3.2. Data Access Macros

3.2.1. Axisymmetric Considerations for Data Access Macros

C-side calculations for axisymmetric models in Ansys Fluent are made on a 1 radian basis. Therefore, when you are utilizing certain data access macros (for example, F_AREA or F_FLUX) for axisymmetric flows, your UDF will need to multiply the result by 2*PI (utilizing the macro M_PI) to get the desired value.

3.2.2. Node Macros

A mesh in Ansys Fluent is defined by the position of its nodes and how the nodes are connected. The macros listed in Table 3.1: Macros for Node Coordinates Defined in metric.h and Table 3.2: Macro for Number of Nodes Defined in mem.h can be used to return the real Cartesian coordinates of the cell node (at the cell corner) in SI units. The variables are available in both the pressure-based and the density-based solvers. Definitions for these macros can be found in metric.h. The argument Node *node for each of the variables defines a node. Node Position

Table 3.1: Macros for Node Coordinates Defined in metric.h


Argument Types



Node *node

real x coordinate of node


Node *node

real y coordinate of node


Node *node

real z coordinate of node Number of Nodes in a Face (F_NNODES)

The macro F_NNODES shown in Table 3.2: Macro for Number of Nodes Defined in mem.h returns the integer number of nodes associated with a face.

Table 3.2: Macro for Number of Nodes Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



face_t f, Thread *t

int number of nodes in a face

3.2.3. Cell Macros

The macros listed in Table 3.3: Macro for Cell Centroids Defined in metric.h Table 3.20: Macros for Multiphase Variables Defined in sg_mphase.h can be used to return real cell variables in SI units. They are identified by the C_ prefix. These variables are available in the pressure-based and the density-based solvers. The quantities that are returned are available only if the corresponding physical model is active. For example, species mass fraction is available only if species transport has been enabled in the Species Model dialog box in Ansys Fluent. Definitions for these macros can be found in the referenced header file (for example, mem.h). Cell Centroid (C_CENTROID)

The macro listed in Table 3.3: Macro for Cell Centroids Defined in metric.h can be used to obtain the real centroid of a cell. C_CENTROID finds the coordinate position of the centroid of the cell c and stores the coordinates in the x array. Note that the x array is always one-dimensional, but it can be x[2] or x[3] depending on whether you are using the 2D or 3D solver.

Table 3.3: Macro for Cell Centroids Defined in metric.h


Argument Types



real x[ND_ND], cell_t c, Thread * t

x (cell centroid)

See DEFINE_INIT for an example UDF that utilizes C_CENTROID. Cell Volume (C_VOLUME)

The macro listed in Table 3.4: Macro for Cell Volume Defined in mem.h can be used to obtain the real cell volume for 2D, 3D, and axisymmetric simulations.

Table 3.4: Macro for Cell Volume Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

real cell volume for 2D or 3D, real cell volume/2π for axisymmetric

See DEFINE_UDS_UNSTEADY C_VOLUME. Number of Faces (C_NFACES) and Nodes (C_NNODES) in a Cell

The macro C_NFACES shown in Table 3.5: Macros for Number of Node and Faces Defined in mem.h returns the integer number of faces for a given cell. C_NNODES, also shown in Table 3.2: Macro for Number of Nodes Defined in mem.h , returns the integer number of nodes for a given cell.

Table 3.5: Macros for Number of Node and Faces Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

int number of nodes in a cell


cell_t c, Thread *t

int number of faces in a cell Cell Face Index (C_FACE)

C_FACE expands to return the global face index face_t f for the given cell_t c, Thread *t, and local face index number i. Specific faces can be accessed via the integer index i and all faces can be looped over with c_face_loop. The macro is defined in mem.h.

Note:  If you are running in parallel, C_FACE expands to return the local face index for a compute node.

Table 3.6: Macro for Cell Face Index Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

global face index face_t f Cell Face Thread (C_FACE_THREAD)

C_FACE_THREAD expands to return the Thread *t of the face_t f that is returned by C_FACE (see above). Specific faces can be accessed via the integer index i and all faces can be looped over with c_face_loop. The macro is defined in mem.h.

Table 3.7: Macro for Cell Face Index Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

Thread *t of face_t f returned by C_FACE. Flow Variable Macros for Cells

You can access flow variables using macros listed in Table 3.8: Macros for Cell Flow Variables Defined in mem.h or sg_mem.h.

Table 3.8: Macros for Cell Flow Variables Defined in mem.h or sg_mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t



cell_t c, Thread *t



cell_t c, Thread *t

u velocity


cell_t c, Thread *t

v velocity


cell_t c, Thread *t

w velocity


cell_t c, Thread *t



cell_t c, Thread *t



cell_t c, Thread *t

turb. kinetic energy


cell_t c, Thread *t

turbulent viscosity for Spalart-Allmaras


cell_t c, Thread *t

turb. kinetic energy dissipation rate


cell_t c, Thread *t

specific dissipation rate


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

Note: int i is species index

species mass fraction

C_IGNITE (c,t)

cell_t c, Thread *t

ignition mass fraction


cell_t c, Thread *t

premixed combustion temperature


cell_t c, Thread *t, real nv

value of variable nv, where nv is a generic flow variable. For instance, for temperature, nv = SV_T, for pressure, nv = SV_P, for density, nv = SV_DENSITY, and so on.

Note:  The C_YI(c,t,i) macro is not available with the non/partially premixed models. See Species Fractions Calculations with the Non- and Partially- Premixed Models for Information on calculating the species fractions with the non-premixed and partially premixed models.

Important:  If the case is 2D axisymmetric or axisymmetric with swirl or rotation.

C_U(c,t) returns axial velocity

C_V(c,t) returns radial velocity

C_W(c,t) returns swirl velocity only when the flow is 2D axisymmetric with swirl or rotation.

Table 3.9: Macro for Cell Porosity in mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

porosity of fluid cell


cell_t c, Thread *t

porosity of fluid at the dual cell zone region in the non-equilibrium thermal model[a] Species Fractions Calculations with the Non- and Partially- Premixed Models

When the non-premixed or partially premixed model is enabled, Ansys Fluent uses lookup tables to calculate temperature, density, and species fractions. If you need to access these variables in your UDF, then note that while density and temperature can be obtained through the macros C_R(c,t) and C_T(c,t), if you need to access the species fractions, you will need to first retrieve them by calling the species lookup functions Pdf_Yi(c, t, n) or Pdf_XY(c,t,x,y). The functions are defined in the header file pdf_props.h, which you will need to include in your UDF:

Pdf_XY returns the species mole and mass fraction arrays x and y.

Function: Pdf_XY(cell_t c, Thread *t, real *x, real *y)

Argument Type


cell_t c

Cell index.

Thread *t

Pointer to thread.

real *x

Array of species mole fractions.

real *y

Array of species mass fractions.

Function returns


Pdf_Yi returns the mass fraction of species n.

Function: Pdf_Yi(cell_t c, Thread *t, int n)

Argument Type


cell_t c

Cell index.

Thread *t

Pointer to thread.

int n

Species index.

Function returns


The species number in the lookup tables is stored in the integer variable n_spe_pdf, which is also included in the header file pdf_props.h. Gradient (G) and Reconstruction Gradient (RG) Vector Macros

You can access gradient and reconstruction gradient vectors (and components) for many of the cell variables listed in Table 3.8: Macros for Cell Flow Variables Defined in mem.h or sg_mem.h. Ansys Fluent calculates the gradient of flow in a cell (based on the divergence theory) and stores this value in the variable identified by the suffix _G. For example, cell temperature is stored in the variable C_T, and the temperature gradient of the cell is stored in C_T_G. The gradients stored in variables with the _G suffix are non-limited values and if used to reconstruct values within the cell (at faces, for example), may potentially result in values that are higher (or lower) than values in the surrounding cells. Therefore, if your UDF needs to compute face values from cell gradients, you should use the reconstruction gradient (RG) values instead of non-limited gradient (G) values. Reconstruction gradient variables are identified by the suffix _RG, and use the limiting method that you have activated in your Ansys Fluent model to limit the cell gradient values.

Gradient (G) Vector Macros

Table 3.10: Macros for Cell Gradients Defined in mem.h shows a list of cell gradient vector macros. Note that gradient variables are available only when the equation for that variable is being solved. For example, if you are defining a source term for energy, your UDF can access the cell temperature gradient (using C_T_G), but it cannot get access to the x-velocity gradient (using C_U_G). The reason for this is that the solver continually removes data from memory that it does not need. In order to retain the gradient data (when you want to set up user-defined scalar transport equations, for example), you can prevent the solver from freeing up memory by enabling the following text command: solve/set/advanced/retain-temporary-solver-mem. Note that when you do this, all of the gradient data is retained, but the calculation requires more memory to run.

You can access a component of a gradient vector by specifying it as an argument in the gradient vector call (0 for the x component; 1 for y; and 2 for z). For example,

C_T_G(c,t)[0]; /* returns the x-component of the cell temperature gradient vector */ 

Table 3.10: Macros for Cell Gradients Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

pressure gradient vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity gradient vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity gradient vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity gradient vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

temperature gradient vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

swirl angular velocity gradient vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

enthalpy gradient vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

turbulent viscosity for Spalart- Allmaras gradient vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

turbulent kinetic energy gradient vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate gradient vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

specific dissipation rate gradient vector


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

Note: int i is species index

species mass fraction gradient vector

Important:  If the case is axisymmetric or axisymmetric swirl.

C_U_G(c,t) returns the axial velocity gradient vector;

C_V_G(c,t) returns the radial velocity gradient vector;

C_W_G(c,t) is not available in the axisymmetric swirl flow. The following example shows how to calculate the swirl velocity gradient vector from the swirl angular velocity gradient vector.

For thread t and cell id c, the swirl velocity gradient c_w_g is computed as,

real radius;

real omega;

real c_w_g[ND_ND], x[ND_ND];


radius = x[1];

/*angular velocity = swirl velocity/radius */

omega = C_W(c, t)/radius;

/*compute swirl velocity gradient */

c_w_g[0] = C_OMEGA_G(c, t)[0] * radius;

c_w_g[1] = C_OMEGA_G(c, t)[1] * radius + omega;

c_w_g[2] = C_OMEGA_G(c, t)[2] * radius;

To access C_OMEGA_G(c,t), one need to execute the TUI command first:


Important:  Note that you can access vector components of each of the variables listed in Table 3.10: Macros for Cell Gradients Defined in mem.h by using the integer index [i] for each macro listed in Table 3.10: Macros for Cell Gradients Defined in mem.h . For example, C_T_G(c,t)[i] will access a component of the temperature gradient vector.

Important:   C_P_G can be used only in the pressure-based solver.

Important:   C_YI_G can be used only in the density-based solver. To use this in the pressure-based solver, you will need to set the rpvar ’species/save-gradients? to #t.

As stated previously, the availability of gradient variables is affected by your solver selection, which models are turned on, the setting for the spatial discretization, and whether the temporary solver memory is retained. To make it easy for you to verify what gradient variables are available for your particular case and data files, the following UDF (named showgrad.c) is provided. Simply compile this UDF, run your solution, and then hook the UDF using the Execute on Demand dialog box (as described in Hooking DEFINE_ON_DEMAND UDFs). The available gradient variables will be displayed in the console.

Important:  Note that the showgrad.c UDF is useful only for single-phase models.

