2.2. Element Creation Subroutines

The following subroutines support the user subroutines for creating a new element (using the database-access method):

2.2.1. Subroutine nminfo (Returning Element Reference Names)

      subroutine nminfo (ielc,rname)
c *** primary function:    set element reference names
c *** secondary functions: none
c       -------- to get name back, use nameiq
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c  input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)      description
c     ielc     (int,ar(*),inout)   - element characteristic vector
c     rname    (chr,sc,in)         - 8 character reference name
c  output arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)      description
c     ielc     (int,ar(*),inout)   - element characteristic vector with
c                                    element name encoded

2.2.2. Subroutine svgidx (Fetching the Index for Saved Variables)

      subroutine svgidx (locsvr,svindx)
c *** primary function:    get the index for saved variables

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     locsvr   (LONGINT,sc,in)   - pointer to location of index

c  output arguments:
c     svindx   (int,ar(20),out) - the 20 word index of svr variables
c                                  1,2-starting loc of this eles svr sets
c                                  3- length of eles svr sets
c                                  4-11-relative starting loc for each set
c                                     4-structural svrs
c                                     5-thermal/electric/fluid svrs
c                                     6-magnetic svrs
c                                     7-nonlinear svrs
c                                     8-plasticity svrs
c                                     9-creep svrs
c                                    10-coupled svrs
c                                    11-user svrs
c                                    12-initial strain svrs
c                                    13-section data after FiberSIM conversion
c                                                                (shell181 only)
c                                    14-20 spares

2.2.3. Subroutine svrget (Fetching Saved Variable Data for an Element)

      subroutine svrget (svindx,nset,nsvr,svr,svrlen)
c *** primary function:    get svr data set for an element

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     svindx   (int,ar(20),in)    - index for svr for this element (see svgidx)
c     nset     (int,sc,in)        - the set number in this index
c                                   =  1 - structural svrs
c                                   =  2 - thermal/electric/fluid svrs
c                                   =  3 - magnetic svrs
c                                   =  4 - nonlinear svrs
c                                   =  5 - plasticity svrs
c                                   =  6 - creep svrs
c                                   =  7 - coupled svrs
c                                   =  8 - user svrs
c                                   =  9 - initial stress svrs
c                                                 (2,42,82,45,92,95 only)
c                                   = 10 - section data after FiberSIM conversion
c                                                                (shell181 only)
c                                   = 11-17 - spares (note that the first three
c                                            items in svindx are not available)
c     nsvr     (int,sc,inout)     - number of dp words expected in this set
c     svrlen   (int,sc,in)        - len of svr array

c  output arguments:
c     nsvr     (int,sc,inout)     - number of dp words in this set
c     svr      (dp,ar(svrlen),in) - data in this set

2.2.4. Subroutine svrput (Writing an Element's Saved Variable Set)

      subroutine svrput (svindx,nset,leng,svr)
c *** primary function:    write out a svr data set for an element

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     svindx   (int,ar(20),inout)- the index for svr for this element 
c                                                                   (see svgidx)
c     nset     (int,sc,in)       - the set number in this index (same as svrget)
c                                  =  1 - structural svrs
c                                  =  2 - thermal/electric/fluid svrs
c                                  =  3 - magnetic svrs
c                                  =  4 - nonlinear svrs
c                                  =  5 - plasticity svrs
c                                  =  6 - creep svrs
c                                  =  7 - coupled svrs
c                                  =  8 - user svrs
c                                  =  9 - initial stress svrs
c                                                 (2,42,82,45,92,95 only)
c                                  = 10 - section data after FiberSIM conversion
c                                                                (shell181 only)
c                                  = 11-17 - spares (note that the first three
c                                            items in svindx are not available)
c     leng     (int,sc,in)       - number of dp words in this set
c     svr      (dp,ar(leng),in)  - data in this set

c  output arguments:
c     svindx   (int,ar(10,2),inout)- updated index

2.2.5. Subroutine svpidx (Writing the Saved Variable Element Index to a File)

      subroutine svpidx (locsvr,svindx)
c *** primary function:    write the svr element index onto file
c *** secondary functions: update the locsvr pointer to next element

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     locsvr   (LONGINT,sc,inout)    - pointer to start of svr for element
c     svindx   (int,ar(10,2),in)     - index to svr for this element
c                                        low and high parts of 64 bit address

c  output arguments:
c     locsvr   (LONGINT,sc,inout)    - pointer to start of svr for next element

