Accessing elements within the current zone (see cfxExportZoneSet) is performed by making calls to the following
functions. It should be noted that the elements for a zone are not
loaded into the Export API until either cfxExportElementList
(see cfxExportElementList) or cfxExportElementGet
(see cfxExportElementGet) are called. This reduces memory
overheads in the API by not allocating space until required.
When access to elements in the current zone is no longer required
a call to cfxExportElementFree
(see cfxExportElementFree) should be made to deallocate any internal storage.
int cfxExportElementCount ()
Query the number of elements defined in the current zone.
cfxElement *cfxExportElementList ()
Return a pointer to an array of cfxElement elements (see cfxelem) containing the type and vertices of each element in the current zone. The first element in the zone is the first element of the array, the second the second and so on.
The memory allocated to represent this information should be
deallocated using cfxExportElementFree
(see cfxExportElementFree) when no longer required.
The following diagrams show the order of the nodes and connections that Ansys CFX uses for exporting elements:

int cfxExportElementGet (int elemid, int elemtype, int *nodelist)
Query the type and vertices of a specific element in the current zone.
The index (elemid) is specified between 1 and the number of
elements returned by cfxExportElementCount
(see cfxExportElementCount). If the value of elemid is out of range the
return value is 0 otherwise it is elemid.
The type of the element is returned in elemtype and the vertices defining the element in nodelist. Note that nodelist must be large enough to hold the element number of vertices in the element (normally an array of 8 integers is used as this allows space enough for all element types to be handled).
void cfxExportElementFree ()
Deallocates any internal storage allocated by making calls to cfxExportElementList
(see cfxExportElementList)
or cfxExportElementGet
(see cfxExportElementGet).