 * ON Demand User-Defined Functions to check                              *
 * on the availability of Reconstruction Gradient and Gradients           *
 * for a given Solver and Solver settings:                                *
 *                                                                        *
 * Availability of Gradients & Reconstruction Gradients depends on:       *
 * 1) the selected Solver (density based or pressure based)               *
 * 2) the selected Model                                                  *
 * 3) the order of discretizations                                        *
 * 4) whether the temporary solver memory is being retained (to keep      *
 *    temporary memory, enable the following text command:                *
 *    solve/set/advanced/retain-temporary-solver-mem.                     *
 *                                                                        *
 *                                                                        *
 * How to use showgrad:                                                   *
 *                                                                        *
 * - Read in your case & data file.                                       *
 * - Compile showgrad.c UDF.                                              *
 * - Load library libudf.                                                 *
 * - Attach the showgrad UDF in the Execute on Demand dialog box.         *
 * - Run your solution.                                                   *
 * - Click the Execute button in the Execute on Demand dialog box.        *
 *                                                                        *
 * A list of available Grads and Recon Grads will be displayed in the     *
 * console.                                                               *
 *                                                                        *
 * 2004 Laith Zori                                                        *
 */ #include "udf.h"
    Domain *domain;
    Thread *t;  domain=Get_Domain(1);
    if (! Data_Valid_P()) return;
    Message0(" >>> entering show-grad: \n ");
    thread_loop_c(t, domain)
       Material *m = THREAD_MATERIAL(t);
       int nspe = MIXTURE_NSPECIES(m);
       int nspm = nspe-1;
       Message0("::::\n ");
       Message0("::::  Reconstruction Gradients :::: \n ");
       Message0("::::\n ");
          Message0("....show-grad:Reconstruction Gradient of P is available \n ");
          Message0("....show-grad:Reconstruction Gradient of U is available \n ");
          Message0("....show-grad:Reconstruction Gradient of V is available \n ");
          Message0("....show-grad:Reconstruction Gradient of W is available \n ");
          Message0("....show-grad:Reconstruction Gradient of T is available \n ");
          Message0("....show-grad:Reconstruction Gradient of H is available \n ");
          Message0("....show-grad:Reconstruction Gradient of K is available \n ");
          Message0("....show-grad:Reconstruction Gradient of D is available \n ");
          Message0("....show-grad:Reconstruction Gradient of O is available \n ");
          Message0("....show-grad:Reconstruction Gradient of NUT is available \n ");
       if (nspe && NNULLP(THREAD_STORAGE(t, SV_Y_RG)))
           Message0("....show-grad:Reconstruction Gradient of Species is available \n ");
     Message0("::::\n ");
     Message0("::::   Gradients :::: \n ");
     Message0("::::\n ");
         Message0("....show-grad:Gradient of P is available \n ");
         Message0("....show-grad:Gradient of U is available \n ");
        Message0("....show-grad:Gradient of V is available \n ");
        Message0("....show-grad:Gradient of W is available \n ");
        Message0("....show-grad:Gradient of T is available \n ");
        Message0("....show-grad:Gradient of H is available \n ");
        Message0("....show-grad:Gradient of K is available \n ");
        Message0("....show-grad:Gradient of D is available \n ");
        Message0("....show-grad:Gradient of O is available \n ");
        Message0("....show-grad:Gradient of NUT is available \n ");
     if (nspe && NNULLP(THREAD_STORAGE(t, SV_Y_G)))
           Message0("....show-grad:Gradient of Species is available \n ");

Reconstruction Gradient (RG) Vector Macros

Table 3.11: Macros for Cell Reconstruction Gradients (RG) Defined in mem.h shows a list of cell reconstruction gradient vector macros. Like gradient variables, RG variables are available only when the equation for that variable is being solved. As in the case of gradient variables, you can retain all of the reconstruction gradient data by enabling the following text command: solve/set/advanced/retain-temporary-solver-mem. Note that when you do this, the reconstruction gradient data is retained, but the calculation requires more memory to run.

You can access a component of a reconstruction gradient vector by specifying it as an argument in the reconstruction gradient vector call (0 for the x component; 1 for y; and 2 for z). For example,

 C_T_RG(c,t)[0]; /* returns the x-component of the cell temperature
                    reconstruction gradient vector */ 

Table 3.11: Macros for Cell Reconstruction Gradients (RG) Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

density RG vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

pressure RG vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity RG vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity RG vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity RG vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

temperature RG vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

enthalpy RG vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

turbulent viscosity for Spalart-Allmaras RG vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

turbulent kinetic energy RG vector


cell_t c, Thread *t

turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate RG vector


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

Note: int i is species index

species mass fraction RG vector

Important:  If the case is axisymmetric or axisymmetric swirl.

C_U_RG(c,t) returns the axial velocity RG vector;

C_V_RG(c,t) returns the radial velocity RG vector;

C_W_RG(c,t) returns the swirl velocity RG vector only when the flow is 2D axisymmetric with swirl or rotation;

C_OMEGA_RG(c,t) is not available.

Important:  Note that you can access vector components by using the integer index [i] for each macro listed in Table 3.11: Macros for Cell Reconstruction Gradients (RG) Defined in mem.h . For example, C_T_RG(c,t)[i] will access a component of the temperature reconstruction gradient vector.

Important:   C_P_RG can be used in the pressure-based solver only when the second order discretization Scheme for pressure is specified.

Important:   C_YI_RG can be used only in the density-based solver.

As stated previously, the availability of reconstruction gradient variables is affected by your solver selection, which models are turned on, the setting for the spatial discretization, and whether the temporary solver memory is freed. To make it easy for you to verify which reconstruction gradient variables are available for your particular case and data files, a UDF (named showgrad.c) has been provided that will display the available gradients in the console. See the previous section for details. Previous Time Step Macros

The _M1 suffix can be applied to some of the cell variable macros in Table 3.8: Macros for Cell Flow Variables Defined in mem.h or sg_mem.h to allow access to the value of the variable at the previous time step (that is, ). These data may be useful in unsteady simulations. For example,


returns the value of the cell temperature at the previous time step. Previous time step macros are shown in Table 3.12: Macros for Cell Time Level 1 Defined in mem.h .

Important:  Note that data from C_T_M1 is available only if user-defined scalars are defined. It can also be used with adaptive time stepping.

Table 3.12: Macros for Cell Time Level 1 Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

density, previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity, previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity, previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity, previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t

temperature, previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

Note: int i is species index

species mass fraction, previous time step

See DEFINE_UDS_UNSTEADY for an example UDF that utilizes C_R_M1.

The M2 suffix can be applied to some of the cell variable macros in Table 3.12: Macros for Cell Time Level 1 Defined in mem.h to allow access to the value of the variable at the time step before the previous one (that is, ). These data may be useful in unsteady simulations. For example,


returns the value of the cell temperature at the time step before the previous one (referred to as second previous time step). Two previous time step macros are shown in Table 3.13: Macros for Cell Time Level 2 Defined in mem.h .

Important:  Note that data from C_T_M2 is available only if user-defined scalars are defined. It can also be used with adaptive time stepping.

Table 3.13: Macros for Cell Time Level 2 Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

density, second previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity, second previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity, second previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity, second previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t

temperature, second previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

species mass fraction, second previous time step Derivative Macros

The macros listed in Table 3.14: Macros for Cell Velocity Derivatives Defined in mem.h can be used to return real velocity derivative variables in SI units. The variables are available in both the pressure-based and the density-based solvers. Definitions for these macros can be found in the mem.h header file.

Table 3.14: Macros for Cell Velocity Derivatives Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

strain rate magnitude


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity derivative


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity derivative


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity derivative


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity derivative


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity derivative


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity derivative


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity derivative


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity derivative


cell_t c, Thread *t

velocity derivative Material Property Macros

The macros listed in Table 3.15: Macros for Diffusion Coefficients Defined in mem.h Table 3.17: Additional Material Property Macros Defined in sg_mem.h can be used to return real material property variables in SI units. The variables are available in both the pressure-based and the density-based solvers. Argument real prt is the turbulent Prandtl number. Definitions for material property macros can be found in the referenced header file (for example, mem.h).

Table 3.15: Macros for Diffusion Coefficients Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

laminar viscosity


cell_t c, Thread *t

turbulent viscosity[a]


cell_t c, Thread *t

effective viscosity


cell_t c, Thread *t

thermal conductivity


cell_t c, Thread *t, real prt

turbulent thermal conductivity


cell_t c, Thread *t, real prt

effective thermal conductivity


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i, int j

laminar species diffusivity


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

effective species diffusivity

[a] In an Embedded LES case with SAS or DES for the global turbulence model, the global turbulence model is solved even inside the LES zone, although it does not affect the velocity equations or any other model there. (This allows the global turbulence model in a downstream RANS zone to have proper inflow turbulence conditions.) Inside the LES zone, the turbulent eddy viscosity of the "muted" global SAS or DES model can be accessed through the C_MU_T_LES_ZONE(c,t) macro. (All other global turbulence models are completely frozen in all LES zones; in such cases, only the LES sub-grid scale model's eddy viscosity is available through C_MU_T(c,t) in the LES zones, as is always true for all LES zones and all pure LES cases.)

Table 3.16: Macros for Thermodynamic Properties Defined in mem.h

Name (Arguments)

Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

specific heat


cell_t c, Thread *t

universal gas constant/molecular weight


cell_t c, Thread *t

turbulent viscosity for Spalart-Allmaras

Table 3.17: Additional Material Property Macros Defined in sg_mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

primary mean mixture fraction


cell_t c, Thread *t

secondary mean mixture fraction


cell_t c, Thread *t

primary mixture fraction variance


cell_t c, Thread *t

secondary mixture fraction variance


cell_t c, Thread *t

reaction progress variable


cell_t c, Thread *t

laminar flame speed


cell_t c, Thread *t

scattering coefficient


cell_t c, Thread *t

absorption coefficient


cell_t c, Thread *t

critical strain rate


cell_t c, Thread *t

liquid fraction in a cell


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

th pollutant species mass fraction (see table below)

Important:   C_LIQF is available only in fluid cells and only if solidification is turned ON.

Table 3.18: Table of Definitions for Argument i of the Pollutant Species Mass Fraction Function C_POLLUT




Mass Fraction of NO


Mass Fraction of HCN


Mass Fraction of NH3


Mass Fraction of N2O


Soot Mass Fraction


Normalized Radical Nuclei

Note:  Concentration in particles /kg. For mass fraction concentrations in the table above, see Equation 9–121 in the Fluent Theory Guide for the defining equation. Reynolds Stress Model Macros

The macros listed in Table 3.19: Macros for Reynolds Stress Model Variables Defined in sg_mem.h can be used to return real variables for the Reynolds stress turbulence model in SI units. The variables are available in both the pressure-based and the density-based solvers. Definitions for these macros can be found in the metric.h header file.

Table 3.19: Macros for Reynolds Stress Model Variables Defined in sg_mem.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

uu Reynolds stress


cell_t c, Thread *t

vv Reynolds stress


cell_t c, Thread *t

ww Reynolds stress


cell_t c, Thread *t

uv Reynolds stress


cell_t c, Thread *t

vw Reynolds stress


cell_t c, Thread *t

uw Reynolds stress Multiphase Model Macros

The macros listed in Table 3.20: Macros for Multiphase Variables Defined in sg_mphase.h can be used to return real variables associated with the multiphase models in SI units. The variables are available only in the pressure-based solver. Definitions for these macros can be found in sg_mphase.h, which is included in udf.h.

Table 3.20: Macros for Multiphase Variables Defined in sg_mphase.h


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

(has to be a phase thread)

volume fraction for the phase corresponding to phase thread t.


cell_t c, Thread *t

(has to be a phase thread)

volume fraction reconstruction gradient vector for the phase corresponding to phase thread t.


cell_t c, Thread *t

(has to be a phase thread)

volume fraction gradient vector for the phase corresponding to phase thread t. Potential/Electrochemistry Model Macros

The macros listed in Table 3.21: Macros for Potential/Electrochemistry Model Variables Defined in mem.h can be used to return real variables associated with the potential model in SI units. The variables are available only in the pressure-based solver. Definitions for these macros can be found in mem.h, which is included in udf.h.

Table 3.21: Macros for Potential/Electrochemistry Model Variables Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



C_PHI_1(c, t)

cell_t c, Thread *t

potential value


C_PHI_1_G(c, t)

cell_t c, Thread *t

gradient vector of potential



cell_t c, Thread *t

electrical conductivity



cell_t c, Thread *t

over-potential for Butler-Volmer equation in electrolysis model (V)

only available for the Electrolysis and H2 pump model


cell_t c, Thread *t

osmotic drag source terms (kg/m3 s)


cell_t c, Thread *t

water content (-)


cell_t c, Thread *t

transfer current rate (A/m3)

C_PHI_1(c, t)

cell_t c, Thread *t

electrolyte potential value

C_PHI_2_G(c, t)

cell_t c, Thread *t

gradient vector of electrolyte potential


cell_t c, Thread *t

ionic conductivity


cell_t c, Thread *t

Joule heating rate (W/m3)


3.2.4. Face Macros

The macros listed in Table 3.22: Macro for Face Centroids Defined in metric.h Table 3.25: Macros for Interior and Boundary Face Flow Variables Defined in mem.h can be used to return real face variables in SI units. They are identified by the F_ prefix. Note that these variables are available in the pressure-based and the density-based solver. In addition, quantities that are returned are available only if the corresponding physical model is active. For example, species mass fraction is available only if species transport has been enabled in the Species Model dialog box in Ansys Fluent. Definitions for these macros can be found in the referenced header files (for example, mem.h). Face Centroid (F_CENTROID)

The macro listed in Table 3.22: Macro for Face Centroids Defined in metric.h can be used to obtain the real centroid of a face. F_CENTROID finds the coordinate position of the centroid of the face f and stores the coordinates in the x array. Note that the x array is always one-dimensional, but it can be x[2] or x[3] depending on whether you are using the 2D or 3D solver.

