance |
trim_srfs | 1 -- trim surfaces; 0 otherwise |
concat_crvs | 1 -- concatenate edges that join tangentially; 0 otherwise |
quiet | 1 -- suppress chatter; 0 otherwise |
Merge tolerance will be determined from the bounding box of the surfaces.
The merge tolerance defaults to
0.0001 * (min surface radius)
ic_geo_contact_surfaces surfaces distance [0] family [""] debug [0]
Search for contact surfaces.
surfaces | list of surface names |
distance | maximum distance |
family | family name for contact surfaces |
return | list of surface pairs |
ic_geo_map_tetin_sizes tetin what [0]
Map parameter data from a tetin file to the current model.
tetin | input tetin file |
what | == 0 - map all possible data |
bit0 - map global parameters | |
bit1 - map family parameters | |
bit2 - map prescribed points data | |
bit3 - map curve data | |
bit4 - map surface data |
For example usage, refer to ic_geo_map_tetin_sizes.tcl
in the Ansys installation directory
under v251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_surface_thickness surfaces order thickness [""]
Set (or get) the thickness of surfaces.
surfaces | list of surface names |
order | order of thickness approximation |
thickness | order * order thickness values |
ic_geo_srf_in_srf_fam_set srf fams
Determines whether a surface is within a volume bounded by one or more surface families.
srf | test surface |
fams | list of families |
ic_geo_cre_srf_over_holes fam srfs
Closes planar holes in a collection of surfaces.
srf | test surface |
fams | list of families |
ic_geo_subset_exists name
Checks if a geometry subset exists.
ic_geo_subset_copy oldname newname
Copies the geometry from one subset to another.
ic_geo_subset_clear name
Clears out everything from a subset.
ic_geo_subset_unused_name pref [subset]
Returns an unused geometry subset name with the given prefix Note that this gives names unique for both geometry and mesh.
ic_geo_subset_delete name
Deletes a geometry subset.
ic_geo_subset_visible name vis
Makes a geometry subset visible (or not).
ic_geo_subset_list_families name
Lists all the families that are represented in the named subset.
ic_geo_subset_list pat [*]
Lists all existing geometry subset names.
ic_geo_subset_add_items name items
Adds items to a geometry subset. If the subset does not exist, it will be created. The items argument is a list of type/name pairs. The types can be one of point, curve, surface, material, density, loop, body, shell, lump, solid, and the names specify the desired object of that type.
ic_geo_subset_remove_items name items
Removes items from a geometry subset. The items list is the same as for ic_geo_subset_add_items.
ic_geo_subset_handle_bc_changes items subset add
Adds or removes bc icons and groups based on addition or removal of objects in subsets.
ic_geo_subset_get_items name
Gets items in a geometry subset. This returns a list of type/name pairs.
ic_geo_subset_bbox name
Returns the bounding box of all geometry in a named subset.
ic_geo_subset_add_layer name all feat_angle bound_mode
Adds one or more layers to a geom subset. Arguments are the same as ic_geo_flood_fill.
ic_geo_subset_remove_layer name
Removes one or more layers from a geometry subset.
ic_geo_subset_names_to_parts name
Move the contents of all subsets to a part (name of subset)
ic_geo_get_srf_edges srf
Get any curves associated as edges to a surface.
ic_geo_get_vert_edges pnt
Get any curves associated as edges to a vertex.
ic_geo_calc_bisector_pnt pnt1 pnt2 pnt3 len inverse
Calculates node lying on the bisector of the angle formed by nodes pnt1, pnt2, pnt3 in distance delta. If inverse: calculate the reverse bisector.
ic_geo_cre_srf_simple_trim families names srf crvs
Trims a surface using a simple contour.
families | list of 2 family names |
names | list of 2 surface names |
srf | surface to trim |
crvs | list of trim curves |
The specified surface names may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
ic_geo_set_simplification_level pixels
Sets the simplification level in pixels (surfaces smaller than this size will be drawn as a box. 0 disables simplification. A value of -1 just returns the level.
ic_surface_thickness_check names newfam [""] return_unassigned [0]
Checks for zero thickness surfaces and assigns to new family. newfam is family name for surfaces with no thickness. return_unassigned is option to return unassigned surfaces without changing family. Default (0) is disabled.
ic_geo_close_contour crvs srf
Closes up a contour prior to trimming.
crvs | list of curves |
srf | surface to trim |
The specified surface names may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
ic_geo_find_srf_prc_pnt srf pnt vec
Finds parameter of pierce point on surface.
srf | name of surface |
pnt | test point |
vec | pierce direction |
return | uv pair |
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The uv coordinates will be unitized.
