Explicit Algebraic Reynolds stress models (EARSM) represent
an extension of the standard two-equation models. They are derived
from the Reynolds stress transport equations and give a nonlinear
relation between the Reynolds stresses and the mean strain-rate and
vorticity tensors. Due to the higher order terms, many flow phenomena
are included in the model without the need to solve transport equations.
The EARSM enables an extension of the current ( and BSL) turbulence models to capture the following flow effects:
Secondary flows
Flows with streamline curvature and system rotation.
The implementation is based on the explicit algebraic Reynolds
stress model of Wallin and Johansson [188]. Differences from the original
formulation by Wallin and Johansson are explained in the following
text. The current EARSM formulation can be used in CFX together with
either the BSL or
model. It is recommended that the current EARSM
formulation be used with the BSL model (BSL EARSM).
With EARSM, the Reynolds stresses are computed from the anisotropy tensor according to its definition (see Equation 2–107):
where the anisotropy tensor is
searched as a solution of the following implicit algebraic matrix
(2–126) |
The coefficients in this matrix equation depend
on the
-coefficients of the pressure-strain
term in the underlying Reynolds stress transport model. Their values
are selected here as
The values of ,
, and
are the same
as those used in the original model by Wallin and Johansson [188 ]. As
for the value of
, it is increased from 1.2 to
1.245 in the course of calibrating EARSM for its use together with
the BSL
denote the non-dimensional strain-rate and vorticity
tensors, respectively. They are defined as:
(2–127) |
(2–128) |
where the time-scale is given by:
(2–129) |
In order to arrive at an explicit solution of the Equation 2–126, the anisotropy tensor is expressed as a polynomial based on the strain rate and the vorticity tensors as follows:
(2–130) |
The -coefficients are evaluated to:
where the denominator Q is:
The invariants, which appear in the formulation of the anisotropy tensor and the coefficients, are defined by:
The model representation of the anisotropy tensor Equation 2–130 and its coefficients follows
the original model by Wallin and Johansson [188] with two differences. First,
the fourth order tensor polynomial contribution (the
term) is neglected in Equation 2–130. Second, the tensor basis is slightly changed
for convenience according to Apsley and Leschziner [219]. Although the
tensor basis is changed, the model remains algebraically equivalent
to the original model of Wallin and Johansson. The latter change results
in correspondingly changed expressions for the coefficients
In three-dimensional flows, the equation to be solved for the
function is of sixth order and no explicit solution
can be derived, whereas in two-dimensional mean flows the function
can be derived from
a cubic equation, an analytic solution of which is recommended by
Wallin and Johansson [188] also for three-dimensional
(2–131) |
A diffusion correction, suggested by Wallin and Johansson [188], is
also implemented in CFX as an option. This correction consists in
the replacement of in the above written formulas
, through
where is the equilibrium
value of
, that is a value of
under the source term equilibrium
For the parameter , which scales the degree of
the diffusion correction, Wallin and Johansson suggest a value of
2.2. In the current CFX implementation, it is set by default to zero,
but this can be overridden.
In the original model by Wallin and Johansson [188], the
diffusion terms in the transport equations for and
) were
calculated using the effective eddy viscosity,
, of EARSM, where
. The EARSM model, implemented in CFX, uses the standard
eddy viscosity
for the diffusion terms. This model change helps
to avoid the problems with the asymptotic behavior at the boundary
layer edge, which were reported by Hellsten [190].
For the underlying or BSL
model, the standard coefficients are used.
In order to account for effects of streamline curvature, the non-dimensional vorticity tensor is extended in the following way ([189], [190]):
(2–132) |
where the contribution of the curvature correction based on the work of Wallin and Johansson [189] and Spalart and Shur [191] is given in the following way:
(2–133) |
In this formulation represents the Levi-Chivita factor, which is equal
to 0 if two or more indices are equal, 1 if the indices {i,j,k} form
an even permutation of {1,2,3} and –1 if they form an odd permutation.
are the components of the coordinate system
rotation vector. The coefficient
has to be calibrated. The scaling coefficient
has been introduced similar to the ‘Curvature
Correction of Two-Equation Models’ in order to enable you to
influence the effect of the curvature correction term
if needed for a specific flow. The default value of this coefficient is 1.
In a rotational frame of reference, where the coordinate system rotates relative to a steady inertial frame, the vorticity tensor reads:
(2–134) |
Because the anisotropy tensor is computed in terms of nondimensional strain-rate and vorticity tensors, the nondimensional form of this term becomes:
(2–135) |
It should be noted that there are significant robustness issues
with the streamline curvature model described in Equation 2–133. This is because
one has the second velocity derivative (that is, the gradient of the
strain rate) divided by the first velocity derivative (that is, the
strain rate). Consequently, numerical noise in the second velocity
derivative is amplified when the strain rate is small (for example,
in the free stream outside of a shear layer). Because the curvature
corrected Reynolds stresses enter directly in the momentum equation,
this can create a feedback loop that results in increasing spikes
in the Reynolds stresses that are unphysical and can even cause the
solver to diverge. The solution to this problem turned out to be to
compute two sets of Reynolds stresses with the EARSM, those with and
without the curvature term in Equation 2–132. The Reynolds stresses without the curvature
term are used in the momentum equations, while the Reynolds stresses
with the curvature term are used in the assembly of the production
term in the and
) equations.
Consequently, the change in turbulence production due to curvature
is still captured, however the feedback loop that caused the spikes
in the Reynolds stresses is avoided because the curvature term does
not enter directly into the momentum equations. There is probably
some loss in accuracy due to this treatment. However this is preferable
to a model, which is not robust and cannot be used in industrial applications.
constant in Equation 2–132. has been calibrated to a value of -0.4.