Table 3.22: Macro for Face Centroids Defined in metric.h


Argument Types



real x[ND_ND], face_t f, Thread *t

x (face centroid)

The ND_ND macro returns 2 or 3 in 2D and 3D cases, respectively, as defined in The ND Macros. DEFINE_PROFILE contains an example of F_CENTROID usage. Face Area Vector (F_AREA)

F_AREA can be used to return the real face area vector (or ‘face area normal’) of a given face f in a face thread t. See DEFINE_UDS_FLUX for an example UDF that utilizes F_AREA.

Table 3.23: Macro for Face Area Vector Defined in metric.h


Argument Types



A[ND_ND], face_t f, Thread *t

A (area vector)

By convention in Ansys Fluent, boundary face area normals always point out of the domain. Ansys Fluent determines the direction of the face area normals for interior faces by applying the right hand rule to the nodes on a face, in order of increasing node number. This is shown in Figure 3.1: Ansys Fluent Determination of Face Area Normal Direction: 2D Face.

Figure 3.1: Ansys Fluent Determination of Face Area Normal Direction: 2D Face

Ansys Fluent Determination of Face Area Normal Direction: 2D Face

Ansys Fluent assigns adjacent cells to an interior face (c0 and c1) according to the following convention: the cell out of which a face area normal is pointing is designated as cell C0, while the cell in to which a face area normal is pointing is cell c1 (Figure 3.1: Ansys Fluent Determination of Face Area Normal Direction: 2D Face). In other words, face area normals always point from cell c0 to cell c1. Flow Variable Macros for Boundary Faces

The macros listed in Table 3.24: Macros for Boundary Face Flow Variables Defined in mem.h access flow variables at a boundary face.

Note:  For boundaries with the density-based solver, note the following:

  • Enthalpy (F_H(f,t)) is not stored.

  • The boundary velocity array (F_U(f,t), F_V(f,t), and F_W(f,t)) is not allocated for boundaries of type wall, symmetry, or axis.

  • It is recommended that you use the NNULLP() macro to avoid reading unallocated memory. For example, memory storage for the x-velocity variable can be checked by the following:

    /* check for x-velocity boundary storage */
    if(NNULLP(THREAD_STORAGE(t, SV_U))) { … }

Table 3.24: Macros for Boundary Face Flow Variables Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



face_t f, Thread *t,

u velocity


face_t f, Thread *t,

v velocity


face_t f, Thread *t,

w velocity


face_t f, Thread *t,



face_t f, Thread *t,


F_K(f t)

face_t f, Thread *t,

turbulent kinetic energy


face_t f, Thread *t,

turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate


face_t f, Thread *t, int i

species mass fraction

See DEFINE_UDS_FLUX for an example UDF that utilizes some of these macros. Flow Variable Macros at Interior and Boundary Faces

The macros listed in Table 3.25: Macros for Interior and Boundary Face Flow Variables Defined in mem.h access flow variables at interior faces and boundary faces.

Table 3.25: Macros for Interior and Boundary Face Flow Variables Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



face_t f, Thread *t,



face_t f, Thread *t

mass flow rate through a face

F_FLUX can be used to return the real scalar mass flow rate through a given face f in a face thread t. The sign of F_FLUX that is computed by the Ansys Fluent solver is positive if the flow direction is the same as the face area normal direction (as determined by F_AREA - see Face Area Vector (F_AREA)), and is negative if the flow direction and the face area normal directions are opposite. In other words, the flux is positive if the flow is out of the domain, and is negative if the flow is in to the domain.

Note that the sign of the flux that is computed by the solver is opposite to that which is reported in the Ansys Fluent GUI (for example, the Flux Reports dialog box).

Important:   F_P(f,t) is not available in the density-based solver.

In the density-based solver, F_FLUX(f,t) will only return a value if one or more scalar equations (for example, turbulence quantities) are being solved that require the mass flux of a face to be stored by the solver.

3.2.5. Connectivity Macros

Ansys Fluent provides macros that allow the vectors connecting cell centroids and the vectors connecting cell and face centroids to be readily defined. These macros return information that is helpful in evaluating face values of scalars which are generally not stored, as well as the diffusive flux of scalars across cell boundaries. The geometry and gradients involved with these macros are summarized in Figure 3.2: Adjacent Cells c0 and c1 with Vector and Gradient Definitions.

To better understand the parameters that are returned by these macros, it is best to consider how the aforementioned calculations are evaluated. Assuming that the gradient of a scalar is available, the face value of a scalar, , can be approximated by


where is the vector that connects the cell centroid with the face centroid. The gradient in this case is evaluated at the cell centroid where is also stored.

The diffusive flux, , across a face, , of a scalar is given by,


where is the diffusion coefficient at the face. In Ansys Fluent’s unstructured solver, the gradient along the face normal direction may be approximated by evaluating gradients along the directions that connect cell centroids and along a direction confined within the plane of the face. Given this, maybe approximated as,


where the first term on the right hand side represents the primary gradient directed along the vector and the second term represents the ‘cross’ diffusion term. In this equation, is the area normal vector of face directed from cell c0 to c1, is the distance between the cell centroids, and is the unit normal vector in this direction. is the average of the gradients at the two adjacent cells. (For boundary faces, the variable is the gradient of the c0 cell.) This is shown in Figure 3.2: Adjacent Cells c0 and c1 with Vector and Gradient Definitions.

Figure 3.2: Adjacent Cells c0 and c1 with Vector and Gradient Definitions

Adjacent Cells c0 and c1 with Vector and Gradient Definitions Adjacent Cell Index (F_C0, F_C1)

The cells on either side of a face may or may not belong to the same cell thread. Referring to Figure 3.2: Adjacent Cells c0 and c1 with Vector and Gradient Definitions, if a face is on the boundary of a domain, then only c0 exists. (c1 is undefined for an external face). Alternatively, if the face is in the interior of the domain, then both c0 and c1 exist.

There are two macros, F_C0(f,t) and F_C1(f,t), that can be used to identify cells that are adjacent to a given face thread t. F_C0 expands to a function that returns the index of a face’s neighboring c0 cell (Figure 3.2: Adjacent Cells c0 and c1 with Vector and Gradient Definitions), while F_C1 returns the cell index for c1 (Figure 3.2: Adjacent Cells c0 and c1 with Vector and Gradient Definitions), if it exists.

Table 3.26: Adjacent Cell Index Macros Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



face_t f, Thread *t

cell_t c for cell c0


face_t f, Thread *t

cell_t c for cell c1

See DEFINE_UDS_FLUX for an example UDF that utilizes F_C0. Adjacent Cell Thread (THREAD_T0, THREAD_T1)

The cells on either side of a face may or may not belong to the same cell thread. Referring to Figure 3.2: Adjacent Cells c0 and c1 with Vector and Gradient Definitions, if a face is on the boundary of a domain, then only c0 exists. (c1 is undefined for an external face). Alternatively, if the face is in the interior of the domain, then both c0 and c1 exist.

There are two macros, THREAD_T0(t) and THREAD_T1(t), that can be used to identify cell threads that are adjacent to a given face f in a face thread t. THREAD_T0 expands to a function that returns the cell thread of a given face’s adjacent cell c0, and THREAD_T1 returns the cell thread for c1 (if it exists).

Table 3.27: Adjacent Cell Thread Macros Defined in mem.h


Argument Types



Thread *t

cell thread pointer for cell c0


Thread *t

cell thread pointer for cell c1 Interior Face Geometry (INTERIOR_FACE_GEOMETRY)

INTERIOR_FACE_GEOMETRY(f,t,A,ds,es,A_by_es,dr0,dr1) expands to a function that outputs the following variables to the solver, for a given face f, on face thread t. The macro is defined in the sg.h header file which is not included in udf.h. You will need to include this file in your UDF using the #include directive.

real A[ND_ND]

the area normal vector

real ds

distance between the cell centroids

real es[ND_ND]

the unit normal vector in the direction from cell c0 to c1

real A_by_es

the value

real dr0[ND_ND]

vector that connects the centroid of cell c0 to the face centroid

real dr1[ND_ND]

the vector that connects the centroid of cell c1 to the face centroid

Note that INTERIOR_FACE_GEOMETRY can be called to retrieve some of the terms needed to evaluate Equation 3–1 and Equation 3–3. Boundary Face Geometry (BOUNDARY_FACE_GEOMETRY)

BOUNDARY_FACE_GEOMETRY(f,t,A,ds,es,A_by_es,dr0) expands to a function that outputs the following variables to the solver, for a given face f, on face thread t. It is defined in the sg.h header file which is not included in udf.h. You will need to include this file in your UDF using the #include directive.

BOUNDARY_FACE_GEOMETRY can be called to retrieve some of the terms needed to evaluate Equation 3–1 and Equation 3–3.

real A[ND_ND]

area normal vector

real ds

distance between the cell centroid and the face centroid

real es[ND_ND]

unit normal vector in the direction from centroid of cell c0 to the face centroid

real A_by_es


real dr0[ND_ND]

vector that connects the centroid of cell c0 to the face centroid Boundary Face Thread (BOUNDARY_FACE_THREAD)

BOUNDARY_FACE_THREAD_P(t) expands to a function that returns TRUE if Thread *t is a boundary face thread. The macro is defined in threads.h which is included in udf.h. See DEFINE_UDS_FLUX for an example UDF that utilizes BOUNDARY_FACE_THREAD_P. Boundary Secondary Gradient Source (BOUNDARY_SECONDARY_GRADIENT_SOURCE)

BOUNDARY_SECONDARY_GRADIENT_SOURCE(source,n,dphi,dx,A_by_es,k) expands to a function that outputs the following variables to the solver, for a given face and face thread. It is defined in the sg.h header file which is not included in udf.h. You will need to include this file in your UDF using the #include directive.

Important:  The use of BOUNDARY_SECONDARY_GRADIENT_SOURCE first requires that cell geometry information be defined, which can be readily obtained by the use of the BOUNDARY_FACE_GEOMETRY macro (described previously in this section). See Implementing Ansys Fluent’s P-1 Radiation Model Using User-Defined Scalars for an example.

BOUNDARY_SECONDARY_GRADIENT_SOURCE can be called to retrieve some of the terms needed to evaluate Equation 3–3.

real source

the cross diffusion term of the diffusive flux (that is, the second term on the right side of Equation 3–3)

Svar n

the Svar enumeration value (for example, SV_..._G or SV_UDSI_G(...) for the (spatial) gradient of the solution variable SV_... or SV_UDSI_(...) being worked on

real dphi[ND_ND]

a dummy scratch variable array that stores the facial gradient value during the computation

real dx[ND_ND]

the unit normal vector in the direction from centroid of cell c0 to the face centroid

real A_by_es

the value

real k

the diffusion coefficient at the face ( in Equation 3–3)

Important:  Note that the gradient field variable addressed by the Svar value n is not always allocated, and so your UDF must verify its status (using the NULLP or NNULLP function, as described in NULLP & NNULLP ) and assign a value as necessary. See Implementing Ansys Fluent’s P-1 Radiation Model Using User-Defined Scalars for an example.

3.2.6. Special Macros

The macros listed in this section are special macros that are used often in UDFs.

  • Lookup_Thread


  • Get_Domain


  • THREAD_SHADOW Thread Pointer for Zone ID (Lookup_Thread)

You can use Lookup_Thread when you want to retrieve the pointer t to the thread that is associated with a given integer zone ID number for a boundary zone. The zone_ID that is passed to the macro is the zone number that Ansys Fluent assigns to the boundary and displays in the boundary condition dialog box (for example, Fluid). Note that this macro does the inverse of THREAD_ID (see below).