For example usage, refer to
in the Ansys installation directory underv251/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test
ic_geo_get_dormant type only_if_visible [""]
Returns list of dormant points or curves.
ic_geo_get_dormant_entity type name
Determines whether an entity is dormant Only points and curves can be dormant synchronized pickable and visible. Used in bounding box.
ic_get_facets type list
Returns list of faceted surfaces.
ic_geo_filter_curves angle fams
Returns a list of essential curves. A curve is "essential" when it bounds two surfaces which meet at an angle (measured by surface normals) exceeding a threshold angle. The function identifies the essential curves in the specified families.
angle | threshold angle in degrees |
fams | names of families to search |
ic_geo_cre_bridge_crv fam name crv1 crv2 end1 [0] end2 [0] mag1 [0.3] mag2 [0.3]
Creates a bridge curve between two curves.
fam | family of created curve |
name | name of created curve |
crv1 | curve 1 name |
crv2 | curve 2 name |
end1 | curve 1 end indicator |
end2 | curve 2 end indicator |
mag1 | magnitude of start vector |
mag2 | magnitude of end vector |
return | name of curve vertex |
The curve end parameters, end1, end2, take the following values:
point closest to other crv 0 start point 1 end point 2 0 < mag1, mag2 < 1
ic_geo_cre_pln_crv fam name crv base nrm
Creates the projection of a curve onto a plane.
fam | family of created curve |
name | name of created curve |
crv1 | curve name |
return | name of created curve |
ic_geo_pln_n_pnts pnts
Finds the least square plane through three or more points.
pnts | list of 3 or more points |
return | {base} {normal} of plane |
ic_geo_sub_get_numbers_by_names type ent_names
Returns each entity number (recognized in the batch interpreter) associated with each entity name in ent_names. ent_names can be a list but they must all be the same type defined by type. In this case, the return is a list of numbers in the same order as the entity names were given.
ic_geo_get_pnt_marked name
Determines whether a point is marked.
ic_geo_set_pnt_marked name set_to
Sets the marked flag on a point.
Returns a list of all marked points.
ic_geo_add_embedded_crv srf crvs
Embeds a curve into a surface.
srf | surface |
crvs | list of curves |
Note: No checks are performed to determine whether the curves are on the surface.
ic_geo_add_embedded_pnt srf pnts
Embeds a point into a surface.
srf | surface |
pnts | list of points |
Note: No checks are performed to determine whether the points are on the surface.
ic_geo_is_crv_on_srf crv srf tol [-1]
Checks if a curve is on a surface.
crv | curve |
srf | surface |
tol | tolerance |
Note: If a negative value is passed for the tolerance, the utility will use an internally computed tolerance.
ic_geo_register_crv crv_name new_fam
Register a curve (this is used by Ansys TurboGrid)
crv_name | name of created curve |
ic_geo_cre_midline_crv crvs [""] toldebug [0] crvs2 [""] fam [""]
Creates a new curve by midlining two existing curves.
crvs | list of 2 curves |
tol | tolerance |
family | family containing curve |
return | name of created midline curve |
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
The list crvs contains 2 curves or curves of first set curve names.
The list crvs2 contains curves of second set curve names.
ic_geo_get_points_from_curves curves
This finds all the points attached to a list of curves.
ic_geo_test_cmd vec pnt crvs srfs
Test routine.
ic_geo_cre_crv_ell family name center srt_pnt next_pnt srtang [0] endang [360]
Creates a bspline ellipse from center, start point, second point.
family | family containing curve |
name | name of created curve |
center | ellipse center |
srt_pnt | crv point on ellipse major axis |
next_pnt | crv point not on major axis |
srtang | start angle (degrees) |
endang | end angle (degrees) |
return | name of created curve |
The specified curve name may be modified to resolve name collisions.
If the function returns with the error status set, the result string will contain an error message.
If endang < srtang or (endang - srtang) > 360, the angle will be adjusted by adding 360 increments.
Positions may be specified explicitly or using names of prescribed points
ic_geo_improve_edge crvs
Improves one or more edges.
crvs | list of one or more curves |
ic_geo_just_do_it srfs
Surface test routine.
srfs | list of one or more surfaces |
Returns the list of families for prism meshing.
ic_geo_set_prism_families prism_fams excl [1]
Sets the list of families for prism meshing. If excl==1, then any previous prism families are reset.
ic_geo_get_prism_family_params fam
Returns the prism meshing parameters for a family.
ic_geo_set_prism_family_params fam args
Sets the prism meshing parameters for a family.
ic_geo_create_tglib_sfbgrid args
Reads a TGLib size function background grid.