2.2.6. Subroutine mreuse (Determining Which Element Matrices Can Be Reused)

      subroutine mreuse (kelrqq,kelfil,elem,ielc,kmasrt,knlmg,kconve,
     x kpheno,kprop,nprop,prop,propo,krvro,rvr,rvro,amodo,asymo, kelin)
c *** primary function:
c         determine which Matrices can be REUSEd and which must be recomputed
c          from iteration to iteration.
c          Note:  a few special elements have some supplementary logic
c          to adjust these results further.  No attempt as been made to
c          include all such logic in these routines.
c          Second note:  this logic is essentially the same as the old
c          sfrm logic.  Hopefully, further simplifications and enhancements
c          will be made in the future. (Especially in gap elements and in
c          multilayer elements)
c          the whole idea of kpheno, a holdover from the sfrm routines,
c          needs to be looked at and possibly eliminated.
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c  input arguments:
c     kelrqq   (int,ar(10),in)     - request keys (needed for this analysis)
c     kelfil   (int,ar(10),in)     - keys indicating matrices on the file
c     elem     (int,sc,in)         - element number
c     ielc     (int,ar(IELCSZ),in) - array of element type characteristics
c     kmasrt   (int,sc,in)         - does the mass matrix have rotational DOF?
c                                      0 - no     1 - yes(with nlgeom, sfrm1n)
c     knlmg    (int,sc,in)         - nonlinear magnetic curve exists in this
c                                     element
c                                      0 - no     1 - yes
c     kconve   (int,sc,in)         - key indicating existence of convections
c                                     in this element
c                                      0,1 - no     2 or more - yes
c                                     must be input as 'i' if not used, as is
c                                     changed in this routine(for analyzer).
c                                     i = 0 must be used in calling routine
c                                     if kpheno = 1.
c     kpheno   (int,sc,in)         - key for type of phenomenon/level of check
c                                     0 - structural like old sfrm1n,1s,3n,3s,fl
c                                     1 - thermal  like old sfrm1c,1t,2t,3t
c                                     2 - electrical/magnetic like some of old
c                                                                    sfrmpo
c                                     3 - general    like old sfrmoo
c     kprop    (int,sc,in)         - key indicating which material properties
c                                     in the prop vector that need to be
c                                     checked (see below)
c     nprop    (int,sc,in)         - number of properties
c     prop     (dp,ar(nprop),in)   - current mat props
c     propo    (dp,ar(nprop),inout)- previous material properties
c     krvro    (int,sc,in)         -
c            = 0 - real constants are used by this element, and the old
c                   values(rvro) have been saved; or the element does not
c                   use real constants.  Any change of real constants
c                   causes all matrices to be reformed.
c            = 1 - real constants are used by this element and the old
c                   values(rvro) have been saved.  However, any change
c                   of real constants will cause the run to terminate,
c                   because the results would be too unpredictable.
c                   (e.g. gap elements)
c            = 2 - element is nonlinear, so do not bother to check
c            = 3 - real constants are used by this element, and the old
c                   values(rvro) have been saved.  However, no checking is
c                   done in this routine because of needed customized logic.
c            = 4 - real constants are used by this element, but the old
c                   values(rvro) have not been saved because it was
c                   decided not to use this much storage.  therefore, no check
c                   can be made to determine if matrices should be reformed.
c                   (e.g. 100 layer elements)
c            = 5 - real constants are used by this element, but the old
c                   values(rvro) have not been saved because the real
c                   constants have no effect on matrix formulation.
c                   (e.g. acoustic elements)
c     rvr      (dp,ar(*),in)       - current real constants
c     rvro     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - previous real constants
c     amodo    (dp,sc,inout)       - previous value of mode
c     asymo    (dp,sc,inout)       - previous value of isym
c  output arguments:
c     propo    (dp,ar(nprop),inout)- current material properties
c     rvro     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - current real constants
c     amodo    (dp,sc,inout)       - current value of mode
c     asymo    (dp,sc,inout)       - current value of isym
c     kelin    (int,ar(10),out)    - keys indicating matrices to form

2.2.7. Subroutine subrd (Reading Element Load Data for a Substructure Generation Run)

      subroutine subrd (iel,elord,key,nd,vect,ka)
c *** primary function:    read element load data from file for substructure
c                          generation run
c *** secondary functions: none

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     iel      (int,sc,in)       - external element number
c     elord    (int,sc,in)       - internal element number
c     key      (int,sc,in)       - type of load data
c                                 = 1 temperature
c                                 = 2 fluences
c                                 = 3 heat generation rates
c                                 = 4 current densities
c                                 = 9 end pressures (needed for beams/pipes)
c                                 =10 pressures
c                                 =11 film coefficients
c                                 =12 bulk temperatures
c                                 =13 extra displacement shapes
c                                 =14 thermal strains(eptho in el42)
c                                 =15 thermal flux (as in el55)
c                                 =16 initial strains(epino in el01)
c                                 =17 magnetic virtual displacements
c                                 =18 calculated source field(hsn in el96)
c                                 =20 element load vector
c                                 =30 copy - do not scale(tempev in el42)
c                                     first load step only
c     nd       (int,sc,in)       - number of data items

c  output arguments:
c     vect     (dp,ar(nd),out)   - array of load data
c     ka       (int,sc,out)      - load activation key
c                                  = 0 no load for this data
c                                  = 1 load is active

2.2.8. Subroutine subwrt (Writing an Element Load Vector to a File for a Substructure Generation Run)

      subroutine subwrt (iel,elord,nvect,kkey,nd,vect,ref)
c *** primary function:    write element load vect to file for substructure
c                          generation run
c *** secondary functions: none

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     iel      (int,sc,in)       - external element number
c     elord    (int,sc,in)       - internal element number
c     nvect    (int,sc,in)       - number of load vectors
c                                  (current load step number)
c     kkey     (int,sc,in)       - type of load vect
c                                 = 1 temperature
c                                 = 2 fluences
c                                 = 3 heat generation rates
c                                 = 4 current densities
c                                 = 9 end pressures
c                                 =10 pressures
c                                 =11 film coefficients
c                                 =12 bulk temperatures
c                                 =13 extra displacement shapes
c                                 =14 thermal strains(eptho in el42)
c                                 =15 thermal flux (as in el55)
c                                 =16 initial strains(epino in el01)
c                                 =17 magnetic virtual displacements
c                                 =18 calculated source field(hsn in el96)
c                                 =20 element load vector
c                                 =30 copy - do not scale(tempev in el42)
c     nd       (int,sc,in)       - number of vect items
c     vect     (dp,ar(nd),in)    - array of load data
c     ref      (dp,sc,in)        - reference value for zero load

c  output arguments: none

2.2.9. Subroutine rvrget (Fetching Real Constants for an Element)

      subroutine rvrget (iel,ireal,ielc,nrvr,rvr)
c *** primary function:  get the real constants for an element

c    typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout

c     variable (typ,siz,intent)     description
c        iel      (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        ireal    (int,sc,in)       - real constant set number
c        ielc     (int,ar(*),in)    - elment type characteristics

c     output arguments:
c        nrvr     (int,sc,out)      - number of real variables
c        rvr      (dp,ar(*),out)    - element real constants

2.2.10. Subroutine propev (Evaluating a Group of Material Properties)

      subroutine propev (iel,mtr,lp,tem,prop,n)
c *** primary function:   to evaluate a group of material properties

c     propev is used to pass two or more material property numbers
c     thru the lp array to determine which temperature dependent
c     material properties are to be evaluated.
c     thus, the 3 prope1 calls:

c        call prope1 (elem,mat, 1,tem,e(1))
c        call prope1 (elem,mat,10,tem,alpha)
c        call prope1 (elem,mat,13,tem,dens)

c     should be combined as:

c        integer lp(3)
c        data lp /1,10,13/
c        call propev (elem,mat,lp(1),tem,prop(1),3)