There are two arguments to Lookup_Thread. domain is passed by Ansys Fluent and is the pointer to the domain structure. You supply the integer value of zone_ID.

For example, the code

 int zone_ID = 2;
 Thread *thread_name = Lookup_Thread(domain,zone_ID); 

passes a zone ID of to Lookup_Thread. A zone ID of may, for example, correspond to a wall zone in your case.

Now suppose that your UDF needs to operate on a particular thread in a domain (instead of looping over all threads), and the DEFINE macro you are using to define your UDF does not have the thread pointer passed to it from the solver (for example, DEFINE_ADJUST). You can use Lookup_Thread in your UDF to get the desired thread pointer. This is a two-step process.

First, you will need to get the integer ID of the zone by visiting the boundary condition dialog box (for example, Fluid) and noting the zone ID. You can also obtain the value of the Zone ID from the solver using RP_Get_Integer. Note that in order to use RP_Get_Integer, you will have to define the zone ID variable first on the Scheme side using rp-var-define or make-new-rpvar (see Scheme Macros for details.)

Next, you supply the zone_ID as an argument to Lookup_Thread either as a hard-coded integer (for example, 1, 2) or as the variable assigned from RP_Get_Integer. Lookup_Thread returns the pointer to the thread that is associated with the given zone ID. You can then assign the thread pointer to a thread_name and use it in your UDF.

Important:  Note that when Lookup_Thread is utilized in a multiphase flow problem, the domain pointer that is passed to the function depends on the UDF that it is contained within. For example, if Lookup_Thread is used in an adjust function (DEFINE_ADJUST), then the mixture domain is passed and the thread pointer returned is the mixture-level thread.


Below is a UDF that uses Lookup_Thread. In this example, the pointer to the thread for a given zone_ID is retrieved by Lookup_Thread and is assigned to thread. The thread pointer is then used in begin_f_loop to loop over all faces in the given thread, and in F_CENTROID to get the face centroid value.

    Example of an adjust UDF that uses Lookup_Thread.
    Note that if this UDF is applied to a multiphase flow problem,
    the thread that is returned is the mixture-level thread
 #include "udf.h"
 /* domain passed to Adjust function is mixture domain for multiphase*/
 DEFINE_ADJUST(print_f_centroids, domain)
    real FC[2];
    face_t f;
    int ID = 1;
    /* Zone ID for wall-1 zone from Boundary Conditions task page */
    Thread *thread = Lookup_Thread(domain, ID);
    begin_f_loop(f, thread)
       printf("x-coord = %f y-coord = %f", FC[0], FC[1]);
 } Zone ID (THREAD_ID)

You can use THREAD_ID when you want to retrieve the integer zone ID number (displayed in a boundary conditions dialog box such as Fluid) that is associated with a given thread pointer t. Note that this macro does the inverse of Lookup_Thread (see above).

 int zone_ID = THREAD_ID(t); Domain Pointer (Get_Domain)

You can use the Get_Domain macro to retrieve a domain pointer when it is not explicitly passed as an argument to your UDF. This is commonly used in ON_DEMAND functions since DEFINE_ON_DEMAND is not passed any arguments from the Ansys Fluent solver. It is also used in initialization and adjust functions for multiphase applications where a phase domain pointer is needed but only a mixture pointer is passed.


domain_id is an integer whose value is 1 for the mixture domain, but the values for the phase domains can be any integer greater than 1. The ID for a particular phase can be found be selecting it in the Phases dialog box in Ansys Fluent.

 Setup Models Multiphase Phases  Edit...

Single-Phase Flows

In the case of single-phase flows, domain_id is 1 and Get_Domain(1) will return the fluid domain pointer.

    Domain *domain;          /* domain is declared as a variable  */
    domain = Get_Domain(1);  /* returns fluid domain pointer      */

Multiphase Flows

In the case of multiphase flows, the value returned by Get_Domain is either the mixture-level, a phase-level, or an interaction phase-level domain pointer. The value of domain_id is always 1 for the mixture domain. You can obtain the domain_id using the Ansys Fluent graphical user interface much in the same way that you can determine the zone ID from the Boundary Conditions task page. Simply go to the Phases dialog box in Ansys Fluent and select the desired phase. The domain_id will then be displayed. You will need to hard code this integer ID as an argument to the macro as shown below.

    Domain *mixture_domain;
    mixture_domain = Get_Domain(1); /* returns mixture domain pointer */
                                    /* and assigns to variable        */
    Domain *subdomain;
    subdomain = Get_Domain(2);      /* returns phase with ID=2 domain pointer*/
                                    /* and assigns to variable               */


The following example is a UDF named get_coords that prints the thread face centroids for two specified thread IDs. The function implements the Get_Domain utility for a single-phase application. In this example, the function Print_Thread_Face_Centroids uses the Lookup_Thread function to determine the pointer to a thread, and then writes the face centroids of all the faces in a specified thread to a file. The Get_Domain(1) function call returns the pointer to the domain (or mixture domain, in the case of a multiphase application). This argument is not passed to DEFINE_ON_DEMAND.

    Example of UDF for single phase that uses Get_Domain utility
 #include "udf.h"
 FILE *fout;
 void Print_Thread_Face_Centroids(Domain *domain, int id)
    real FC[3];
    face_t f;
    Thread *t = Lookup_Thread(domain, id);
    fprintf(fout,"thread id %d\n", id);
      fprintf(fout, "f%d %g %g %g\n", f, FC[0], FC[1], FC[2]);
    fprintf(fout, "\n");
    Domain *domain;
    domain = Get_Domain(1);
    fout = fopen("faces.out", "w");
    Print_Thread_Face_Centroids(domain, 2);
    Print_Thread_Face_Centroids(domain, 4);

Note that Get_Domain(1) replaces the extern Domain *domain expression used in releases of Ansys Fluent 6. Set Boundary Condition Value (F_PROFILE)

F_PROFILE is typically used in a DEFINE_PROFILE UDF to set a boundary condition value in memory for a given face and thread. The index i that is an argument to F_PROFILE is also an argument to DEFINE_PROFILE and identifies the particular boundary variable (for example, pressure, temperature, velocity) that is to be set. F_PROFILE is defined in mem.h.


F_PROFILE (f, t, i)

Argument types:

face_t f

Thread *t

int i

Function returns:


The arguments of F_PROFILE are f, the index of the face face_t; t, a pointer to the face’s thread t; and i, an integer index to the particular face variable that is to be set. i is defined by Ansys Fluent when you hook a DEFINE_PROFILE UDF to a particular variable (for example, pressure, temperature, velocity) in a boundary condition dialog box. This index is passed to your UDF by the Ansys Fluent solver so that the function knows which variable to operate on.

Suppose you want to define a custom inlet boundary pressure profile for your Ansys Fluent case defined by the following equation:

You can set the pressure profile using a DEFINE_PROFILE UDF. Since a profile is an array of data, your UDF will need to create the pressure array by looping over all faces in the boundary zone, and for each face, set the pressure value using F_PROFILE. In the sample UDF source code shown below, the coordinate of the centroid is obtained using F_CENTROID, and this value is used in the pressure calculation that is stored for each face. The solver passes the UDF the right index to the pressure variable because the UDF is hooked to Gauge Total Pressure in the Pressure Inlet boundary condition dialog box. See DEFINE_PROFILE for more information on DEFINE_PROFILE UDFs.

   UDF for specifying a parabolic pressure profile boundary profile
 #include "udf.h"
    real x[ND_ND];    /* this will hold the position vector */
    real y;
    face_t f;
     y = x[1];
     F_PROFILE(f,t,i) = 1.1e5 - y*y/(.0745*.0745)*0.1e5;

THREAD_SHADOW returns the face thread that is the shadow of Thread *t if it is one of a face/face-shadow pair that makes up a thin wall. It returns NULL if the boundary is not part of a thin wall and is often used in an if statement such as:

 if (!NULLP(ts = THREAD_SHADOW(t)))
    /* Do things here using the shadow wall thread (ts) */

3.2.7. Time-Sampled Data

In transient simulations, Ansys Fluent can collect time-sampled data for postprocessing of time-averaged mean and RMS values of many solution variables. In addition, resolved Reynolds stresses and some other correlation functions can be calculated.

To access the quantities that can be evaluated during postprocessing, the following macros can be used:

  • Mean Values

    • Pressure/Velocity Components:

      P_mean = C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_P_MEAN)/delta_time_sampled;

      u_mean = C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_U_MEAN)/delta_time_sampled;

      v_mean = C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_V_MEAN)/delta_time_sampled;

      w_mean = C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_W_MEAN)/delta_time_sampled;

    • Temperature/Species Mass Fraction:

      T_mean = C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_T_MEAN)/delta_time_sampled;

      YI_mean = C_STORAGE_R_XV(c,t, SV_Y_MEAN,n)/delta_time_sampled_species[n];

    • Mixture Fraction/Progress Variable:

      Mixture_mean = C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_F_MEAN)/delta_time_sampled_non_premix;

      progress_mean = C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_C_MEAN)/delta_time_sampled_premix;

    These quantities, as well as many others, may or may not be available depending on what models have been activated. Access to all of them always follows the same structure.

    Note:  The storage variable identifiers SV_..._MEAN do not refer directly to time-averaged quantities. Instead, these storage variables contain the time-integral of these variables. It is necessary to divide by the sampling time to obtain the time averaged values.

  • RMS Values

    • Pressure/Velocity Components:

      P_rms = RMS(C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_P_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_P_RMS), delta_time_sampled, SQR(delta_time_sampled));

      u_rms = RMS(C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_U_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_U_RMS), delta_time_sampled, SQR(delta_time_sampled));

      v_rms = RMS(C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_V_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_V_RMS), delta_time_sampled, SQR(delta_time_sampled));

      w_rms = RMS(C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_W_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_W_RMS), delta_time_sampled, SQR(delta_time_sampled));

    • Temperature/Species Mass Fraction:

      T_rms = RMS(C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_T_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_T_RMS), delta_time_sampled, SQR(delta_time_sampled));

      YI_rms = RMS(C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_YI_MEAN(n)), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_YI_RMS(n)), delta_time_sampled_species[n], SQR(delta_time_sampled));

    The RMS preprocessor macro must be defined before it is used:

    #define RMS(mean_accum, rms_accum, n, nsq) \
    sqrt(fabs(rms_accum/n - SQR(mean_accum)/nsq))

    Again, these quantities, as well as many others, may or may not be available depending on what models have been activated. Access to all of them always follows the same structure.

    Note:  The storage variable identifiers SV_..._RMS contain the time-integral of the square of the solution variables. It is necessary to divide by the sampling time to obtain the time averaged values.

  • Resolved Reynolds (Shear) Stresses


    uiuj = CROSS_CORRELATION(C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_U_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_V_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_UV_MEAN), delta_time_sampled_shear, SQR(delta_time_sampled));


    uiuj = CROSS_CORRELATION(C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_U_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_W_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_UW_MEAN), delta_time_sampled_shear, SQR(delta_time_sampled));


    uiuj = CROSS_CORRELATION(C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_V_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_W_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_VW_MEAN), delta_time_sampled_shear, SQR(delta_time_sampled));

    As before, the CROSS_CORRELATION preprocessor macro must be defined before it is used:

    #define CROSS_CORRELATION(mean_accum_1, mean_accum_2, cross_accum, n_cross, nsq_mean) \
    (cross_accum/n_cross - (mean_accum_1*mean_accum_2)/nsq_mean)

    These quantities, as well as many others, may or may not be available depending on what models have been activated. Access to all of them always follows the same structure.

    Note:  The SV_UV/UW/VW_MEAN storage variables contain time-integrals of the products of two different storage variables each. In addition to the Reynolds stresses, SV_[U|V|W]T_MEAN are available to calculate temperature-velocity component correlations as shown below:

    ut = CROSS_CORRELATION(C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_U_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_T_MEAN), C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_UT_MEAN), delta_time_sampled_heat_flux, SQR(delta_time_sampled));

3.2.8. Model-Specific Macros DPM Macros

The macros listed in Table 3.28: Macros for Particles at Current Position Defined in dpm_types.h Table 3.33: Macros for Particle Material Properties Defined in dpm_laws.h can be used to return real variables associated with the Discrete Phase Model (DPM), in SI units (where relevant). They are typically used in DPM UDFs that are described in Discrete Phase Model (DPM) DEFINE Macros. The variables are available in both the pressure-based and the density-based solvers. The macros are defined in the dpm_types.h and dpm_laws.h header files, which are included in udf.h.

