3.4.3. Case Branch

The tree view contains one case branch for each loaded results file or mesh file. The case name is the name of the results file, less the extension.

Tip:  To see the full path to the case file, hover the mouse pointer over the case name.

A case branch contains all domains, subdomains, boundaries, and Mesh Regions contained in the corresponding results file. To access the details view of an item, double-click it or right-click it and select Edit.

The details view for the case branch name has:

  • An Operating Points tab (for operating point cases only)

    You can use response points instead of operating points to generate smoother looking contours on an operating map.

    Set Number of Response Points to indicate the approximate number (examples: 100, 1000, 2000) of response points to generate.

    Response points are based indirectly on operating point data as follows:

    • For each operating point output variable, a corresponding response surface is generated over the two-dimensional input space represented by the Response Surface Inputs, which are automatically chosen from the operating point input parameters. If there are more than two operating point input parameters, the remainder are held constant at their mid-range values for the purpose of generating the response surfaces. For details on response surface generation, see Genetic Aggregation in the DesignXplorer User's Guide.

    • The response surfaces are sampled at the response point locations in the two-dimensional input space, yielding output variable values for the response points. Note that the response points are uniformly distributed in the input space.

    For details on operating maps, see Operating Maps.

  • A View tab.

    Select the Apply Translation check box to move the object in the viewer. For details, see Apply Translation Check Box. Domain Details View

A domain object represents each domain loaded from the results file. Instancing Tab

Instancing affects the display of objects; it allows multiple copies of objects to be displayed with a specified geometric transformation describing the relative positions. For example, a row of turbine blades can be visualized by applying instancing to an object that shows a single blade.

The Instancing tab for a domain is the same as the Instancing tab for a turbo component (see Instancing Tab) and similar to the Definition tab for an Instance Transform object (see Instance Transform: Definition Tab). (The Definition tab for an Instance Transform object is different in that its Axis Definition settings and Instance Definition settings cannot be set from a results file.)

Any viewable object that is associated with one or more domains is, by default, affected by a change to the instancing information (as defined on the Instancing tab) of each associated domain, because:

  • By default, such an object uses the default transform to control graphical instancing.

  • By default, the default transform has the Instancing Info From Domain option selected.

  • The Instancing Info From Domain option causes the graphical instancing information to be taken from each domain (as defined on the Instancing tab) that is associated with the object. Info Tab

Certain information that CFD-Post reads from the results file is displayed on the Info panel. The units that are shown beside some quantities are the default CFD-Post units, which you can change by selecting Edit > Options from the main menu bar. Data Instancing Tab

The Data Instancing tab is available only for transient blade row cases. On this tab, the Number of Data Instances setting can be used to effectively increase the number of blade passages in a given domain. Unlike graphical instancing, data instancing does not, in general, create identical instances of a given domain; instead data instancing creates new instances that can differ in geometry and/or solution data, as appropriate for each instance.

Data instancing alters the geometric representation of the domain mesh and the solution data associated with it. The mesh and solution data that were read from the results file are "expanded" by the number of instances specified such that the domain and its solution data then appear to encompass the original and instanced meshes. Such instancing of the solution data is carried out by using the Fourier coefficients that are stored in the results file.

In this documentation, the term "expanded domain" is used to refer to the domain after instancing has been applied.

The following features of CFD-Post are affected by data instancing:


Effect of Data Instancing


This object represents the wireframe of all non-expanded domains and expanded domains as defined by the Number of Data Instances setting.

Domain objects

These objects have no graphical representation beyond the tree and are not replicated.

Boundary and Subdomain objects

These objects are not replicated as objects but will be instanced in the viewer and affect evaluation of data when the object is used as a locator.

Mesh regions

These objects are not replicated and only the original definition is represented in the viewer. Data instancing does not affect evaluation of solution data when mesh regions are used as locators.

Solution data

Solution data (which may be used for coloring the locator) is available throughout the expanded domain.

Locations (such as planes, volumes, and isosurfaces)

Locations are not instanced, but act as if the domain has been expanded. For example, the application of data instancing can:

  • Cause the extension of a plane into the expanded domain

  • Cause the relocation of a point that is located according to the minimum value of a variable. The relocated point can be anywhere in the expanded domain.

Vector, contour, streamline, particle track, volume rendering

Solution data is available throughout the expanded domain. A plot defined on an expanded domain will be displayed where appropriate in the expanded domain. For example, streamlines will be drawn as continuous lines when continuing from one instance of the original mesh to the next.

Charts (such as Blade Loading, Circumferential, Hub to Shroud, Inlet to Outlet, and Meridional)

These objects act as if the domain has been expanded. Charts that involve circumferential averaging (that is, Hub to Shroud, Inlet to Outlet, Meridional) use averaging over only the existing data instances (including the original mesh); therefore for these plots, there should be a sufficient number of data instances to constitute a repeating section of the full wheel.

Mesh Calculator

Mesh calculations return values that are not affected by the Number of Data Instances setting.