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     iel  (int,sc,in)       - element number
c     mtr  (int,sc,in)       - material number(input quantity mat, mat comma
c     lp   (int,ar(n),in)    - keys for which specific value is requested
c                                     each group must be in ascending
c                                     order  (ex,ey,ez, etc)
c                                  if negative, a required property
c                                  if zero, leave prop term unchanged
c        ---- MP command labels --------
c        EX  = 1, EY  = 2, EZ  = 3, NUXY= 4, NUYZ= 5, NUXZ= 6, GXY = 7, GYZ = 8,
c        GXZ = 9, ALPX=10, ALPY=11, ALPZ=12, DENS=13, MU  =14, DAMP=15, KXX =16,
c        KYY =17, KZZ =18, RSVX=19, RSVY=20, RSVZ=21, C   =22, HF  =23, VISC=24,
c        EMIS=25, ENTH=26, LSST=27, PRXY=28, PRYZ=29, PRXZ=30, MURX=31, MURY=32,
c        MURZ=33, PERX=34, PERY=35, PERZ=36, MGXX=37, MGYY=38, MGZZ=39, EGXX=40,
c        EGYY=41, EGZZ=42, SBKX=43, SBKY=44, SBKZ=45, SONC=46, DMPS=47, ELIM=48,
c        USR1=49, USR2=50, USR3=51, USR4=51, FLUI=53, ORTH=54, CABL=55, RIGI=56,
c        HGLS=57, BVIS=58, QRAT=59, REFT=60, CTEX=61, CTEY=62, CTEZ=63, THSX=64,
c        THSY=65, THSZ=66, DMPR=67, LSSM=68, BETD=69, ALPD=70, RH  =71, DXX =72,
c        DYY =73, DZZ =74, BETX=75, BETY=76, BETZ=77, CSAT=78, CREF=79, CVH =80,
c        UMID=81, UVID=82
c                                              (see mpinit for uncommented code)
c      (see chapter 2 of the elements volume of the user's manual
c       for a detailed description))

c     tem      (dp,sc,in)        - temperature at which to evaluate material
c     n        (int,sc,in)       - number of properties to be evaluated.
c                                   (20 maximum)
c                                   If n = 1, use prope1 instead.

c  output arguments:
c     prop     (dp,ar(n),out)    - values of material property

2.2.11. Subroutine prope1 (Evaluating One Material Property)

      subroutine prope1 (iel,mtr,icon,tem,prop1)
c *** primary function:   to evaluate one material property
c                           (if multiple material properties are to
c                            be evaluated, use propev)
c *** secondary functions: to ensure that certain required props are present

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     iel      (int,sc,in)       - element number
c     mtr      (int,sc,in)       - material number
c     icon     (int,sc,in)       - key for which specific value is requested
c                                  (negative if property is required)
c        ---- MP command labels --------
c        EX  = 1, EY  = 2, EZ  = 3, NUXY= 4, NUYZ= 5, NUXZ= 6, GXY = 7, GYZ = 8,
c        GXZ = 9, ALPX=10, ALPY=11, ALPZ=12, DENS=13, MU  =14, DAMP=15, KXX =16,
c        KYY =17, KZZ =18, RSVX=19, RSVY=20, RSVZ=21, C   =22, HF  =23, VISC=24,
c        EMIS=25, ENTH=26, LSST=27, PRXY=28, PRYZ=29, PRXZ=30, MURX=31, MURY=32,
c        MURZ=33, PERX=34, PERY=35, PERZ=36, MGXX=37, MGYY=38, MGZZ=39, EGXX=40,
c        EGYY=41, EGZZ=42, SBKX=43, SBKY=44, SBKZ=45, SONC=46, DMPS=47, ELIM=48,
c        USR1=49, USR2=50, USR3=51, USR4=51, FLUI=53, ORTH=54, CABL=55, RIGI=56,
c        HGLS=57, BVIS=58, QRAT=59, REFT=60, CTEX=61, CTEY=62, CTEZ=63, THSX=64,
c        THSY=65, THSZ=66, DMPR=67, LSSM=68, BETD=69, ALPD=70, RH  =71, DXX =72,
c        DYY =73, DZZ =74, BETX=75, BETY=76, BETZ=77, CSAT=78, CREF=79, CVH =80,
c        UMID=81, UVID=82
c                                              (see mpinit for uncommented code)

c     tem      (dp,sc,in)        - temperature at which to evaluate material

c  output arguments:
c     prop1    (dp,sc,out)       - value of material property

2.2.12. Subroutine pstev1 (Evaluating Material Properties for 1D Elements)

      subroutine pstev1 (elem,matin,tem,prop)
c *** primary function:    to evaluate material properites for 1-d elements
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c  input arguments:
c     elem     (int,sc,in)         - element number (for anserr)
c     matin    (int,sc,in)         - material reference number
c                                    if negative, no required properties 
c     tem      (dp,sc,in)          - temperature for evaluation
c  output arguments:
c     prop     (dp,ar(5),out)      - material properties: ex,nuxy,gxy,alpx,dens

2.2.13. Subroutine tbuser (Retrieving User Table Data)

      subroutine tbuser (mat,numitm,tbprop)
c *** primary function:    return the tb data for the user table

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     mat      (int,sc,in)         - material property number
c     numitm   (int,sc,in)         - the number of data items requested

c  output arguments:
c     tbprop   (dp,ar(numitm),out) - array of tb data

2.2.14. Subroutine plast1 (Updating an Element's Plastic History)

      subroutine plast1 (option,elem,intpt,mat,kstartL,tem,dtem,e,
     x                   ktform,dens,flu,dflu,epel,eppl,statev,usvr,
     x                   epeq,plwork,sigepl,sigrat,et)
c *** primary function:    to update the plastic history (for 1 component)
c                          used by:  LINK1, LINK8, and SOLID65(reinforcing)
c *** secondary functions: to compute the material tangent matrix if requested

