35.4. Material Properties

The rate-dependent plasticity material behavior is used for solder bumps, while the other parts are assumed to be linear elastic and temperature-independent.

The generalized Garofalo model is used to simulate creep behavior. The creep strain rate of the model is expressed as:

where is the change in equivalent creep strain with respect to time, is the equivalent stress, T is the temperature, C1 through C4 are the constants, t is the time at the end of the substep, and e is the natural logarithm base.

The following experimental data are used with the curve-fitting tool for creep materials to find the creep model constants:

Figure 35.6: Creep Experimental Data [4-6] at Different Temperatures Used for Curve-Fitting

Creep Experimental Data [-] at Different Temperatures Used for Curve-Fitting

The curve-fitting method is nonlinear, so an iterative process is used to obtain a good fit with the experimental data; therefore, initial values for each material parameter are required. The following input finds the generalized Garofalo material constants:

/COM, Read experimental data saved in dat files
TBFT,EADD,1,CREEP,temp218.dat			! Read experimental data at 218 K temperature
TBFT,EADD,1,CREEP,temp273.dat			! Read experimental data at 273 K temperature
TBFT,EADD,1,CREEP,temp298.dat			! Read experimental data at 298 K temperature
TBFT,EADD,1,CREEP,temp348.dat			! Read experimental data at 348 K temperature
TBFT,EADD,1,CREEP,temp398.dat			! Read experimental data at 398 K temperature

/COM,  Perform material curve-fitting operations.
TBFT,FADD,1,CREEP,GGAR,						! Define a constitutive model generalized Garofalo
TBFT,SET,1,CREEP,GGAR,,1,1e-5			! Initialize C1 coefficients (C1 > 1)
TBFT,SET,1,CREEP,GGAR,,2,1e-5			! Initialize C2 coefficients
TBFT,SET,1,CREEP,GGAR,,3,5.0				! Initialize C3 coefficients
TBFT,SET,1,CREEP,GGAR,,4,0					! Initialize C4 coefficients
TBFT,SET,1,CREEP,GGAR,,tdep,1			! Set temperature dependency ON
TBFT,SET,1,CREEP,GGAR,,tref,all			! Set reference temperature
TBFT,SOLVE,1,CREEP,GGAR,,1,5000,0,0	! Solve for coefficients with 5000 iterations
TBFT,FSET,1,CREEP,GGAR,						! Write constants to the material database

Table 35.2: Generalized Garofalo Creep Constants from Curve-Fitting and Reference

Temperature (K) Constant [units] Reference [3] Curve-Fitting
218C1 [second-1]26.009177.19E-11
C2 [MPa-1]0.0374863.75E-02
C3 [ ]5.55.50E+00
C4 [Kelvin]58020.00E+00
273 C1 [second-1] 17.14286 1.01E-08
C2 [MPa-1] 0.044852 4.49E-02
C3 [ ] 5.5 5.50E+00
C4 [Kelvin] 5802 0.00E+00
298C1 [second-1]14.194634.97E-08
C2 [MPa-1]0.0492514.93E-02
C3 [ ]5.55.50E+00
C4 [Kelvin]58020.00E+00
348 C1 [second-1] 9.568966 5.50E-07
C2 [MPa-1] 0.061269 6.13E-02
C3 [ ] 5.5 5.50E+00
C4 [Kelvin] 5802 0.00E+00
398C1 [second-1]6.1055282.85E-06
C2 [MPa-1]0.0810468.10E-02
C3 [ ]5.55.50E+00
C4 [Kelvin]58020.00E+00

Compared to the reference material parameters [3] in Table 35.2: Generalized Garofalo Creep Constants from Curve-Fitting and Reference, the curve-fitting results have disabled the temperature-dependent term of the Garofalo creep equation by setting C4 = 0.0. The automatic curve-fitting then finds a value of C1 that compensates for C4 = 0.0, and the temperature-dependence of the Garofalo creep increment comes from the temperature-dependent C1 value.

For more information, see Creep Material Models in the Material Reference.

The following material properties [3] are used for the thermomechanical analysis of the flip chip:

Table 35.3: Flip Chip Material Properties

Properties Solder Chip Underfill Substrate
Conductivity (W/m-K)331101.613
Specific Heat (J/Kg-K)226712674879
Density (Kg/m3)7400233060801938
Young’s Modulus (MPa)E(T) = 52708 - 67.14T - 0.0587T2 MPa1620001447018200
Poisson’s Ratio0.
Coefficients of Thermal Expansion (ppm/K)22.362.32019

Table 35.4: Temperature-Dependent Properties

Temperature (K) 273 323 373
Yield Stress211610

Elastic and perfectly plastic material behavior is assumed. Bilinear isotropic hardening is used to define the solder plasticity to compare results.