Function Calculator

Calculations are performed on the expanded mesh and data.

Turbo Surface, Turbo Line

A turbo surface acts as if the domain has been expanded. It appears only within the expanded domain.

A turbo line made using the Inlet to Outlet or Hub to Shroud methods is drawn where specified, but data is available only where the turbo line intersects the expanded domain. The same applies for a turbo line made using the Circumferential method with defined Theta limits. However, a turbo line made using the Circumferential method with Bounds > Type set to None, is drawn according to the theta extent of the expanded domain.

Blade-to-blade plot

Blade-to-blade plots act as if the domain has been expanded. They appear only within the expanded domain.

Instance Transform and Graphical Instancing

Graphical instancing of viewable objects is performed after those objects have been expanded geometrically as defined above.

You may find that a combination of data instancing and graphical instancing is appropriate. For example, data instancing can be applied on a portion of the blade row, then graphical instancing can be applied to produce a graphical object (such as a contour plot) that covers the full geometry.

Applying both data instancing and graphical instancing can, if not done correctly, produce overlapping graphics (with multiple blade passages plotted in the same space). You should ensure that, for the graphical instancing settings, the number of passages per component is set appropriately; typically, the appropriate value is the number of passages in the expanded domain.

Graphical Scaling

If you apply graphical scaling (Apply Scale Check Box) to a domain that has data instancing applied, the resulting instances of the domain will generally not be located correctly relative to each other.

Case Comparison mode

Case Comparison mode cannot be used when any of the cases being compared involves the use of data instancing.

Note:  When loading a results file via the Load Results File dialog box, the Construct Variables From Fourier Coefficients option must be selected in order for CFD-Post to read the Fourier coefficient data, which makes data instancing possible. For details, see Load Results Command.

Note:  Global ranges apply to only the set of data instances that you have generated and for only the time steps that you have loaded. Creating and deleting data instances, or loading other time steps, can cause the global range to change.

Note:  Some quantities are time independent and therefore are unchanged for each data instance. For example, the global range of a contour plot of Pressure varies according to the number of data instances but the global range of a contour plot of Pressure.trnavg is unaffected by the number of data instances. Boundary and Subdomain

All boundaries and subdomains associated with a domain are listed under the domain.

The Boundary and Subdomain object types are defined during preprocessing and created in CFD-Post when a file is loaded. You cannot create additional boundary or subdomain objects during postprocessing, or delete the existing ones.

A boundary object exists for each boundary condition defined in the results file. Any mesh regions that were not specifically assigned a boundary condition appear in a default boundary object for each domain.

If you have a complex geometry where many mesh regions are assigned to the default boundary conditions, it may be worth defining named boundary conditions for some of the regions when they are created, even though you still apply the default wall boundary condition to these named regions. You will then have convenient boundary objects created in CFD-Post upon which you can view variables when you come to view the results.

Subdomain objects exist only if subdomains are defined during preprocessing.

You can edit both the Color and Render properties of Boundary and Subdomain objects. For details, see: Injection Regions

All injection regions associated with a domain are listed under the domain.

The Injection Region object type is defined during preprocessing, created in CFX-Solver, and loaded into CFD-Post. You cannot create additional injection region objects during postprocessing, or delete the existing ones.

In CFD-Post, there is an injection region object for each injection region that is stored in the results file and that is specified with the Selected 2D Regions option. For details, see Injection Location Type in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

For more information, see Injection Regions in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

You can edit both the Color and Render properties of Injection Region objects. For details, see:

For visualization purposes, each injection region object in CFD-Post represents the set of all boundary mesh element faces that overlap, or are direct neighbors to, any hole/slot of the same injection region as defined in CFX-Pre.

To help visually resolve the holes/slots, rendering setting Use Post Region Rendering (see Use Post Region Rendering), which in on by default, clips the rendered injection region along a contour of the specified value (0.33 by default) of the injection region's associated area fraction solution variable. The latter is named using the injection region name with "Area Fraction" appended, and indicates the local overlap fraction of area. Here, "overlap" refers to mesh face overlap with a hole/slot, and "area" refers to the total mesh face area associated with a mesh vertex.

Note:  The Use Post Region Rendering option does not work with results files that are not standard/full results files.

A CEL expression can use an injection region as a locator. An example of such a CEL expression follows:

  • To calculate the total mass flow through the injection region's holes/slots, you can evaluate CEL expression

    massFlow()@[injection region name]

    where "[injection region name]" represents the name of the injection region.

Note:  In CFD-Post, an injection region locator applies strictly to the hole/slot portion of an injection region; such a locator does not include any mesh faces or parts of mesh faces that do not overlap a hole/slot. Quantitative calculations in CFD-Post that involve an injection region locator's area should not normally require reference to the injection region's associated area fraction variable. Other Locations

Any User Locations that are available are listed (for example, User Surfaces that are specified in the Monitor Surfaces section of CFX-Pre). For more information, see User Locations in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

You can edit both the Color and Render properties of User Surface objects. For details, see: Spray

The Spray object only becomes available after loading a Forte results file. Spray objects share many of the common features found in CFD-Post, as well some unique features. Spray: Geometry Tab Domains

See Selecting Domains. Reduction Type

Reduction Type enables you to reduce the number of particles present in the Spray object. There are two options.