The variable tp indicates a pointer to the Tracked_Particle structure (Tracked_Particle *tp) which gives you the value for the particle at the current position, the variable m indicates a pointer to the relevant Material structure (Material *m), and the real variable t is the temperature.

Refer to the following sections for examples of UDFs that use some of these macros: DEFINE_DPM_LAW , DEFINE_DPM_BC , DEFINE_DPM_INJECTION_INIT , DEFINE_DPM_SWITCH , and DEFINE_DPM_PROPERTY .

The TP_... macros listed in Table 3.28: Macros for Particles at Current Position Defined in dpm_types.h through Table 3.32: Macros for Particle Species, Laws, Materials, and User Scalars Defined in dpm_types.h are to be used to access elements of variables of the type Tracked_Particles or elements within instances of the data structure pointed to by pointer variables of the type Tracked_Particle *.

In addition, the dpm_types.h header file also contains definitions for the PP_... macros that are analogous to the corresponding TP_... macros. The PP_... macros are similar in function, but they are to be used for accessing elements of variables of the Particle or elements within the data structure that are pointed to by pointer variables of the type Particle *.

Important:  The TP_.... and analogous PP_... macros should not be used interchangeably. Their definitions may be modified without notice in future releases.

Table 3.28: Macros for Particles at Current Position Defined in dpm_types.h


Argument Types



Tracked_Particle *tp, int i

position i= 0, 1, 2


Tracked_Particle *tp, int i

velocity i= 0, 1, 2


Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp

current particle time


Tracked_Particle *tp

time step


Tracked_Particle *tp

flow rate of particles in a stream in kg/s (see below for details)


Tracked_Particle *tp

liquid mass fraction (wet combusting particles only)


Tracked_Particle *tp

liquid volume fraction (wet combusting particles only)


Tracked_Particle *tp

volatile fraction (combusting particles only)


Tracked_Particle *tp

char mass fraction (combusting particles only)


Tracked_Particle *tp

volatile fraction remaining (two competing rates devolatilization model only)


Each particle in a steady flow calculation represents a "stream" of many particles that follow the same path. The number of particles in this stream that passes a particular point in a second is the "strength" of the stream. TP_FLOW_RATE(tp) returns the strength multiplied by TP_INIT_MASS(tp) at the current particle position.

Table 3.29: Macros for Particles at Entry to Current Cell Defined in dpm_types.h


Argument Types



Tracked_Particle *tp, int i

position i= 0, 1, 2


Tracked_Particle *tp, int i

velocity i= 0, 1, 2


Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp

particle time at entry


Tracked_Particle *tp

liquid mass fraction (wet combusting particles only)

Important:  Note that when you are using the macros listed in Table 3.29: Macros for Particles at Entry to Current Cell Defined in dpm_types.h to track transient particles, the particle state is the beginning of the fluid flow time step only if the particle does not cross a cell boundary.

Table 3.30: Macros for Particle Cell Index and Thread Pointer Defined in dpm_types.h

Name (Arguments)

Argument Types



Tracked_Particle *tp

cell_t c, cell index of the cell in which the particle is currently located


Tracked_Particle *tp

Thread *tc, pointer to the thread of the cell in which the particle is currently located


Tracked_Particle *tp

The address of the variable cCell stored on the tracked particle structure, which includes both the cell index (TP_CELL) and the cell thread (TP_CELL_THREAD). This corresponds to the cell in which the particle is currently located.


Tracked_Particle *tp

face_t f, face index of the face to which the film particle is currently attached


Tracked_Particle *tp

Thread *tf, pointer to the thread of the face to which the film particle is currently attached

Table 3.31: Macros for Particles at Injection into Domain Defined in dpm_types.h


Argument Types



Tracked_Particle *tp, int i

position i= 0, 1, 2


Tracked_Particle *tp, int i

velocity i= 0, 1, 2


Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp



Tracked_Particle *tp

liquid mass fraction (wet combusting particles only)

Table 3.32: Macros for Particle Species, Laws, Materials, and User Scalars Defined in dpm_types.h


Argument Types



Tracked_Particle *tp

evaporating species index in mixture


Tracked_Particle *tp

devolatilizing species index in mixture


Tracked_Particle *tp

oxidizing species index in mixture


Tracked_Particle *tp

combustion products species index in mixture


Tracked_Particle *tp

int law, current particle law index


Tracked_Particle *tp

int next_law, next particle law index


Tracked_Particle *tp

Material *m, material pointer


Tracked_Particle *tp, int i

storage array for user-defined values (indexed by i)

Table 3.33: Macros for Particle Material Properties Defined in dpm_laws.h


Argument Types



Tracked_Particle *tp, Material *m

boiling temperature



Tracked_Particle *tp, Material *m, real t

Binary diffusion coefficient to be used in the gaseous boundary layer around the particle



Tracked_Particle *tp, Material *m

emissivity and scattering factor for the radiation model


Tracked_Particle *tp

thermal conductivity



Tracked_Particle *tp / Particle *p

heat of pyrolysis



Tracked_Particle *tp / Particle *p

heat of reaction



Tracked_Particle *tp / Particle *p

volatile fraction



Tracked_Particle *tp / Particle *p

char fraction




particle lowest possible diameter / volume



Tracked_Particle *tp / Particle *p

particle lowest possible mass



Tracked_Particle *tp / Particle *p


marks the Tracked_Particle / Particle as removed



Tracked_Particle *tp / Particle *p

reserved for special purposes, only use by explicit instruction


Tracked_Particle *tp, Material *m

latent heat


Tracked_Particle *tp, real t

specific heat of material used for liquid associated with particle


Tracked_Particle *tp

dynamic viscosity of liquid part of particle


Tracked_Particle *tp, Material *m, real t

particle density


Tracked_Particle *tp, real t

specific heat


Tracked_Particle *tp

swelling coefficient for devolatilization


Tracked_Particle *tp

surface tension of liquid part of particles


Tracked_Particle *tp, Material *m, real t

vapor pressure of liquid part of particle



Tracked_Particle *tp, Material *m

vaporization temperature used to switch to vaporization law

Table 3.34: Macros to access source terms on CFD cells for the DPM model


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t

momentum source (SI units: kg m/s2), explicit


cell_t c, Thread *t

momentum source (SI units: kg/s), implicit


cell_t c, Thread *t

momentum source swirl component (SI units: kg m/s2), explicit


cell_t c, Thread *t

momentum source swirl component (SI units: kg/s), implicit


cell_t c, Thread *t

energy source (SI units: J/s), explicit


cell_t c, Thread *t

energy source (SI units: J/K/s), implicit


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i (species index)

species mass source (SI units: kg/s), explicit


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i (species index)

species mass source (SI units: kg/s), implicit


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i (particle reaction index)

reaction rates of particle REACTIONS (SI units: kg/s/m3)


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i (material index)

vaporization mass source of material i (SI units: kg/s)


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i (material index)

devolatilization mass source of material i (SI units: kg/s)


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i (material index)

burnout mass source of material i (SI units: kg/s)


cell_t c, Thread *t

mass source of pdf stream 1 (SI units: kg/s)


cell_t c, Thread *t

mass source of pdf stream 2 (SI units: kg/s)


cell_t c, Thread *t

particles emissivity (SI units: m2K4)


cell_t c, Thread *t

particles absorption coefficient (SI units: m3/m)


cell_t c, Thread *t

particles scattering coefficient (SI units: m3/m)


cell_t c, Thread *t

burnout mass source (SI units: kg/s)


cell_t c, Thread *t

concentration of particles (SI units: kg/m3)


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i (surface species index)

concentration of particle surface species (SI units: kg/m3)

Note: NOx Macros

The following macros can be used in NOx model UDFs in the calculation of pollutant rates. These macros are defined in the header file sg_nox.h, which is included in udf.h. They can be used to return real NOx variables in SI units, and are available in both the pressure-based and the density-based solvers. See DEFINE_NOX_RATE for examples of DEFINE_NOX_RATE UDFs that use these macros.

Table 3.35: Macros for NOx UDFs Defined in sg_nox.h




index of pollutant equation being solved (see below)


molar concentration of species specified by SPE (see below)


TRUE if the species specified by SPE does not exist in Ansys Fluent case (that is, in the Species dialog box)


Arrhenius rate calculated from the constants specified by K (see below)


production rate of the pollutant species being solved


reduction rate of the pollutant species being solved


quasi-steady rate of N2O formation (if the quasi-steady model is used)


fluctuating density value (or, if no PDF model is used, mean density at a given cell


fluctuating temperature value (or, if no PDF model is used, mean temperature at a given cell)


fluctuating mass fraction value (or, if no PDF model is used, mean mass fraction at a given cell) of the species given by index SPE


upper limit for the temperature PDF integration (see below)

Important:   Pollut_Par is a pointer to the Pollut_Parameter data structure that contains auxiliary data common to all pollutant species and NOx is a pointer to the NOx_Parameter data structure that contains data specific to the NOx model.

  • POLLUT_EQN(Pollut_Par) returns the index of the pollutant equation currently being solved. The indices are EQ_NO for NO, EQ_HCN for HCN, EQ_N2O for O, and EQ_NH3 for .

  • MOLECON(Pollut,SPE) returns the molar concentration of a species specified by SPE, which is either the name of the species or IDX(i) when the species is a pollutant (like NO). SPE must be replaced by one of the following identifiers: FUEL, O2, O, OH, H2O, N2, N, CH, CH2, CH3, IDX(NO), IDX(N2O), IDX(HCN), IDX(NH3). For example, for molar concentration you should call MOLECON(Pollut, O2), whereas for NO molar concentration the call should be MOLECON(Pollut, IDX(NO)). The identifier FUEL represents the fuel species as specified in the Fuel Species drop-down list under Prompt NO Parameters in the NOx Model dialog box.

  • ARRH(Pollut,K) returns the Arrhenius rate calculated from the constants specified by K. K is defined using the Rate_Const data type and has three elements - A, B, and C. The Arrhenius rate is given in the form of

    where T is the temperature.

    Note that the units of K must be in m-mol-J-s.

  • POLLUT_CTMAX(Pollut_Par) can be used to modify the value used as the upper limit for the integration of the temperature PDF (when temperature is accounted for in the turbulence interaction modeling). You must make sure not to put this macro under any conditions within the UDF (for example, IN_PDF or OUT_PDF). Dynamic Mesh Macros

The macros listed in Table 3.36: Macros for Dynamic Mesh Variables Defined in dynamesh_tools.h are useful in dynamic mesh UDFs. The argument dt is a pointer to the dynamic thread structure, and time is a real value. These macros are defined in the dynamesh_tools.h.

Table 3.36: Macros for Dynamic Mesh Variables Defined in dynamesh_tools.h

Name (Arguments)

Argument Types



Dynamic_Thread *dt

pointer to a thread


Dynamic_Thread *dt

center of gravity vector


Dynamic_Thread *dt

cg velocity vector


Dynamic_Thread *dt

angular velocity vector


Dynamic_Thread *dt

orientation of body-fixed axis vector



current dynamic mesh time


real time

absolute value of the crank angle

See DEFINE_GRID_MOTION for an example UDF that utilizes DT_THREAD. Battery Model Macros

The macros listed in Table 3.37: Macros for Battery UDFs Defined in sg_mem.h can be used in a UDF to access the MSMD battery model variables. These macros are defined in the header file sg_mem.h, which is included in udf.h. They can be used to return real variables in SI units. Note that they are available only if the MSMD solution method is used in a simulation.

