1.6. How Material Properties Are Evaluated

Material properties are evaluated at or near the centroid of the element or at each of the integration points, as follows:

  • Thermal elements: All properties are evaluated at the centroid except for the specific heat or enthalpy and density, which are evaluated at the integration points. For some current-technology thermal elements (SOLID278, SOLID279, SOLID291, PLANE292, PLANE293), you can optionally specify that material properties be evaluated at the integration points to improve accuracy of nonlinear material simulation.

  • Structural elements: All properties are evaluated at the integration points.

  • Diffusion elements: All properties are evaluated at the integration points.

  • Coupled-field elements (PLANE222, PLANE223, SOLID225, SOLID226, SOLID227):

    • All structural, magnetic, and diffusion properties are evaluated at the integration points.

    • Temperature-dependent thermal properties (if THOPT,FULL) and temperature-dependent electrical properties are evaluated at the integration points.

    • All electrostatic properties are evaluated at the centroid.

  • All other elements: All properties are evaluated at the centroid.

If the temperature of the centroid or integration point falls below or rises above the defined temperature range of tabular data, Mechanical APDL™ assumes the defined extreme minimum or maximum value, respectively, for the material property outside the defined range.