Usage: ic_hex_create_tglib_size_functions-tglib_sfbgrid_filefname
e.g.,: eval ic_hex_create_tglib_size_functions -tglib_sfbgrid_file
./example.sf -remove_existing
Argument Descriptions:
-tglib_sfbgrid_file | full path to a tglib size function background grid file |
Optional arguments:
-remove_existing | An existing size function background grid will be removed |
-create_callbacks | Callback functions will be set for the usage of the size functions in e.g. the paver |
ic_vcalc op [""] args
Calculates basic "vector" functions using triplets and/or point name. Returns empty string if not able to calculate result. The function (op) followed by one or more args (p1, p2, p3 or const), where p1, p2, p3 are triplets or point names const is integer or float scalar is shown:
nrm p1 | normalized vector |
dir p1 p2 | normalized vector from p1 to p2 |
len p1 | length of vector |
distance p1 p2 | distance between p1 and p2 |
sum p1 p2 | vector sum |
diff p1 p2 | vector diff |
smult p2 const | vector scaled |
sum_smult p1 p2 const | vector sum scaled |
dot p1 p2 | dot product p1*p2 |
mult p1 p2 | cross product p1×p2 |
product p1 p2 | cross product p1×p2 |
angle p1 p2 p3 | angle between p1-p2 and p1-p3 lines |
angle p1 p2 | angle between 000-p1 and 000-p2 |
vec_norm p1 | some vector normal to p1 |
ic_highlight args
Temporary change color and/or "width" of points, curves, surfaces
color white or red or green. Default color: family color.
width 1 or 2 or 3. Default width: 1.
names list of names. If list is empty, default settings will be restored
ic_vset args
ic_vset options/parameters : return ic_vset -names : all names* ic_vset -names type : names of that type ic_vset -method : all methods ic_vset -method type : methods for that type ic_vset -method type method : format of the method of the type ic_vset -method name : method for that name (if not default) ic_vset -database : all names of databases with items number ic_vset -database dname : make selected database current ic_vset name : empty line if not defined**, or value (if any) ic_vset name def : for variable set new definition ic_vset -type name : type of entity ic_vset -def name : definition of entity ic_vset -info name : detailed info on entity ic_vset -settings debug : return current debug level ic_vset -settings debug value : set current debug level ic_vset -settings med_pts : current med points usage option ic_vset -settings med_pts value : set current med points usage option ic_vset -settings interrupt value : set 0/1 interrupt design creation (ic_vcreate) ic_vset -vec - vec.expr. : calculate �anonymous� vector expression ic_vset -con - con.expr. : calculate �anonymous� constraint expression ic_vset - expression : calculate expression without database modification ic_vset -delete name : delete entity ic_vset -delete all : delete all entities in active database ic_vset : (without parameters) return last result or last reason for error** * options may be abbreviated to 3 or more characters: -nam, -met, -dat, -set� ** most commands return empty line on invalid input
ic_vdefine name type method_name* definition
ic_vfile read filename : read Vid file into current database ic_vfile write filename : write current database into Vid file
## if {$npts == 2} {set pts [list $pts]}
ic_curve method part name def args
Create a bspline arc.
Usage: From a center point and two points: ic_curvearc_ctr_rad PART_NAME NEW_CURVE_NAME {CENTER_POINT POINT_1 POINT_2 0.0 "" "" 0}
From a center point and two points and radius: ic_curvearc_ctr_rad PART_NAME NEW_CURVE_NAME {CENTER_POINT POINT_1 POINT_2 RADIUS "" "" 0} Note: in case of a radius of 0.0, the arc radius will be calculated from the distance between CENTER_POINT and POINT_1
From start/end points: ic_curvearc_ctr_rad PART_NAME NEW_CURVE_NAME {POINT_1 POINT_2 POINT_3 0.0 "" "" 1}
From start/end points and radius: ic_curvearc_ctr_rad PART_NAME NEW_CURVE_NAME {POINT_1 POINT_2 POINT_3 RADIUS "" "" 1}
ic_geo_get_crv_data_at_par par crv
Returns the curve data at a parameter.
par | curve parameter |
crv | curve name |
return | list of 4 triplets: location, and 3 normalized vectors — tangent, direction to curve center, direction normal to curve plane |
return | empty line if curve does not exist |
For faceted curves result is parametric approximation of the curve.
Direction to center and normal plane may be {0 0 0} if not defined, e.g. for line.