Table 3.37: Macros for Battery UDFs Defined in sg_mem.h




degree of discharge (-)


volumetric contact resistance in the internal short circuit model (ohm m3)


heat source due to Joule heating (W/m3)


heat source due to electrochemical reaction (W/m3)


heat source due to internal short (W/m3)


heat source due to thermal abuse reactions (W/m3)


total heat source (W/m3)


reaction progress variable for the decomposition reaction of SEI layer (-) in the four-equation thermal abuse model


reaction progress variable for the decomposition reaction between positive electrode and solvent (-) in the four-equation thermal abuse model, or the reaction progress variable in the one-equation thermal abuse model.


reaction progress variable for the decomposition reaction between negative electrode and solvent (-) in the four-equation thermal abuse model


reaction progress variable for the decomposition reaction of electrolyte (-) in the four-equation thermal abuse model


reaction progress variable for the decomposition reaction due to internal short circuit (-)


electric current component in x-direction (A/m2)


electric current component in y-direction (A/m2)


electric current component in z-direction (A/m2)

3.2.9. NIST Real Gas Saturation Properties

You can create saturation tables for pure fluids, binary, and multi-species mixtures. Fluent provides the following functions that you can use in UDFs to compute saturation properties for the bubble and dew points for a single species or multiple-species: Saturation Curves for Single-Species

When using a single-species NIST real gas model, Fluent provides a function that you can use in your UDFs to obtain saturation properties for the bubble and dew points. You can specify either temperature or pressure and the function will return an array containing the pressures or temperatures, respectively, and the liquid and vapor phase densities.

void getsatvalues_NIST(int index, double x, double y[]);

  index = 0 if x is a specified temperature
        = 1 if x is a specified pressure
  x = temperature or pressure (according to value of index) at which to obtain saturation properties
  y[] = array of saturation properties

The values returned in y[] depend on the choice of index.

 Array elements index=0 index=1
Bubble Point y[0] pressure (Pa)temperature (K)
y[1] density of liquid (kg/m3)density of liquid (kg/m3)
Dew Point y[2] pressure (Pa)temperature (K)
y[3] density of vapor (kg/m3)density of vapor (kg/m3)

This function can be used regardless of whether you have enabled the lookup table. Saturation Curves for Multi-Species (UDF 1)

int getsatvalues_NIST_msp (int index, double x, double y[], int ibubbleordew)

This function is similar to the single-species function, getsatvalues_NIST, but it applies to multi-species. For a given temperature or pressure you can obtain the corresponding pressure or temperature and the liquid and vapor phase densities.

In the function, index, x, and ibubbleordew are inputs. If the index=0, the input for x is temperature and if the index=1, the input for x is pressure. If ibubbleordew=0, Fluent returns bubble point properties, otherwise it returns dew point properties. y[] is an array of saturation properties.

The function returns an integer indicating the number of interpolation points for a given temperature and pressure:

  • 0—no interpolation points, which could indicate that the given temperature and pressure is outside of the saturation curve range.

  • 1—interpolation point with a bubble or dew curve.

  • 2—interpolation points in the retrograde region of the saturation curves.

When index = 0:

 Bubble PointDew Point
Function Returns 1
y[1]Density (liquid)Density (vapor)
Function Returns 2
y[1]Density (liquid)Density (vapor)
y[3]Density (liquid)Density (vapor)

When index = 1:

 Bubble PointDew Point
Function Returns 1
y[1]Density (liquid)Density (vapor)
Function Returns 2
y[1]Density (liquid)Density (vapor)
y[3]Density (liquid)Density (vapor) Saturation Curves for Multi-Species (UDF 2)

void get_satprop_NIST_msp (index, z, minrho, maxrho, nsat, npts, p_bub, t_bub, p_dew, t_dew);

The 2nd function for multi-species can be used to generate a saturation table for variable compositions.





0: composition in mass fractions

>0: composition in mole fractions


real array—composition of fluid (ensure sum=1)


minimum density in moles per liter (0.1 is a reasonable default for most cases)


maximum density in moles per liter (25 is a reasonable default for most cases)


number of points in bubble/dew curves (minimum is 12)





actual number of bubble curve points returned by the function


actual number of dew curve points returned by the function


a pressure array of the bubble point curve returned by the function


a temperature array of the bubble point curve returned by the function


a pressure array of the dew point curve returned by the function


a temperature array of the dew point curve returned by the function

This function computes saturation data for the given composition in z. This could be a binary mixture, three species, or more. Using Multi-Species User-Defined Function (UDF2)

To use get_satprop_NIST_msp in a UDF:

  1. Start a Fluent session as normal.

  2. Enter the text command define/user-defined/real-gas-models/nist-multispecies-real-gas-model and specify the number and species, but DO NOT activate the NIST-Table. This is only for generating user-defined bubble and dew point curves using NIST models.

  3. Ensure that the number and order of components selected in Fluent matches the number and order of species in z of the get_satprop_NIST_msp function.

    Note:  The output temperature and pressure arrays appear in ascending order for dew points and descending order for bubble points. However, when the output is for single-species, that is, z[i]=1.0, all z[k]=0.0,(k=0,...,n; k!=i), they are in ascending order. The values for the critical condition are also presented in the output arrays. They are stored in the 1st element of the bubble point array and last element of the dew point array. For single-species, it is stored in the last element of the output arrays for both bubble and dew points. Example Multi-Species User-Defined Function (UDF2)

This UDF, named getsat_msp, computes and writes saturation curves. It demonstrates how a binary phase envelope is calculated using the NIST real gas model.

#include "udf.h"
#include <string.h>

#define NUM_SAT 50
#define SMALL_NUM 1.e-6
  double t, p, y[10];
  int np,index;
  int nsat,npts[2];
  double z[10]={0.}, minrho, maxrho;
  double p_bub[NUM_SAT],t_bub[NUM_SAT],p_dew[NUM_SAT],t_dew[NUM_SAT];
  FILE *fp1, *fp2;
  int i,j,k,ncomps=2;

  fp1 = fopen("NIST_Bub_Pnts_Curve.xy", "w");
  fp2 = fopen("NIST_Dew_Pnts_Curve.xy", "w");

  /* test on udf built NIST table - sat */
  minrho = 0.1;
  maxrho = 25.;
  nsat = NUM_SAT;
  z[0] = 0.;
  fprintf(fp1, "(title \"Sat Bubble P-T\")");
  fprintf(fp1, "\n(labels \"Temperature (K)\" \"Pressure (kPa)\")\n");
  fprintf(fp2, "(title \"Sat Dew P-T\")");
  fprintf(fp2, "\n(labels \"Temperature (K)\" \"Pressure (kPa)\")\n");
  for (j=0; j<21; j++)
    if (z[0] > 1.) z[0] = 1.;
    z[1] = 1. - z[0];
    if (z[1] < 0.) z[1] = 0.;

  /* bubble */
  for (i=0; i<1; i++)
     fprintf(fp1, "\n((xy/key/label \"z[0]=%g  numpts=%d\")\n",z[i],npts[0]);
     if (fabs(z[0])<SMALL_NUM || fabs(z[0]-1.)<SMALL_NUM || fabs(z[1])<SMALL_NUM || fabs(z[1]-1.)<SMALL_NUM)
	  for (i=0;i<npts[0];i++)  
		fprintf(fp1, "%g\t %g\t \n",t_bub[i],p_bub[i]/1000.);
	  for (i=npts[0]-1;i>-1;i--)  
	  fprintf(fp1, "%g\t %g\t \n",t_bub[i],p_bub[i]/1000.);
  fprintf(fp1, ")\n");

  /* dew */
  for (i=0; i<1; i++)
    fprintf(fp2, "\n((xy/key/label \"z[0]=%g  numpts=%d\")\n",z[i],npts[1]); 
  for (i=0;i<npts[1];i++)  
    fprintf(fp2, "%g\t %g\t \n",t_dew[i],p_dew[i]/1000.);
  fprintf(fp2, ")\n");
  z[0] += 0.05;}

3.2.10. NIST Real Gas UDF Access Macro for Multi-Species Mixtures Description

For given temperature, pressure, and mixture composition, you can obtain thermodynamic properties of a mixture material in liquid, gas, and two-phase regimes using get_prop_NIST_msp. NIST implements the GERG model for thermodynamic properties of the mixtures. This model applies mixing rules to the Helmholtz energy for each mixture components. Mixture data for the binary pairs can be found in hmx.bnc provided with your Ansys Fluent installation.

Void get_prop_NIST_msp(double t, double p, double z[], double prop[]);

Argument Type


double t

Temperature (K).

double p

Pressure (Pa).

double z[]

Real array, mass fractions of each component/species. The sum of the mass fractions for all the materials in a mixture must be 1. z[0] corresponds to the first component/species mass fraction, z[1] to the second, etc. The mixture is limited to a maximum of 20 components/species.

Function returns

double prop[]: Real array with thermodynamic properties as follows.

Thermodynamic Properties Output

Vapor quality


vapor/gas moles/mixture moles

q<0 indicates subcooled (compressed) liquid

q=0 indicates saturated liquid

0<q<1 indicates two-phase regime

q=1 indicates saturated vapor/gas

q=998 superheated vapor/gas, but quality not defined

q=999 supercritical state (t>Tc ) and (p>Pc )


vapor/gas mass fraction


vapor/gas volume fraction

Density (Kg/m^3)


bulk/mixture density


liquid phase density


vapor/gas phase density

Specific-heat, cp (J/Kg-K)


bulk/mixture specific heat


liquid phase specific heat


vapor/gas phase specific heat

Thermal conductivity (W/m-K)


bulk/mixture thermal conductivity


liquid phase thermal conductivity


vapor/gas phase thermal conductivity

Viscosity (Pa-s)


bulk/mixture viscosity


liquid phase viscosity


vapor/gas phase viscosity

Enthalpy (J/Kg)


bulk/mixture enthalpy


liquid phase enthalpy


vapor/gas phase enthalpy

Speed of sound (m/s)


bulk speed of sound (0 if two-phase regime)


in liquid phase


in vapor/gas phase

Component mass fractions in liquid phase


component/species, i = [0] … [n-1]

Component mass fractions in vapor phase


component/species, i = [0] … [n-1]

Important:  The ranges of temperatures and pressures must be carefully selected, so that the limits on the material property application are not breached.

NIST is currently unable to calculate two-phase or mixture regime properties since all properties are relative to a pure or single phase. Ansys Fluent implements simple mixing rules based on volume fractions:

where is the bulk property, refers to a liquid or vapor phase, are the phase specific properties in vapor and liquid, and is the volume fraction of the th phase. Using get_prop_NIST_msp

You can embed the get_prop_NIST_msp UDF access macro in a number of Fluent UDF functions, such as DEFINE_ON_DEMAND. For example, you can use get_prop_NIST_msp to build a property database with variables of temperature, pressure and composition.

To use the get_prop_NIST_msp access function, you must first enable the NIST real gas model for multi-species by entering the following text command in the Fluent console:


use multispecies NIST real gas? [no] yes

Once the model is enabled, the list of available pure-fluid materials that you can select will be displayed.

Then enter responses to the following prompts in the console:

  1. Number of species [0]

    Enter the number of species that form the mixture.

  2. select real-gas data file 1 []

    For each fluid material, enter the name enclosed in quotation marks. For example:

    select real-gas data file 1 [] "methane.fld"

    select real-gas data file 2 [] "ethane.fld"

    Once the fluids are selected, Fluent prints a list of properties for each fluid material and its application ranges of temperature and pressure.

  3. Create NIST LookUp Table for multi components?


    Enter no at the prompt.

  4. Follow the normal UDF practices. Error Handling

If the input parameters for get_prop_NIST_msp are outside the limits specified in NIST, the first element of the prop[] array, prop[NIST_q_molar]=q, will return the value of -2999.0. This indicates that NIST calculations of thermodynamic properties are questionable or simply impossible for given temperature, pressure and/or combination of materials. Since the returned value is a real double number, you can capture this error by using an appropriate conditional statement, such as

if (q > -2999.1 && q < -2998.9) Example

The following UDF, named getprop_msp, is called from a DEFINE_ON_DEMAND UDF Macro ( DEFINE_ON_DEMAND ). The function obtains thermodynamic properties of a mixture consisting of seven species. The species names and mass fractions are specified in the arrays spe_names[] and spe_mfractions[], respectively. (Note that the spe_mfractions[] array could also be variable.) The values of these thermodynamic properties are generated by the NIST Real Gas Model (current Version 9.1) in Ansys Fluent. A series of temperature and pressure conditions are specified in the arrays temp[] and press[], respectively.

The obtained properties values are printed in the console and stored in the NIST_output.txt file. Any errors messages are recorded in the NIST_errors.txt file.