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     option   (int,sc,in)         - plasticity option
c     elem     (int,sc,in)         - element number (label)
c     intpt    (int,sc,in)         - element integration point number
c     mat      (int,sc,in)         - material reference number
c     kstartL  (intL,sc,in)        - virtual starting address of the data table
c     tem      (dp,sc,in)          - temperature at the end of this substep
c     dtem     (dp,sc,in)          - temperature increment over this substep
c     e        (dp,sc,in)          - elastic modulus
c     ktform   (int,sc,in)         - request key for tangent matrix formation
c     dens     (dp,sc,in)          - material density
c     flu      (dp,sc,in)          - fluence at the end of this substep
c     dflu     (dp,sc,in)          - fluence increment over this substep
c     epel     (dp,sc,inout)       - modified total strain (trial strain)
c     eppl     (dp,sc,inout)       - plastic strain at previous substep
c     statev   (dp,ar(6),inout)    - state variables at previous substep
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - user-defined state variables (for userpl)
c     epeq     (dp,sc,inout)       - effective plastic strain at prev substep
c     plwork   (dp,sc,inout)       - accumulated plastic work at prev substep

c  output arguments:
c     epel     (dp,sc,inout)       - elastic strain
c     eppl     (dp,sc,inout)       - updated plastic strain
c     statev   (dp,ar(6),inout)    - updated state variables
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - updated user-defined state variables
c     epeq     (dp,sc,inout)       - updated effective plastic strain
c     plwork   (dp,sc,inout)       - updated accumulated plastic work
c     sigepl   (dp,sc,out)         - stress value on stress-strain curve
c     sigrat   (dp,sc,out)         - ratio of trial stress to yield stress
c     et       (dp,sc,out)         - tangent modulus

c  internal variables:
c     deppl    (dp,sc)             - equivalent plastic strain increment

2.2.15. Subroutine plast3 (Updating an Element's Plastic History, 4 or 6 components)

      subroutine plast3 (option,elem,intpt,mat,kstartL,ncomp,tem,dtem,
     x prop,d,ktform,dens,flu,dflu,epel,eppl,statev,usvr,epeq,plwork,
     x sigepl,sigrat,dt,kplst,dtt,cmel)
c *** primary function:    to update the plastic history (for 4 or 6 components)
c       used by:  PLANE13, SHELL43, SOLID62, SOLID65,
c                 SHELL91, SHELL93, SOLID191
c       and by way of plast3creep : PLANE42, SOLID45, PLANE82, SOLID92, SOLID95

c *** secondary functions: to compute the material tangent matrix if requested

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     option   (int,sc,in)         - plasticity option
c     elem     (int,sc,in)         - element number (label)
c     intpt    (int,sc,in)         - element integration point number
c     mat      (int,sc,in)         - material reference number
c     kstartL  (intL,sc,in)        - virtual starting address of the data table
c     ncomp    (int,sc,in)         - number of stress/strain components (4 or 6)
c     tem      (dp,sc,in)          - temperature at the end of this substep
c     dtem     (dp,sc,in)          - temperature increment over this substep
c     prop     (dp,ar(9),in)       - material property array (ex,ey,ez,
c                                    gxy,gyz,gxz, uxy,uyz,uxz)
c     d        (dp,ar(ncomp,ncomp),in) - elastic stress-strain matrix
c     ktform   (int,sc,in)         - request key for tangent matrix formation
c     dens     (dp,sc,in)          - material density
c     flu      (dp,sc,in)          - fluence at the end of this substep
c     dflu     (dp,sc,in)          - fluence increment over this substep
c     epel     (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- modified total strain (trial strain)
c     eppl     (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- plastic strain at previous substep
c     statev   (dp,ar(ncomp,6),inout)- state variables at previous substep
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - user-defined state variables (for pluser)
c     epeq     (dp,sc,inout)       - effective plastic strain at prev substep
c     plwork   (dp,sc,inout)       - accumulated plastic work at prev substep
c     kplst    (int,sc,in)         - plane stress key (form dtt if kplst=1)

c  output arguments:
c     epel     (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- elastic strain
c     eppl     (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- updated plastic strain
c     statev   (dp,ar(ncomp,6),inout)- updated state variables
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - updated user-defined state variables
c     epeq     (dp,sc,inout)       - updated effective plastic strain
c     plwork   (dp,sc,inout)       - updated accumulated plastic work
c     sigepl   (dp,sc,out)         - stress value on stress-strain curve
c     sigrat   (dp,sc,out)         - ratio of trial stress to yield stress
c     dt       (dp,ar(ncomp,ncomp),out)- material modulus modified by dscpar
c     dtt      (dp,ar(ncomp,ncomp),out)- consistent tangent modulus
c                                         (formed only if kplst=1)

c  internal variables:
c     deppl    (dp,sc)             - equivalent plastic strain increment

2.2.16. Subroutine creep1 (Updating an Element's Creep History)

      subroutine creep1 (option,elem,intpt,mat,kstartL,epel,e,epcrp,
     x statev,usvr,tem,dtem,fluen,dflu,sig)
c *** primary function:    to update the creep history for 1-d elements
c                          used by:  LINK1, LINK8, and SOLID65(reinforcing)

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     option    (int,sc,in)        - creep option
c     elem     (int,sc,in)         - element number (label)
c     intpt    (int,sc,in)         - element integration point number
c     mat      (int,sc,in)         - material reference number
c     kstartL  (intL,sc,in)        - virtual starting address of the data table
c     epel     (dp,sc,inout)       - elastic strain
c     e        (dp,sc,in)          - elastic modulus
c     epcrp    (dp,sc,inout)       - creep strain at previous substep
c     statev   (dp,ar(7),inout)    - state variables at previous substep
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - user-defined state variables (for usercr)
c     tem      (dp,sc,in)          - temperature at the end of this substep
c     dtem     (dp,sc,in)          - temperature increment over this substep
c     fluen    (dp,sc,in)          - fluence at the end of this substep
c     dflu     (dp,sc,in)          - fluence increment over this substep
c     epel     (dp,sc,inout)       - elastic strain adjusted for creep increment
c     sig      (dp,sc,inout)       - stress (not really used)

c  output arguments:
c     epcrp    (dp,sc,inout)       - updated creep strain
c     statev   (dp,ar(7),inout)    - updated state variables
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - updated user-defined state variables
c     sig      (dp,sc,inout)       - stress (recomputed if requested)

