15.3. Modal Analysis

15.3.1. Assumptions and Restrictions

  1. Valid for structural and fluid degrees of freedom (DOFs). Electrical and thermal DOFs may be present in the coupled field mode-frequency analysis using structural DOFs.

  2. The structure has constant stiffness and mass effects.

  3. There is no damping, unless the damped eigensolver (MODOPT,DAMP or MODOPT,QRDAMP) is selected.

  4. The structure has no time varying forces, displacements, pressures, or temperatures applied (free vibration).

15.3.2. Description of Analysis for Symmetric Undamped Systems

This analysis type (accessed with ANTYPE,MODAL) is used for natural frequency and mode shape determination. The equation of motion for an undamped system, expressed in matrix notation using the above assumptions is:


Note that , the structure stiffness matrix, may include prestress effects (PSTRES,ON). For a discussion of the damped eigensolver (MODOPT,DAMP or MODOPT,QRDAMP) see Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Extraction.

For a linear system, free vibrations will be harmonic of the form:



= eigenvector representing the mode shape of the ith natural frequency
= ith natural circular frequency (radians per unit time)
= time

Thus, Equation 15–51 becomes:


This equality is satisfied if either or if the determinant of is zero. The first option is the trivial one and, therefore, is not of interest. Thus, the second one gives the solution:


This is an eigenvalue problem which may be solved for up to n values of and n eigenvectors which satisfy Equation 15–53 where n is the number of DOFs. The eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction techniques are discussed in Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Extraction.

Rather than outputting the natural circular frequencies , the natural frequencies () are output; where:



= ith natural frequency (cycles per unit time)

If normalization of each eigenvector to the mass matrix is selected (MODOPT,,,,,,OFF):


If normalization of each eigenvector to 1.0 is selected (MODOPT,,,,,,ON), is normalized such that its largest component is 1.0 (unity).

15.3.3. Participation Factors

The participation factors for a given direction are defined as:



= participation factor for the ith mode
= eigenvector normalized using Equation 15–56
= vector describing the direction (see Equation 15–173)

The participation factors are independent of the normalization method (Nrmkey on the MODOPT command has no effect).

If the unsymmetric eigensolver is used (MODOPT,UNSYM), the left eigenvectors, if available, are used to calculate the participation factors.

15.3.4. Effective Mass and Cumulative Mass Fraction

Details about effective mass and cumulative mass fraction can be found in Effective Mass and Cumulative Mass Fraction.

15.3.5. Modal Mass and Kinetic Energy

The modal mass (also called generalized mass) is expressed as:



= modal mass for the ith mode

It is equal to 1 if modes are mass normalized.

The modal kinetic energy is calculated with:



= total kinetic energy for the ith mode