This example shows the nonlinear harmonic analysis of a forced response 1-DOF Duffing oscillator using the harmonic balance method (HBM). Specifically, it demonstrates the following key points:
Definition of a cubic non-linearity using a pre-defined user element (USER300).
Continuation of the solution using the arc-length method.
Direct postprocessing of individual harmonics and manual postprocessing of the total HBM solution.
The example problem is presented in the following sections:
The governing equation of a forced response 1-dof Duffing oscillator is:
(8–1) |
In this example, the parameters of Equation 8–1 are = 1,
= 0.05,
= 1,
= 3, and
= 0.05.
This equation can be modeled using one MASS21 element
linked to a linear spring-damper element (COMBIN14) and a
cubic spring. The cubic spring is modeled using the pre-defined polynomial user
element (USER300, KEYOPT(1) = 2) with real constants RK1 =
and IK1 = 3 for the cubic spring (see the command listing in the next section for details on
the polynomial user element).
The harmonic 1 force is defined using a 2-variable table parameter whose rows depend on the frequency (one value for constant load) and the harmonic index number.
The model is run with 3 harmonics in the frequency range rad/s.
To download the input file used for this example problem, click the link below.
The contents of this file are listed below. The command listing shows in detail how to specify and run the HBM analysis. You can use it as a template and modify it to create a custom HBM analysis.
/TITLE, 1-DOF Oscillator with Cubic Non-linearity /com ============================================================= /com DESCRIPTION: /com Harmonic balance analysis for Duffing oscillator's equation: /com M*u'' + C*u' + K*u + KNL*u^3 = FEXT*cos(OMG*t) /com ============================================================= ! Model Parameters PI = ACOS(-1) M = 1 ! MASS C = 0.05 ! DAMPING COEFFICIENT K = 1 ! LINEAR SPRING CONSTANT KNL = 3 ! CUBIC SPRING CONSTANT FEXT = 0.05 ! FORCE AMPLITUDE ! HBM and Continuation Parameters OMGS = 0.60 ! Starting omega OMGE = 1.50 ! End omega FMIN = OMGS/(2*PI) ! Starting frequency FMAX = OMGE/(2*PI) ! Ending frequency DS = 0.01 ! initial arc length (step length) DSMIN = DS/50 ! minimum arc length (step length) DSMAX = 5*DS ! maximum arc length (step length) NH = 3 ! number of harmonics ! __________________ USER_ELEM ____________________ ! Internal force ! Fint = RK0*u + RK1*u^IK1 + RK2*u^IK2 ! UserElem parameters which cannot be modified NNOD = 2 ! number of nodes NDIM = 3 ! dimension NNREAL = 5 ! number of REAL constants NSAVEVARS = 0 ! number of saved variables (internal) NRSLTVAR = 2 ! number of NMISC items KEYANSMAT = 3 ! element characteristics key: non-linear and working in nodal CS ! UserElem parameters to modify RK0 = 0 RK1 = KNL IK1 = 3 ! cubic non-linearity RK2 = 0 IK2 = 0 /PREP7 ET,1,300 KEYOPT,1,1,2 ! polynomial stiffness non-linearity USRELEM, NNOD, NDIM, LINE, NNREAL, NSAVEVARS, NRSLTVAR, KEYANSMAT USRDOF,DEFINE, UX R,1, RK0, RK1, IK1, RK2, IK2 ET,2,14,0,1 ! linear spring/damper R,2,K,C ET,3,21,0,0,4 ! mass R,3,M ! Geometry N,1,0,0,0 N,2,1,0,0 TYPE,1 REAL,1 E,1,2 TYPE,2 REAL,2 E,1,2 TYPE,3 REAL,3 E,2 FINISH /SOLU ANTYPE,HARMIC HROPT,HBM,NH ! HBM Solve and number of harmonics HARFRQ,FMIN,FMAX HBMOPT,CONTSET,,DS,DSMIN,DSMAX ! Continuation