2.2.17. Subroutine creep3 (Updating an Element's Creep History, 3D Elements)

      subroutine creep3 (option,elem,intpt,mat,kstartL,ncomp,epel,e,
     x posn,d,epcrp,statev,usvr,tem,dtem,fluen,dflu,kplst,sig,hsig)
c *** primary function:    to update the creep history for 3-d elements
c       used by:  PLANE13, PLANE42, SHELL43, SOLID45, 
c                 SOLID62, SOLID65, PLANE82, SHELL91, 
c                 SOLID92, SHELL93, SOLID95, SOLID191

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     option   (int,sc,in)         - creep option
c     elem     (int,sc,in)         - element number (label)
c     intpt    (int,sc,in)         - element integration point number
c     mat      (int,sc,in)         - material reference number
c     kstartL  (intL,sc,in)        - virtual starting address of the data table
c     ncomp    (int,sc,in)         - number of stress/strain components (4 or 6)
c     epel     (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- elastic strain
c     e        (dp,sc,in)          - elastic young'S MODULUS
c     posn     (dp,sc,in)          - poisson'S RATIO
c     d        (dp,ar(ncomp,ncomp),in) - elastic stress-strain matrix
c     epcrp    (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- creep strain at previous substep
c     statev   (dp,ar(ncomp*5+2),inout)- state variables at previous substep
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - user-defined state variables (for usercr)
c     tem      (dp,sc,in)          - temperature at the end of this substep
c     dtem     (dp,sc,in)          - temperature increment over this substep
c     fluen    (dp,sc,in)          - fluence at the end of this substep
c     dflu     (dp,sc,in)          - fluence increment over this substep
c     kplst    (int,sc,in)         - plane stress/plane strain key
c     sig      (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- stresses (not used in input)
c     hsig     (dp,ar(1),inout)    - hydrostatic stress (not used in input)

c  output arguments:
c     epel     (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- elastic strain adjusted for creep increment
c     epcrp    (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- updated creep strain
c     statev   (dp,ar(ncomp*5+2),inout)- updated state variables
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - updated user-defined state variables
c     sig      (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- stresses (redefined if c13 > 0)
c     hsig     (dp,sc,inout)       - hydrostatic stress (redefined if c13 > 0)

2.2.18. Subroutine swell1 (Updating an Element's Swelling History)

      subroutine swell1 (option,elem,intpt,mat,kstartL,epswel,epel,e,
     x fluen,dfluen,tem,dtem,usvr)
c *** primary function:    to update the swelling history for 1-d elements
c                          used by:  LINK1, LINK8

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     option   (int,sc,in)         - swelling option
c     elem     (int,sc,in)         - element number (label)
c     intpt    (int,sc,in)         - element integration point number
c     mat      (int,sc,in)         - material reference number
c     kstartL  (intL,sc,in)        - virtual starting address of the data table
c     epswel   (dp,sc,inout)       - swell strain at previous substep
c     epel     (dp,sc,inout)       - elastic strain
c     e        (dp,sc,in)          - elastic young'S MODULUS
c     fluen    (dp,sc,in)          - fluence at the end of this substep
c     dfluen   (dp,sc,in)          - fluence increment over this substep
c     tem      (dp,sc,in)          - temperature at the end of this substep
c     dtem     (dp,sc,in)          - temperature increment over this substep
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - user-defined state variables (for usersw)

c  output arguments:
c     epel     (dp,sc,inout)       - elastic strain adjusted for swelling inc
c     epswel   (dp,sc,inout)       - updated swelling strain
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - updated user-defined state variables

2.2.19. Subroutine swell3 (Updating an Element's Swelling History, 3D Elements)

      subroutine swell3 (option,elem,intpt,mat,kstartL,ncomp,epswel,
     x                   epel,e,nuxy,fluen,dfluen,tem,dtem,usvr)
c *** primary function:    to update the swelling history for 3-d elements
c       used by:  PLANE13, PLANE42, SHELL43, SOLID45,
c                 SOLID62, PLANE82, SHELL91, SOLID92, 
c                 SHELL93, SOLID95, SOLID191

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     option   (int,sc,in)         - swelling option
c     elem     (int,sc,in)         - element number (label)
c     intpt    (int,sc,in)         - element integration point number
c     mat      (int,sc,in)         - material reference number
c     kstartL  (intL,sc,in)        - virtual starting address of the data table
c     ncomp    (int,sc,in)         - number of stress/strain components (4 or 6)
c     epswel   (dp,sc,inout)       - swell strain at previous substep
c     epel     (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- elastic strain
c     e        (dp,sc,in)          - elastic young'S MODULUS
c     nuxy     (dp,sc,in)          - poisson'S RATIO
c     fluen    (dp,sc,in)          - fluence at the end of this substep
c     dfluen   (dp,sc,in)          - fluence increment over this substep
c     tem      (dp,sc,in)          - temperature at the end of this substep
c     dtem     (dp,sc,in)          - temperature increment over this substep
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - user-defined state variables (for usersw)

c  output arguments:
c     epel     (dp,ar(ncomp),inout)- elastic strain adjusted for swelling inc
c     epswel   (dp,sc,inout)       - updated swelling strain
c     usvr     (dp,ar(*),inout)    - updated user-defined state variables

2.2.20. Function elLenPsvrBuf (Determining Additional ESAV Record for Plasticity)

      function elLenPsvrBuf (mat, plOpt, ncomp)


c     *** primary function:
c              determine additional esave record for plasticity

c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     mat      (int,sc,in)         - material ID
c     plOpt    (int,sc,in)         - plasticity option
c     ncomp    (int,sc,in)         - number of strain components (1,4, or 6)

c     output arguments
c     ================
c     elLenPsvrBuf  (int,sc,out)   - number of extra data items saved

c     local variables
c     ===============


2.2.21. Function tbgettbtype (Retrieving the Unique Index Associated with a TB Table)

      function tbgettbtype(tablename)
c     *** primary function
c            Get the tbtype number associated with a string
c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     tabelename       char4,sc           unique table type string associated 
c                                     each type. 
c     output arguments
c     ===============
c     tbgetdataperfield               tbtype unique to each type like 'user'
c                                     'elas', 'plas'

