3.3.1. Linking a Customized Mesh and Results Export Executable on a Windows Platform Linking a Customized C Mesh and Results Export Executable on a Windows Platform

You can build the executables on Windows systems. An example command line follows:

cl .\ExportTemplate.c /FeExportTemplate.exe /MD -openmp /I "C:\Program
Files\Ansys Inc\v251\CFX\include" /link "/libpath:C:\Program
Files\Ansys Inc\v251\CFX\lib\winnt-amd64" libmeshexport.lib
libpgtapi.lib libcclapilt.lib libunits.lib libio.lib libratlas.lib
"/libpath:C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v251\tp\zlib\1.2.13\winx64"

Note:  The version-specific directory under zlib is subject to change. Linking a Customized Fortran Mesh and Results Export Executable on a Windows Platform

You can write the export program in Fortran and then compile and link it. An example command line follows:

ifort /MD /I "C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v251\CFX\include" /threads
/iface:mixed_str_len_arg ExportTemplate.F /exe:ExportTemplate.exe
/libs:dll /link "/libpath:C:\Program Files\Ansys
Inc\v251\CFX\lib\winnt-amd64" libcclapilt.lib libio.lib
libmeshexport.lib libunits.lib libpgtapi.lib libratlas_api.lib
libratlas.lib "/libpath:C:\Program Files\Ansys
Inc\v251\tp\zlib\1.2.13\winx64" zlib1.lib

Note:  The version-specific directory under zlib is subject to change.

The supported compilers are listed in Compiler Requirements for All Windows Versions in the Ansys, Inc. Installation Guides.