Reduction Factor


Reduces the number of particles by the factor specified in Reduction.

Maximum Number of Particles


Limits the number of particles to no more than specified in Maximum. Spray: Color Tab

See Color Tab. Spray: Symbol Tab

See Symbol Tab.

Since, by default, particles generated in a Spray object will have different sizes, you can select Constant to make all particles respect the Symbol Size. If Particle Diameter is selected, the particles will maintain their relative sizes while still scaling with Symbol Size. Spray: Render Tab

See Render Tab. Spray: View Tab

See View Tab. Operating Maps

Defined operating maps are listed under Operating Maps, and again under Report > Operating Points > [case name].

For modeling information, see Operating Maps and Operating Point Cases in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. Operating Map: Chart Data Tab

At the top of the Chart Data tab is a list of the data series for the operating map. The icons beside the list enable you to:

  • Add a data series (New  )

  • Delete a data series (Delete  )

  • View basic statistics (Statistics  ), such as minimum and maximum values, for the selected data series. The statistics for the selected series appear in the Statistics dialog box.

Corresponding functions are available when you right-click a data series name.

You can set Type to:

  • Scatter Points

    Under Chart Definition, set X Variable and Y Variable to indicate the independent axes of the scatter plot.

    Under Chart Data Source, set Source Data to one of the following options:

    • Operating Points

      The operating points are plotted.

    • Response Points

      The response points are plotted. You can set the number of response points in the details view for the case. For details, see Case Branch.

  • Contour Lines

    Under Contour Definition, set Parent Series, Variable, Range (with Min and Max if applicable), and # of Contours. Here:

    • Parent Series is a reference to a series of type Scatter Points from the same operating map. The independent axes for the contour plot are the same as for the parent series.

    • Variable is the variable for which contour lines of constant value are plotted.

    • The Range and # of Contours settings are the same as the corresponding settings for a regular contour plot, as described in Range and # of Contours.

    Under Contour Data Source, set Source Data to one of the following options:

    • Operating Points

      The operating points are used to generate contours.

    • Response Points

      The response points are used to generate contours. Contour plots generally look smoother when they are based on response points rather than operating points. You can set the number of response points in the details view for the case. For details, see Case Branch.

      You can plot contour lines of any output variable. Each contour line of an output variable is initially generated in the same input space as the response surface (that is, the space represented by Response Surface Inputs, as listed in the details view for the case, on the Operating Points tab). Each contour line is then transformed to the coordinate system of the operating map.

      Note that you cannot plot contour lines of either of the response surface input variables when using response points as the data source. However, you can plot contour lines of any operating point variable by using operating points as the data source.

    You can add labels for the contours by selecting Contour Line Label. Such labels can be controlled by several settings as described next:

    • You can choose automatic numerical formatting for the labels by selecting Determine the number format automatically. Alternatively, you can specify numerical formatting details manually by specifying the number of significant digits (Precision) and the style: Fixed or Scientific.

    • You can add a border around each label by selecting Add label border.

    • The Position setting affects how each label is positioned relative to its respective contour line:

      • Head

        Each label is positioned near the head endpoint of its respective contour line.

      • Tail

        Each label is positioned near the tail endpoint of its respective contour line.

      • Middle

        Each label is positioned near the mid-length point of its respective contour line.

      • Random

        Labels are arranged using a random number generator that is controlled by a seed value. Changing the seed value changes the label positions.

    • You can change the font size for the labels by changing the value of Size.

    • You can change the Foreground/Background color of the labels by clicking (or, to browse in the opposite order, right-clicking) the color bar, or by clicking Color selector   and using the Select Color dialog box. Operating Map: Chart Display Tab

The settings on the Chart Display tab of the operating map details view are the same as the corresponding settings of the Line Display tab of the chart details view. For details, see Chart: Line Display Tab. Operating Map: General Tab

The settings on the General tab of the operating map details view are the same as the corresponding settings of the General tab of the chart details view. For details, see Chart: General Tab. Limitations of Operating Maps based on Response Points
  • Operating point filters have no effect. Filtering is described in Adding Filter Rules.

  • If there are more than two input parameters in the operating point data:

    • Operating Maps might not look as expected.

    • Each chart axis must be either:

      • An operating point output parameter, or

      • One of the response surface input variables, as listed in the details view for the case, on the Operating Points tab, under Response Surface Inputs.

  • You cannot plot contour lines of either of the response surface input variables when using response points as the data source. However, you can plot contour lines of any operating point variable by using operating points as the data source. Mesh Regions

All of the primitive and composite region names are listed under Mesh Regions.