2.2.22. Function tbgetnumtables (Retrieving the Number of Subtables for a TB Type)

      function tbgetnumtables(matid,tabtyp)
c     *** primary function
c            Get the number of user tb commands issued for mat id.
c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     matid        int,sc             material number
c     tabtyp       int,sc             unique table type number associated 
c                                     each type. default is user when tabtyp
c                                     is set to a number less than 1
c     output arguments
c     ===============
c     tbgetnumtables                get number of tb table tables

2.2.23. Function tbgetnumfldvars (Retrieving the Number of Field Variables for a TB Type)

      function tbgetnumfldvars(matid,tabtyp,tbindx)
c     *** primary function
c            Get number of field variables types
c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     matid        int,sc             material number
c     tabtyp       int,sc             unique table type number associated 
c                                     each type. default is user when tabtyp
c                                     is set to a number less than 1
c     tbindx       int,sc             table index if multiple tb commands
c                                     for tb table were issued         
c     output arguments
c     ===============
c     tbgetnumfldvars                get number of field variable types

2.2.24. Function tbgetfldvars (Retrieving Field Variable Types for a TB Type)

      function tbgetfldvars(matid,tabtyp,tbindx,fldtyp,nfld)
c     *** primary function
c            Get field variables types indices. FLD_FieldDefines.inc has
c            the types and documentation. To see list of supported types
c            see the material reference manual
c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     matid        int,sc             material number
c     tabtyp       int,sc             unique table type number associated 
c                                     each type. default is user when tabtyp
c                                     is set to a number less than 1
c     tbindx       int,sc             table index if multiple tb commands
c                                     for tb table were issued         
c     output arguments
c     ===============
c     tbgetnumfldvars                status 1 if success. 0 if failure
c     fldtyp                         Types of field variables.
c     nfld                           number of field variables.

2.2.25. Function tbgetfldname (Retrieving a Field Variable Name)

      function tbgetfldname(fldtyp,fldstring)
c     *** primary function
c            Get field variable name given an index or unique fld typ
c            queries using the tbgetfldvars function
c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     fldtyp       int,sc             field variable index
c     output arguments
c     ===============
c     tbgetfldname                status 1 if success. 0 if failure
c     fldstring                   field variable name

2.2.26. Function tbgettbopt (Retrieving the TBOPT Associated with a TB Type)

      function tbgettbopt(matid,tabtyp,tbindx)
c     *** primary function
c            Get the tbopt of the subtable
c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     matid        int,sc             material number
c     tabtyp       int,sc             unique table type number associated 
c                                     each type. default is user when tabtyp
c                                     is set to a number less than 1
c     tbindx       int,sc             table index if multiple tb commands
c                                     for tb table were issued         
c     output arguments
c     ===============
c     tbgettbopt                      tboption unique to each subtable

2.2.27. Function tbgettboptname (Retrieving a String or Documented Name Associated with a TBOPT)

      function tbgettboptname(matid,tabtyp,tbindx,tboptstr)
c     *** primary function
c            Get the string or documented name associated along with the 
c            tbopt of a tb sub table
c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     matid        int,sc             material number
c     tabtyp       int,sc             unique table type number associated 
c                                     each type. default is user when tabtyp
c                                     is set to a number less than 1
c     tbindx       int,sc             table index if multiple tb commands
c                                     for tb table were issued         
c     output arguments
c     ===============
c     tbgettbopt                      tboption unique to each subtable
c     tboptstr                        string associated with the tbopt

2.2.28. Function tbgetdataperfield (Retrieving the Data per Field for Each Subtable)

      function tbgetdataperfield(matid,tabtyp,tbindx)
c     *** primary function
c            Get the number of table data issued per temperature
c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     matid        int,sc             material number
c     tabtyp       int,sc             unique table type number associated 
c                                     each type. default is user when tabtyp
c                                     is set to a number less than 1
c     tbindx       int,sc             table index if multiple tb commands
c                                     for tb table were issued         
c     output arguments
c     ===============
c     tbgetdataperfield               tboption unique to each subtable

2.2.29. Function tbgetnumfldsets (Retrieving the Number of TBFIELD+TBDATA/TBOPT Sets)

      function tbgetnumfldsets(matid,tabtyp,tbindx)
c     *** primary function
c            Get number of temperatures defined or field variables.
c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     matid        int,sc             material number
c     tabtyp       int,sc             unique table type number associated 
c                                     each type. default is user when tabtyp
c                                     is set to a number less than 1
c     tbindx       int,sc             table index if multiple tb commands
c                                     for tb table were issued         
c     output arguments
c     ===============
c     tbgetnumfldsets                get number of field variables/temps

2.2.30. Function tbgettabledata (Retrieving All Table Data and Field Variable Values)

      function tbgettabledata(matid,tabtyp,tbindx,setid,
     x                        udata,ndata,ufld,nufld)
c     *** primary function
c            Get the table data and temperature/fld vars
c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     matid        int,sc             material number
c     tabtyp       int,sc             unique table type number associated 
c                                     each type. default is user when tabtyp
c                                     is set to a number less than 1
c     tbindx       int,sc             table index if multiple tb commands
c                                     for tb table were issued         
c     output arguments
c     ===============
c     tbgetdataperfield               tboption unique to each subtable

2.2.31. Function tbgettabledatasz (Retrieving All Table Data and Field Variable Sizes)

      function tbgettabledatasz(matid,tabtyp,tbindx,setid,
     x                          nfld,nrow,ncol)
c     *** primary function
c            Get the table data and temperature/fld vars sizes
c     input arguments
c     ===============
c     matid        int,sc             material number
c     tabtyp       int,sc             unique table type number associated 
c                                     each type. default is user when tabtyp
c                                     is set to a number less than 1
c     tbindx       int,sc             table index if multiple tb commands
c                                     for tb table were issued         
c     output arguments
c     ===============
c     tbgettabledatasz               1 for success 0 for failure