method and step size parameters ! HBMOPT,LIST ! List HBM options (optional) ! OUTPR,NSOL,ALL ! Print nodal solution (optional) ! Boundary conditions D,1,ALL D,2,UY ! Loading ! - Tabular loading definition can be used as a template for harmonic-dependent load. ! - Here, the force is applied to real part of harmonic 1 only and can be ! - directly defined as F,2,FX,FEXT ! - Imaginary loading can also be applied using Value2 on F command: ! > F,2,FX,,FEXT_IMAG for imaginary harmonic 1 load ! > F,2,FX,,%FORCE_TAB_IMAG% for imaginary harmonic-dependent load ! *dim,FORCETAB,TABLE,1,NH+1,1,FREQ,NHINDEX ! define table with frequency and harmonic dependency *DO,HH,0,NH FORCETAB(0,HH+1) = HH ! COLUMNS: one for each harmonic index *ENDDO FORCETAB(1,0) = FMIN ! ROWS: one frequency point only for constant loading FORCETAB(1,2) = FEXT ! VALUES: loading for harmonic 1 F,2,FX,%FORCETAB% KBC,1 SOLVE FINISH /COM _________ POST-PROCESSING EACH HARMONIC SOLUTION _________ *get,rstname,ACTIVE,,JOBNAM ! RST file name /POST1 FILE,%rstname%_1hi0,rst ! select result file containing harmonic 1 results SET,LIST SET,1,1 ! print results for 1st frequency point PRNSOL,U,SUM FINISH /POST26 NUMVAR,200 FILE,%rstname%_3hi0,rst ! select result file containing harmonic 3 results NSOL ,102,2,u,x ! store and print frequency history results for harmonic 3 ABS,102,102 /SHOW,png,rev /AXLAB,X,Frequency (Hz) /AXLAB,Y,Harmonic 3 - amplitude PLVAR,102 /SHOW,close FINISH /COM _________ POST-PROCESSING CUMULATED HARMONICS SOLUTION _________ postnod = 2 ! node to postprocess postitem = 'u' ! item to postprocess postcomp = 'x' ! component to postprocess ampltype = 'minmax' HBM_EXPA,rstname,postnod,postitem,postcomp,NH,ampltype /com /com Pulsation (rad/s) Amplitude of the response /com *VWRITE,_hbm_omg(1),_hbm_ampl(1) (F16.8,2X,F16.8) *DIM ,harm_tab ,table,_Nss,4 *VFUN,harm_tab(1,1),COPY ,_hbm_coeff(1,2) *VFUN,harm_tab(1,2),COPY ,_hbm_coeff(1,3) *VFUN,harm_tab(1,3),COPY ,_hbm_coeff(1,6) *VFUN,harm_tab(1,4),COPY ,_hbm_coeff(1,7) /SHOW,png,rev /AXLAB,X,Pulsation (rad/s) /AXLAB,Y,Amplitude /GCOLUMN,1,ampl *VPLOT,_hbm_omg(1),_hbm_ampl(1) ! amplitude /AXLAB,Y,Harmonic coefficients /GCOLUMN,1,h1real /GCOLUMN,2,h1imag /GCOLUMN,3,h3real /GCOLUMN,4,h3imag *VPLOT,_hbm_omg(1),harm_tab(1,1),2,3,4 ! harmonic 1 real, 1 imag, 3 real, 3 imag /SHOW,close finish /com /com Pulsation (rad/s) Harmonic 1 real, 1 imag, 3 real, 3 imag /com *VWRITE,_hbm_omg(1),harm_tab(1,1),harm_tab(1,2),harm_tab(1,3),harm_tab(1,4) (F16.8,2X,F16.8,2X,F16.8,2X,F16.8,2X,F16.8)
The analysis results are shown below. Direct postprocessing of results for each harmonic can be carried out separately by reading the proper result file (filename_0.rst for harmonic 0, filename_%h%HI0 for harmonic, h) in both /POST1 and /POST26.
The macro sums all harmonics as described in Appendix A: HBM Macros, and the combined harmonic results are plotted in the following figure.
The resonance frequency of the associated linear model (Equation 8–1 with = 0) is
. The effect of the cubic non-linearity is observed here by a
bending of the response curve toward the right and occurrence of the resonance peak
at a higher frequency (stiffening effect).
Because of the odd order of the nonlinearity, only odd harmonics contributions are significant (Figure 8.3: Add Harmonic Coefficients harmonics 1 and 3).