The UDF can be executed as an interpreted or compiled UDF in Ansys Fluent.

#include "udf.h"
#include <string.h>

#define NUM_MAX 150
#define SPE_MAX 20
#define N_SPE 7
#define N_DATA 6
  double t,p,q,sum;
  double z[SPE_MAX]={0.};
  FILE *fp1,*fp2;
  int i,j,k,n,ncomps;
  double prop[NUM_MAX]={0.};
  double temp[N_DATA]={185,200,215,200,200,200};
  double press[N_DATA]={5.e6,5.e6,5.e6,4.5e6,5.5e6,6.e6};
  char *spe_names[N_SPE]={"methane","nitrogen","carbon-dioxide","ethane","propane","isobutane","butane"};
  double spe_mfractions[N_SPE]={0.70061,0.20227,0.023246,0.053209,0.014306,0.0031167,0.0032414};

  fp1 = fopen("NIST_output.txt","w");
  fp2 = fopen("NIST_errors.txt","w");

  /* testing nist property access function */
 ncomps = N_SPE; /* number of species. to be matched by setting in fluent */
  /* composition in mass fraction */
  sum = 0.;
  for (i=0; i<N_SPE; i++)
    z[i] = spe_mfractions[i];
    sum += z[i];
  for (i=0; i<N_SPE;  i++)
    z[i] /= sum;

  Message0("\nComposition (Mass Fractions): %d species\n",ncomps);
  for (i=0; i<ncomps; i++)
    Message0(" %s : %f ",spe_names[i],z[i]);

  fprintf(fp1, "quality_molar, quality_mass, quality_vol, density, den_liq, den_vap, h, h_liq, h_vap,
          cp, cp_liq, cp_vap, ktc, ktc_liq, ktc_vap, mu, mu_liq, mu_vap, ");
  for (i=0; i<ncomps; i++)
    fprintf(fp1, " %s_liq, ",spe_names[i]);
  for (i=0; i<ncomps; i++)
    fprintf(fp1, " %s_vap, ",spe_names[i]);
  fprintf(fp1, " speed-of-sound");

  fprintf(fp2, "NIST calculations questionable or not possible for the following given inputs\n");
  fprintf(fp2, "\nPlease make sure the inputs are within permitted limits set by NIST!");
  fprintf(fp2, "\nTemperature    Pressure   Composition: (Mass Fractions) ");
  fprintf(fp2, "\n(K)  (Pa) ");
  for (i=0; i<ncomps; i++)
    fprintf(fp2, " %s ",spe_names[i]);

  for (k=0; k<N_DATA; k++)
    t = temp[k];
    p = press[k];

    get_prop_NIST_msp(t,p,z,prop); /* call NIST property calculations */

    q = prop[NIST_q_molar]; /* error handling */
    if (q > -2999.1 && q < -2998.9)
       fprintf(fp2, "\n%5.4e %5.4e ",t,p);
       for (i=0; i<ncomps; i++)
	 fprintf(fp2, " %5.4e ",z[i]);

  Message0("\n\ngetprop_msp: T=%f (K), P=%e (Bar) ",t,p/1.e5);
  Message0("\n\nquality (mol/mol)=%f  quality (kg/kg)=%f quality (vol/vol)=%f\n", prop[NIST_q_molar],
  Message0("\n                           Bulk             Liquid-Phase           Vapor-Phase\n");
  Message0("\ndensity (kg/m^3):          %f       %f             %f\n",prop[NIST_den_m],
  Message0("\nspecific-heat (kj/kg-k):   %f        %f             %f\n",prop[NIST_cp_m]/1.e3,
  Message0("\nthermal-ktc (mk/m-k):      %f        %f             %f\n",prop[NIST_ktc_m]*1.e3,
  Message0("\nviscosity (uPa-s):          %f        %f              %f\n",prop[NIST_mu_m]*1.e6,
  Message0("\nenthalpy (kj/kg):          %f        %f             %f\n",prop[NIST_h_m]/1.e3,
  Message0("\nspeed of sound (m/s):      %f        %f             %f\n",prop[NIST_a_m],

  Message0("\nMass fractions in liquid phase: ");
  for (i=0; i<ncomps; i++)
    Message0("%s : %f  ",spe_names[i],prop[NIST_massfrac0_l+i]);
  Message0("\nMass fractions in vapor phase:  "); 
  for (i=0; i<ncomps; i++)
    Message0("%s : %f  ",spe_names[i],prop[NIST_massfrac0_v+i]);

  /* quality */
  fprintf(fp1, "\n%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f ", prop[NIST_q_molar],prop[NIST_q_mass],prop[NIST_q_vol]);
  /* density (kg/m^3) */
  fprintf(fp1, "%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f ",prop[NIST_den_m],prop[NIST_den_l],prop[NIST_den_v]);
  /* enthalpy (KJ/Kg) */
  fprintf(fp1, "%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f ",prop[NIST_h_m]/1.e3,prop[NIST_h_l]/1.e3,prop[NIST_h_v]/1.e3);
  /* specific-heat cp (Kj/Kg-k) */
  fprintf(fp1, "%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f ",prop[NIST_cp_m]/1.e3,prop[NIST_cp_l]/1.e3,prop[NIST_cp_v]/1.e3);
  /* thermal conductivity (mw/m-k) */
  fprintf(fp1, "%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f ",prop[NIST_ktc_m]*1.e3,prop[NIST_ktc_l]*1.e3,prop[NIST_ktc_v]*1.e3);
  /* viscosity (uPa-s) */
  fprintf(fp1, "%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f ",prop[NIST_mu_m]*1.e6,prop[NIST_mu_l]*1.e6,prop[NIST_mu_v]*1.e6);

  /* Mass fractions in liquid phase */ 
  for (i=0; i<ncomps; i++)
    fprintf(fp1, "%5.4f ",prop[NIST_massfrac0_l+i]);
  /* Mass fractions in vapor phase */ 
  for (i=0; i<ncomps; i++)
    fprintf(fp1, "%5.4f ",prop[NIST_massfrac0_v+i]);

  /* speed of sound (m/s) */
  fprintf(fp1, "%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f ",prop[NIST_a_m],prop[NIST_a_l],prop[NIST_a_v]);


3.2.11. User-Defined Scalar (UDS) Transport Equation Macros

This section contains macros that you can use when defining scalar transport UDFs in Ansys Fluent. Note that if you try to use the macros listed below (for example, F_UDSI, C_UDSI) before you have specified user-defined scalars in your Ansys Fluent model (in the User-Defined Scalars dialog box), then an error will result. Set_User_Scalar_Name

Ansys Fluent assigns a default name for every user-defined scalar that you allocate in the graphical user-interface. For example, if you specify 2 as the Number of User-Defined Scalars, then two variables with default names User Scalar 0 and User Scalar 1 will be defined and the variables with these default names will appear in setup and postprocessing dialog boxes. You can change the default names if you want, using Set_User_Scalar_Name as described below.

The default name that appears in the graphical user interface and on plots in Ansys Fluent for user-defined scalars (for example, User Scalar 0) can now be changed using the function Set_User_Scalar_Name.

 void Set_User_Scalar_Name(int i,char *name); 

i is the index of the scalar and name is a string containing the name you want to assign. It is defined in sg_udms.h.

Set_User_Scalar_Name should be used only once and is best used in an EXECUTE_ON_LOADING UDF (see DEFINE_EXECUTE_ON_LOADING ). Due to the mechanism used, UDS variables cannot be renamed after they have been set, so if the name is changed in a UDF, for example, and the UDF library is reloaded, then the old name could remain. In this case, restart Ansys Fluent and load the library again. F_UDSI

You can use F_UDSI when you want to access face variables that are computed for user-defined scalar transport equations (Table 3.38: Accessing User-Defined Scalar Face Variables (mem.h)). See Example UDF that Utilizes UDM and UDS Variables for an example of F_UDSI usage.

Table 3.38: Accessing User-Defined Scalar Face Variables (mem.h)


Argument Types



face_t f, Thread *t, int i

Note: i is index of scalar

UDS face variables

Important:  Note that F_UDSI is available for wall and flow boundary faces, only. If a UDS attempts to access any other face zone, then an error will result. C_UDSI

You can use C_UDSI when you want to access cell variables that are computed for user-defined scalar transport equations. Macros for accessing UDS cell variables are listed in Table 3.39: C_UDSI for Accessing UDS Transport Cell Variables (mem.h). Some examples of usage for these macros include defining non-constant source terms for UDS transport equations and initializing equations. See Example UDF that Utilizes UDM and UDS Variables for an example of C_UDSI usage.

Table 3.39: C_UDSI for Accessing UDS Transport Cell Variables (mem.h)


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

UDS cell variables


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

UDS gradient


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

UDS previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

UDS second previous time step


cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

Note: i is index of scalar

UDS diffusivity

Note:  The C_UDSI_M2(c,t,i) macro can only be used in a case that is second order in time, that is, a case in which Second Order Implicit or Bounded Second Order Implicit is selected from the Transient Formulation drop-down list in the Solution Methods task page. Reserving UDS Variables

Prior to use, you can reserve scalar variables to avoid data conflicts between multiple UDF libraries using the same user-defined scalars (see Reserve_User_Scalar_Vars ). Reserve_User_Scalar_Vars

The new capability of loading more than one UDF library into Ansys Fluent raises the possibility of user-defined scalar (UDS) clashes. To avoid data contention between multiple UDF libraries using the same user-defined scalars, Ansys Fluent has provided the macro Reserve_User_Scalar_Vars that allows you to reserve scalars prior to use.

 int Reserve_User_Scalar_Vars(int num) 

int num is the number of user-defined scalars that the library uses. The integer returned is the lowest UDS index that the library may use. After calling:

 offset = Reserve_User_Scalar_Vars(int num); 

the library may safely use C_UDSI(c,t,offset) to C_UDSI(c,t,offset+num-1). See DEFINE_EXECUTE_ON_LOADING for an example of macro usage. Note that there are other methods you can use within UDFs to hardcode the offset to prevent data contention.

Reserve_User_Scalar_Vars (defined in sg_udms.h) is designed to be called from an EXECUTE_ON_LOADING UDF ( DEFINE_EXECUTE_ON_LOADING ). An on-loading UDF, as its name implies, executes as soon as the shared library is loaded into Ansys Fluent. The macro can also be called from an INIT or ON_DEMAND UDF. After a user scalar has been reserved, it can be set to unique names for the particular library using Set_User_Memory_Name (see below for details on Set_User_Memory_Name). After the number of UDS that are needed by a particular library is set in the GUI and the variables are successfully reserved for the loaded library, the other functions in the library can safely use C_UDMI(c,t,offset) up to C_UDMI(c,t,offset+num-1) to store values in user scalars without interference. Unreserving UDS Variables

Ansys Fluent does not currently provide the capability to unreserve UDS variables using a macro. Unreserve macros will be available in future versions of Ansys Fluent. N_UDS

You can use N_UDS to access the number of user-defined scalar (UDS) transport equations that have been specified in Ansys Fluent. The macro takes no arguments and returns the integer number of equations. It is defined in models.h.

3.2.12. User-Defined Memory (UDM) Macros

This section contains macros that access user-defined memory (UDM) and user-defined node memory (UDNM) variables in Ansys Fluent.

Before you can store variables in memory using the macros provided below, you will first need to allocate the appropriate number of memory location(s) in the User-Defined Memory dialog box in Ansys Fluent.

 Parameters & Customization User Defined Memory  Edit...

Important:  Note that if you try to use F_UDMI, C_UDMI, or N_UDMI before you have allocated memory, then an error will result.

A variable will be created for every user-defined memory and user-defined node memory location that you allocate in the graphical user interface. For example, if you specify 2 as the Number of User-Defined Memory Locations or Number of User-Defined Node Memory Locations, then two variables with default names User Memory 0 and User Memory 1, or User Node Memory 0 and User Node Memory 1 will be defined for your model and the default variable names will appear in postprocessing dialog boxes. You can change the default names if you want, using Set_User_Memory_Name or Set_User_Node_Memory_Name as described below.

