6.10. Reporting Mesh Statistics

There are several methods for reporting information about the mesh after it has been read into Ansys Fluent. You can report the amount of memory used by the current problem, the mesh size, and statistics about the mesh partitions. Zone-by-zone counts of cells and faces can also be reported.

Information about mesh statistics is provided in the following sections:

6.10.1. Mesh Size

You can print out the numbers of nodes, faces, cells, and partitions in the mesh by clicking Info and selecting Size, in the Domain ribbon tab (Mesh group box).

 Domain Mesh Info Size

A partition is a piece of a mesh that has been segregated for parallel processing (see Parallel Processing).

A sample of the resulting output follows:

 Mesh Size
 Level     Cells       Faces       Nodes        Partitions
     0      7917       12247       4468                 1

 2 cell zones, 11 face zones.

If you are interested in how the cells and faces are divided among the different zones, click Info and select Zones, in the Domain ribbon tab (Mesh group box), as described in Mesh Zone Information.

You can determine the number of faces at each boundary or at each boundary type by clicking Info in the context menu of the selected boundary or boundary type in the Outline View tree.

 Setup Boundary Conditions <Boundary Type>  Info

If you are using the density-based coupled explicit solver, the mesh information will be printed for each grid level. The grid levels result from creating coarse grid levels for the FAS multigrid convergence acceleration (see Full-Approximation Storage (FAS) Multigrid in the Theory Guide). A sample of the resulting output is shown below:

 Mesh Size
 Level   Cells    Faces    Nodes     Partitions
  0       7917    12247     4468              1
  1       1347     3658        0              1
  2        392     1217        0              1
  3        133      475        0              1
  4         50      197        0              1
  5         17       78        0              1
 2 cell zones, 11 face zones.

6.10.2. Memory Usage

During an Ansys Fluent session you may want to check the amount of memory used and allocated in the present analysis. Ansys Fluent has a feature that will report the following information: the numbers of nodes, faces, cells, edges, and object pointers (generic pointers for various mesh and graphics utilities) that are used and allocated; the amount of array memory (scratch memory used for surfaces) used and allocated; and the amount of memory used by the solver process.

You can obtain this information by clicking Info and selecting Memory Usage, in the Domain ribbon tab (Mesh group box).

 Domain Mesh Info Memory Usage

The memory information will be different for Linux and Windows systems. Linux Systems

On Linux systems, note the following definitions related to process memory information:

  • Process static memory is essentially the size of the code itself.

  • Process dynamic memory is the allocated heap memory used to store the mesh and solution variables.

  • Process total memory is the sum of static and dynamic memory. Windows Systems

On Windows systems, note the following definitions related to process memory information:

  • Process physical memory is the allocated heap memory currently resident in RAM.

  • Process virtual memory is the allocated heap memory currently swapped to the Windows system page file.

  • Process total memory is the sum of physical and virtual memory.

Note the following:

  • The memory information does not include the static (code) memory.

  • Cortex runs in its own process, so the heap memory value includes storage for the mesh and solution variables only.

On Windows systems, you can also get more information on the Ansys Fluent process (or processes) by using the Task Manager (see your Windows documentation for details). Examples of process image names are as follows: cx2510.exe (Cortex), fl2510.exe (solver host), and fl_mpi2510.exe (solver node).

6.10.3. Mesh Zone Information

You can print information in the console about the nodes, faces, and cells in each zone the by clicking Info and selecting Zones, in the Domain ribbon tab (Mesh group box).

 Domain Mesh Info Zones

The mesh zone information includes the total number of nodes and, for each face and cell zone, the number of faces or cells, the cell (and, in 3D, face) type (triangular, quadrilateral, and so on), the boundary condition type, and the zone ID. Sample output is shown below:

 Zone sizes on domain 1:
 21280 hexahedral cells, zone 4.
   532 quadrilateral velocity-inlet faces, zone 1.
   532 quadrilateral pressure-outlet faces, zone 2.
   1040 quadrilateral symmetry faces, zone 3.
   1040 quadrilateral symmetry faces, zone 7.
  61708 quadrilateral interior faces, zone 5.
    1120 quadrilateral wall faces, zone 6.
 23493 nodes.

6.10.4. Partition Statistics

You can print mesh partition statistics in the console by clicking Info and selecting Partitions, in the Domain ribbon tab (Mesh group box).

 Domain Mesh Info Partitions

The statistics include the numbers of cells, faces, interfaces, and neighbors of each partition. See Interpreting Partition Statistics for further details, including sample output.