2.2.32. Function nlget (Retrieving Material Nonlinear Property Information)

      function nlget (mat,iprop,prop)
c *** primary function:    get a material non-linear property (TB) table.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c        mat      (int,sc,in)       - material number
c        iprop    (int,sc,in)       - property number (tbpnum in tblecm)
c                                        use 13 for tb,user
c                                        use 14 for tb,nl

c     output arguments:
c        variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c        nlget   (int,sc,out)       - number of property values
c        prop    (dp,ar(nlget),out) - vector of the property values
c                                      (the first 15(tbhdsz) items are a header,
c                                      given below.  The terms are defined in
c                                      tblecm.inc)
c        --- terms of the descriptor record:
c        header(1) = tbtyp
c        header(2) = tbtems
c        header(3) = temloc
c        header(4) = dprtem
c        header(5) = tbrow
c        header(6) = tbcol
c        header(7) = rowkey
c        header(8) = nxtloc
c        header(9) = nxttem
c        header(10) = temptr
c        header(11) = tbpt
c        header(12) = tbsiz
c        header(13) = tbopt
c        header(14) = hypopt
c        header(15) = tbnpts

2.2.33. Subroutine usereo (Storing Data in the nmisc Record)

      subroutine usereo (elem,iout,nbsvr,bsvr,nnrsvr,nrsvr,npsvr,psvr,
     x ncsvr,csvr,nusvr,usvr,nnode,nodes,xyz,vol,leng,time,
     x timinc,nutot,utot,maxdat,numdat,udbdat)
c *** primary function:  to call userou, which allows user to store
c                               data in nmisc record
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c  input arguments:
c   variable (typ,siz,intent)       description
c    elem    (int,sc,in)           - element number
c    iout    (int,sc,in)           - output unit number
c    nbsvr   (int,sc,in)           - number of basic element variables
c    bsvr    (dp,ar(nbsvr),in)     - basic element variables
c    nnrsvr  (int,sc,in)           - number of nonlinear element variables
c    nrsvr   (dp,ar(nnrsvr),in)    - nonlinear element variables
c    npsvr   (int,sc,in)           - number of plasticity element variables
c    psvr    (dp,ar(npsvr),in)     - plasticity element variables
c    ncsvr   (int,sc,in)           - number of creep element variables
c    csvr    (dp,ar(ncsvr),in)     - creep element variables
c    nusvr   (int,sc,in)           - number of user-supplied element variables
c    usvr    (dp,ar(nusvr),in)     - user-supplied element variables
c    nnode   (int,sc,in)           - number of nodes
c    nodes   (int,ar(nnode),in)    - node numbers
c    xyz     (dp,ar(6,nnode),in)   - nodal coordinates and rotations (virgin)
c    vol     (dp,sc,in)            - element volume (or area if 2-d)
c    leng    (dp,sc,in)            - element length (beams,spars,etc)
c    time    (dp,sc,in)            - current time
c    timinc  (dp,sc,in)            - current sub step time increment
c    nutot   (int,sc,in)           - length of dof solution vector utot
c    utot    (dp,ar(nutot),in)     - solution vector
c    maxdat  (int,sc,in)           - size of user output array (3 x nnode)
c                                     actually, = ielc(nmnmup)
c                                     for contact element it is equale to nusvr
c                                     but it does not exceed 120
c  output arguments:
c   variable (typ,siz,intent)       description
c    numdat  (int,sc,out)          - number of user output items in array udbdat
c    udbdat  (dp,ar(maxdat),out)   - user output items to be placed at the end
c                                     of the nmisc record

2.2.34. Subroutine eldwrtL (Writing Element Data to a File)

      subroutine eldwrtL (ielem,elord,edtype,lcerstL,edindxL,nval,value)

c *** primary function:    output element data to result file

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)        - external element number
c        elord     (int,sc,in)        - internal element number
c        edtype    (int,sc,in)        - element data type (see elparm)
c        lcerstL   (LONG,sc,inout)    - pointer to results file position
c        edindxL   (LONG,ar(NUMELEDATASETS),inout)- index to results file data
c        nval      (int,sc,in)        - the total number of values
c                                       if edtype = EDEMS,
c                                          this should -always- be ielc(nmsmis),
c                                          unless there is a variable number, as
c                                          in the layered shell elements.
c        value     (dp,ar(nval),in)   - output values (real)

2.2.35. Subroutine eldwrnL (Writing Element Nonsummable Miscellaneous Data to the Results File)

      subroutine eldwrnL (elem,ielc,lcerstL,edindxL,nudb,udbdat,
     x                    nval,value,ndval)
c *** primary function:    output element nonsummable miscellaneous data
c                                     to result file
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        elem      (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        ielc    (int,ar(IELCSZ),in) - element characteristic vector
c                                         defined in elccmt
c        lcerstL   (LONG,sc,inout)   - pointer to results file position
c        edindxL   (LONG,ar(NUMELEDATASETS),inout)- index to results file data
c        nudb      (in,sc,inout)     - size of what the user wants to add
c        udbdat    (dp,ar(*),in)     - what the user wants to add
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values to
c                                        be output(does not include nudb)
c                                        this should -always- be ielc(NMNMIS),
c                                        unless there is a variable number, as
c                                        in the layered shell elements.
c        value     (dp,ar(ndval),in) - output values
c        ndval     (int,sc,in)       - dimension of value - must be no less than
c                                         ielc(NMNMIS) + ielc(NMNMUP)

2.2.36. Subroutine trrot (Calculating the Rotation Vector)

      subroutine trrot (tr,rot)
c *** primary function:    get the rotation vector from a transformation matrix

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     tr       (dp,ar(3,3),in)     - transformation matrix

c  output arguments:
c     rot      (dp,ar(3),out)      - rotation vector

2.2.37. Subroutine rottr (Calculating the Transformation Matrix)

      subroutine rottr (rot,tr)
c primary function: compute transformation matrix from rotation vector *****
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c     ref(old): eqn. 20(transposed),rankin and brogan, jpvt,108(1986)165-174.
c     ref(new): eqn. (b.4), simo and vu-quoc, cmame, 58 (1986), 79-116
c                  (removes singularities at pi and 2*pi)
c  input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c     rot      (dp,ar(4),in)     - rotation parameter in radians
c  output arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c     tr       (dp,ar(3,3),out)  - transformation matrix corresponding to rot