Important:  The total number of memory locations is limited to 500. For large numbers of memory locations, system memory requirements will increase. Set_User_Memory_Name

The default name that appears in the graphical user interface and on plots for user-defined memory (UDM) values in Ansys Fluent (for example, User Memory 0) can be changed using the function Set_User_Memory_Name.

 void Set_User_Memory_Name(int i,char *name); 

i is the index of the memory value and name is a string containing the name you want to assign. It is defined in sg_udms.h.

The Set_User_Memory_Name function should be used only once and it is best used in an EXECUTE_ON_LOADING UDF (see DEFINE_EXECUTE_ON_LOADING ). Due to the mechanism used, User Memory values cannot be renamed after they have been set, so if the name is changed in a UDF, for example, and the UDF library is reloaded, then the old name could remain. In this case, restart Ansys Fluent and load the library again. Set_User_Node_Memory_Name

The default name that appears in the graphical user interface and on plots for user-defined node memory values in Ansys Fluent (for example, User Node Memory 0) can be changed using the function Set_User_Node_Memory_Name.

 void Set_User_Node_Memory_Name(int i,char *name); 

i is the index of the memory value and name is a string containing the name you want to assign. It is defined in sg_udms.h.

The Set_User_Node_Memory_Name function should be used only once and is best used in an EXECUTE_ON_LOADING UDF. Due to the mechanism used, User Memory values cannot be renamed after they have been set, so if the name is changed in a UDF, for example, and the UDF library is reloaded, then the old name could remain. In this case, restart Ansys Fluent and load the library again. F_UDMI

You can use F_UDMI (Table 3.40: Storage of User-Defined Memory on Faces (mem.h)) to access or store the value of the user-defined memory on a face. F_UDMI can be used to allocate up to 500 memory locations in order to store and retrieve the values of face field variables computed by UDFs. These stored values can then be used by other UDFs.

Important:  Note that F_UDMI is available for wall and flow boundary faces, only.

Table 3.40: Storage of User-Defined Memory on Faces (mem.h)


Argument Types



face_t f, Thread *t, int i

stores the face value of a user- defined memory with index i

There are three arguments to F_UDMI: f, t, and i. f is the face identifier, t is a pointer to the face thread, and i is an integer index that identifies the memory location where data is to be stored. An index i of 0 corresponds to user-defined memory location 0 (or User Memory 0).


 /* Compute face temperature and store in user-defined memory */
    temp = F_T(f,t);
    F_UDMI(f,t,0) = (temp - tmin) / (tmax-tmin);

See DEFINE_DPM_EROSION for another example of F_UDMI usage.

Postprocessing F_UDMI

While you cannot plot contours of F_UDMI directly, you can store the values from F_UDMI in a C_UDMI and then create a contour plot.

A UDF to transfer values from F_UDMI to C_UDMI could look like:

begin_f_loop(f, f_thread) 

c0 = F_C0(f,f_thread); /* Get the cell id of the cell adjacent to the face*/
t0 = F_C0_THREAD(f,f_thread); /* Get the Thread id of the cells adjacent to the face*/
C_UDMI(c0,t0,0)=F_UDMI(f,f_thread,0); /*Store the F_UDMI into cell UDMI for graphical visualization*/


Note:  The above UDF assumes that F_UDMI is defined and already has values assigned to it. C_UDMI

You can use C_UDMI to access or store the value of the user-defined memory in a cell. C_UDMI can be used to allocate up to 500 memory locations in order to store and retrieve the values of cell field variables computed by UDFs (Table 3.41: Storage of User-Defined Memory in Cells (mem.h)). These stored values can then be used for postprocessing, for example, or by other UDFs. See Example UDF that Utilizes UDM and UDS Variables for an example of C_UDMI usage.

Table 3.41: Storage of User-Defined Memory in Cells (mem.h)


Argument Types



cell_t c, Thread *t, int i

stores the cell value of a user- defined memory with index i

There are three arguments to C_UDMI: c, thread, and i. c is the cell identifier, thread is a pointer to the cell thread, and i is an integer index that identifies the memory location where data is to be stored. An index i of 0 corresponds to user-defined memory location 0 (or User Memory 0). N_UDMI

You can use N_UDMI to access or store the value of the user-defined memory in a mesh node. N_UDMI can be used to allocate up to 500 memory locations (Table 3.42: Storage of User-Defined Memory at Mesh Nodes (mem.h)). These stored values can then be used for postprocessing, for example, or by other UDFs.

Table 3.42: Storage of User-Defined Memory at Mesh Nodes (mem.h)


Argument Types



Node *v, int i

stores the node value of a user- defined memory with index i

There are two arguments to N_UDMI: v, and i. v is a pointer to the mesh node, and i is an integer index that identifies the memory location where data is to be stored. An index i of 0 corresponds to user-defined memory location 0 (or User Node Memory 0).


 /* Store the mesh node coordinates in user-defined node memory */
 thread_loop_c (t,domain)
  begin_c_loop (c,t)
   c_node_loop (c,t,n)
    v = C_NODE(c,t,n);
    N_UDMI(v,0) = NODE_X(v);
    N_UDMI(v,1) = NODE_Y(v);
 #if RP_3D
    N_UDMI(v,2) = NODE_Z(v);
  end_c_loop (c,t)
  } Example UDF that Utilizes UDM and UDS Variables

UDMs are often used to store diagnostic values derived from calculated values of a UDS. Below is an example that shows a technique for plotting the gradient of any flow variable. In this case, the volume fraction of a phase is loaded into a user scalar. If an iteration is made such that the UDS is not calculated, the gradients of the scalar will nevertheless be updated without altering the values of the user scalar. The gradient is then available to be copied into a User Memory variable for displaying.

 # include "udf.h"
 # define domain_ID 2
 DEFINE_ADJUST(adjust_gradient, domain)
    Thread *t;
    cell_t c;
    face_t f;
    domain = Get_Domain(domain_ID);
    /* Fill UDS with the variable. */
    thread_loop_c (t,domain)
      begin_c_loop (c,t)
         C_UDSI(c,t,0) = C_VOF(c,t);
      end_c_loop (c,t)
    thread_loop_f (t,domain)
      if (THREAD_STORAGE(t,SV_UDS_I(0))!=NULL)
        begin_f_loop (f,t)
         F_UDSI(f,t,0) = F_VOF(f,t);
      end_f_loop (f,t)
 {  Domain *domain;
    cell_t c;
    Thread *t;
    /* Fill the UDM with magnitude of gradient. */
    thread_loop_c (t,domain)
      begin_c_loop (c,t)
         C_UDMI(c,t,0) = NV_MAG(C_UDSI_G(c,t,0));
      end_c_loop (c,t)
 } Reserving UDM Variables Using Reserve_User_Memory_Vars

The capability of loading more than one UDF library into Ansys Fluent raises the possibility of user-defined memory (UDM) clashes. If, for example, you want to use one UDF library that has a fixed 2D magnetic field stored in User Memory 0 and User Memory 1 and you want to use another UDF library that models the mass exchange between phases using User Memory 0 for the exchange rates and these two libraries are loaded at the same time, then the two models are going to interfere with each other’s data in User Memory 0. To avoid data contention problems, Ansys Fluent has a macro that will allow a UDF library to "reserve" UDM locations prior to usage. Note that there are other methods you can use within UDFs to hardcode the offset for UDMs to prevent contention that are not discussed here.

  int Reserve_User_Memory_Vars(int num)

The integer given as an argument to the macro (num) specifies the number of UDMs needed by the library. The integer returned by the function is the starting point or "offset" from which the library may use the UDMs. It should be saved as a global integer such as offset in the UDF and it should be initialized to the special variable UDM_UNRESERVED.

 offset = Reserve_User_Memory_Vars(int num); 

Reserve_User_Memory_Vars (defined in sg_udms.h) is designed to be called from an EXECUTE_ON_LOADING UDF ( DEFINE_EXECUTE_ON_LOADING ). An on-loading UDF, as its name implies, executes as soon as the shared library is loaded into Ansys Fluent. The macro can also be called from an INIT or ON_DEMAND UDF, although this is discouraged except for testing purposes. After a UDM is reserved, it can be set to unique names for the particular library using Set_User_Memory_Name (see below for details.) After the number of UDMs that are needed by a particular library is set in the GUI and the UDMs are successfully reserved for the loaded library, the other functions in the library can safely use C_UDMI(c,t,offset) up to C_UDMI(c,t,offset+num-1) to store values in memory locations without interference. Two example source code files named udm_res1.c and udm_res2.c each containing two UDFs are listed below. The first UDF is an EXECUTE_ON_LOADING UDF that is used to reserve UDMs for the library and set unique names for the UDM locations so that they can be easily identified in postprocessing. The second UDF is an ON_DEMAND UDF that is used to set the values of the UDM locations after the solution has been initialized. The ON_DEMAND UDF sets the initial values of the UDM locations using udf_offset, which is defined in the EXECUTE_ON_LOADING UDF. Note that the on demand UDF must be executed after the solution is initialized to reset the initial values for the UDMs.

The following describes the process of reserving five UDMs for two libraries named libudf and libudf2.

  1. In the User-Defined Memory dialog box, specify 5 for the Number of User-Defined Memory Locations.

  2. In the Compiled UDFs dialog box, build the compiled library named libudf for udm_res1.c and load the library.

  3. Build the compiled library for udm_res2.c named libudf2 and load the library.

  4. Initialize the solution.

  5. Execute the on-demand UDFs for libudf and libudf2 in the Execute On Demand dialog box.

  6. Iterate the solution.

  7. Postprocess the results. Example 1

  udm_res1.c contains two UDFs: an execute on loading UDF that reserves
  three UDMs for libudf and renames the UDMs to enhance postprocessing,
  and an on-demand UDF that sets the initial value of the UDMs.
#include "udf.h"
#define NUM_UDM 3
static int udm_offset = UDM_UNRESERVED;

DEFINE_EXECUTE_ON_LOADING(on_loading, libname)
    if (udm_offset == UDM_UNRESERVED) udm_offset =
    if (udm_offset == UDM_UNRESERVED)
        Message("\nYou need to define up to %d extra UDMs in GUI and "
                "then reload current library %s\n", NUM_UDM, libname);
        Message("%d UDMs have been reserved by the current "
                "library %s\n", NUM_UDM, libname);
    Message("\nUDM Offset for Current Loaded Library = %d",udm_offset);

    Domain *d;
    Thread *ct;
    cell_t c;
    int i;
    if(udm_offset != UDM_UNRESERVED)
        Message("Setting UDMs\n");
        for (i=0; i<NUM_UDM; i++)
        Message("UDMs have not yet been reserved for library 1\n");
} Example 2

udm_res2.c contains two UDFs:
an execute on loading UDF that reserves
two UDMs for libudf and renames the UDMs to enhance postprocessing,
and an on-demand UDF that sets the initial value of the UDMs.
#include "udf.h"
#define NUM_UDM 2
static int udm_offset = UDM_UNRESERVED;

DEFINE_EXECUTE_ON_LOADING(on_loading, libname)
    if (udm_offset == UDM_UNRESERVED) udm_offset =
    if (udm_offset == UDM_UNRESERVED)
        Message("\nYou need to define up to %d extra UDMs in GUI and "
                "then reload current library %s\n", NUM_UDM, libname);
        Message("%d UDMs have been reserved by the current "
                "library %s\n", NUM_UDM, libname);
    Message("\nUDM Offset for Current Loaded Library = %d",udm_offset);

    Domain *d;
    Thread *ct;
    cell_t c;
    int i;
    if(udm_offset != UDM_UNRESERVED)
        Message("Setting UDMs\n");
        for (i=0; i<NUM_UDM; i++)
        Message("UDMs have not yet been reserved for library 1\n");

If your model uses a number of UDMs, it may be useful to define your variables in an easy-to-read format, either at the top of the source file or in a separate header file using the preprocessor #define directive:

  #define C_MAG_X(c,t)C_UDMI(c,t,udm_offset)
  #define C_MAG_Y(c,t)C_UDMI(c,t,udm_offset+1)

Following this definition, in the remainder of your UDF you can simply use C_MAG_X(c,t) and C_MAG_Y(c,t) to specify the fixed magnetic field components. Unreserving UDM Variables

Ansys Fluent does not currently provide the capability to unreserve UDM variables using a macro. Unreserve macros will be available in future versions of Ansys Fluent. You will need to exit Ansys Fluent to ensure that all UDM variables are reset.