1.1. Overview of Fluent and SGE Integration

1.1.1. Requirements

  • The versions of Altair Grid Engine software that are supported with Fluent are listed with the other supported job schedulers and queuing systems posted on the Platform Support section of the Ansys Website.

  • Fluent 2025 R1

    Important:  Running Fluent under SGE is not supported on Windows.

1.1.2. Fluent and SGE Communication

Fluent and SGE communicate with each other through checkpointing and migration commands. To checkpoint, or save, Fluent simulations, SGE uses an executable file called ckpt_command.fluent. To migrate Fluent simulations to another machine, SGE uses another executable file called migr_command.fluent.

1.1.3. Checkpointing Directories

Fluent creates a checkpointing subdirectory, identified by the job ID. The checkpointing directory contains files related only to the submitted job.

1.1.4. Checkpointing Trigger Files

When a Fluent simulation must be checkpointed, SGE calls a command that creates a checkpoint trigger file (check) in the job subdirectory, which causes Fluent to checkpoint and continue running. If the job must be migrated, because of a machine crash or for some other reason, a different trigger file (exit) is created which causes Fluent to checkpoint and exit.

1.1.5. Default File Location

For Fluent 2025 R1, SGE-related files are installed by default in path/ansys_inc/v251/fluent/fluent25.1.0/addons/sge, where path is the Fluent installation directory. The files include the following:

  • ckpt_command.fluent

  • migr_command.fluent

  • sge_request

  • kill-fluent

  • sample_ckpt_obj

  • sample_pe

These files are described in the sections that follow.