Equation 13–30 represents the second order
differential equations of motion for each structure. This is solved
using the semi-implicit two stage predictor-corrector integration
scheme described in Integration in Time of Motion Equation. The
resulting accelerations are then integrated to form a time history
of structure motions. In order to begin this integration, the solver
requires initial conditions for the total and slow positions at time . It is also important
that the transient experienced by the structure is as small as possible.
The initial conditions for the slow motion are relatively intuitive,
since these relate to the general motion of the structure about its
equilibrium position. The wave frequency motions, however, are in
response to randomly-phased wave frequency forces that generally cannot
be specified. In this case the program automatically computes an initial
wave frequency position from Equation 13–34 at
time , which is added to the defined slow position
to form an initial total position. The initial wave frequency velocity
is estimated from Equation 13–35. These treatments
ensure that the total initial conditions contain a fast (wave frequency)
component equal to the steady state solution in response to the wave
frequency forces at that instant; the transients can thus be minimized.