2.2.38. Subroutine xyzup3 (Updating an Element's 3D Nodal Coordinates)

      subroutine xyzup3 (nnod,u,nr,xyz,nx,xyzup)
c *** primary function:  update a 3-d ele nodal coords for large deformation
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c  input arguments:
c     nnod     (int,sc,in)          - number of nodes
c     u        (dp,ar(nr),in)       - displacement vector
c     nr       (int,sc,in)          - size of the u vector
c     xyz      (dp,ar(nx,nnod),in)  - coordinates to be updated
c     nx       (int,sc,in)          - row size of xy
c  output arguments:
c     xyzup     (dp,ar(3,nnod),out) - updated coordinates

2.2.39. Subroutine tmpget (Defining Current Temperature Loads)

      subroutine tmpget (iel,ielc,nnod,nodes,ref,ndat0,begdat,dat,
     x   enddat,tlvf)
c     primary function: define the current temperature loads
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c  typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout
c  input arguments:
c  variable (typ,siz,intent)     description
c     iel    (int,sc,in)         - element number
c     ielc   (int,ar(IELCSZ),in) - array of element type characteristics
c     nnod   (int,sc,in)         - number of nodes in the nodes array
c     nodes  (int,ar(nnod),in)   - list of nodes
c     ref    (dp,sc,in)          - reference temperature
c     ndat   (int,sc,in)         - number of data items to get
c     begdat (dp,ar(ndat),in)    - data at the beginning of this load step
c  output arguments:
c     dat    (dp,ar(ndat),out)   - data at this time point
c     enddat (dp,ar(ndat),out)   - data at end of this load step
c     tlvf   (int,sc,out)        - thermal load vector flag
c                                  Should the thermal load vector be computed
c                                  = 0 - no, temperatures match tref
c                                  = 1 - yes, temperatures do not match tref
c                                  =<0 - no and using table
c                   Note, that even if tlvf = 0, temperatures may be used to 
c                   compute temperature-dependent material properties.

2.2.40. Subroutine prsget (Defining Current Pressure Loads)

      subroutine prsget (iel,ielc,nfac,ndat,begdat,dat,enddat,iexist)

c     primary function: define the current pressure loads
c     See also:  PrsRIGet

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        iel      (int,sc,in)      - element number
c        ielc  (int,ar(IELCSZ),in) - array of element type characteristics
c        nfac     (int,sc,in)      - number of pressure faces
c        ndat     (int,sc,in)      - number of pressure values
c        begdat   (dp,ar(ndat),in) - pressure at the beginning of load step

c     output arguments:
c        dat      (dp,ar(ndat),out) - pressures at this iteration
c        enddat   (dp,ar(ndat),out) - pressure at end of this load step
c        iexist   (int,sc,out)      - flag if pressure exist
c                                     =  0 : no pressure
c                                     =  1 : yes pressure
c                                     = -1 : no pressure and has table

2.2.41. Subroutine cnvget (Defining Current Convection Loads)

      subroutine cnvget (iel,ielc,nr,u,nfac,ndat,beghc,begtb,
     x   hc,tb,endhc,endtb,iexist)
c     primary function: define the current convection loads

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        iel      (int,sc,in)      - element number
c        ielc  (int,ar(IELCSZ),in) - array of element type characteristics
c        nr       (int,sc,in)      - dimension of u (temperature) vector
c        u        (dp,ar(nr),in)   - most current temperatures
c        nfac     (int,sc,in)      - number of convection faces
c        ndat     (int,sc,in)      - number of convection values
c        beghc    (dp,ar(ndat),in) - hcoef at the beginning of load step
c        begtb    (dp,ar(ndat),in) - tbulk at the beginning of load step

c     output arguments:
c        hc       (dp,ar(ndat),out) - hcoef at this substep
c        tb       (dp,ar(ndat),out) - tbulk at this substep
c        endhc    (dp,ar(ndat),in)  - hcoef at the end of this load step
c        endtb    (dp,ar(ndat),in)  - tbulk at the end of this load step
c        iexist   (int,sc,out)      - flag if convection exist
c                                     = 0 - no convection
c                                     = 1 - constant convection (with time)
c                                            does not require new element matrix
c                                     = 2 - changing convection (with time)
c                                            or deleted convection
c                                            requires new element matrix

2.2.42. Subroutine hgnget (Defining Current Heat Generation Loads)

      subroutine hgnget (iel,ielc,nnod,nodes,ndat,begdat,dat,enddat,
     x   iexist)
c     primary function: define the current heat generation loads
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout
c     input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)     description
c        iel    (int,sc,in)         - element number
c        ielc   (int,ar(IELCSZ),in) - array of element type characteristics
c        nnod   (int,sc,in)         - number of nodes in the nodes array
c        nodes  (int,ar(nnod),in)   - list of nodes
c        ndat   (int,sc,in)         - number of data items to get
c        begdat (dp,ar(ndat),in)    - data at the beginning of this load step
c     output arguments:
c        dat    (dp,ar(ndat),out)   - data at this time point
c        enddat (dp,ar(ndat),out)   - data at end of this load step
c        iexist (int,sc,out)        - flag if heat generation exist
c                                     = 0 - no heat generation
c                                     = 1 - yes heat generation

2.2.43. Subroutine prinst (Calculating Principal Stress and Stress Intensity)

      subroutine prinst (s)
c    primary function:  computes principal stresses and stress intensity 
c    secondary functions:  none
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c     s        (dp,ar(11),inout)   - stress vector
c                  s(1)=sx
c                  s(2)=sy
c                  s(3)=sz
c                  s(4)=sigxy
c                  s(5)=sigyz
c                  s(6)=sigzx

c  output arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c     s        (dp,ar(11),inout)   - stress vector
c                  s(7)=sig1
c                  s(8)=sig2
c                  s(9)=sig3
c                  s(10)=s.i.
c                  s(11)=sige

c ********* note: all changes to this routine must be made in
c                 post1  (paprst)