This example shows the nonlinear harmonic analysis of two jointed beams with a frictional contact interface using Harmonic Balance Method (HBM). Specifically, it demonstrates the following key points:
The example problem is presented in the following sections:
Two solid beams of respective sizes 40 x 20 x 5 mm and 140 x 20 x 5 mm are meshed with SOLID185 elements and linked by a frictional contact interface of 20 mm length. The left end of the top beam is clamped, and a constant surface pressure of magnitude 1 N/mm2 is applied on each side of the contact area to maintain contact between the two beams.
All node-to-node contact elements have a normal and tangential stiffness of 103 N/m and a friction coefficient of 0.3.
The first out-of-plane mode of the jointed beams (f2 = 318.7 Hz), which generates high friction in the joint interface is under study in the nonlinear harmonic analysis. It is activated by applying a transverse surface pressure of different magnitude levels at the end of the lower beam. To compute the response, the frequency range for the HBM analysis is [310, 325] Hz and the number of harmonics NH = 3.
Model reduction
Before running the HBM analysis, the linear part of the model is condensed using Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) to reduce the total number of equations and consequently the computational time. The 15 nodes on each substructure used to define contact and one observation node at the end of the lower beam are selected as master nodes. Loads are defined using superelement load vectors to apply pressure, avoiding extra master nodes for loading. Six modes are used to generate each superelement so that the total number of HBM equations is 735.
To improve convergence at the first frequency point, a preliminary static analysis is run considering only the constant pressure load. Then, the static solution is read from the results (Jobname.rst) file and used as an initial guess for the HBM solution (HBMOPT,UINIT). The procedure to define the HBM initial guess is described below:
Initial guess
To define an initial guess from a preliminary analysis, the
following five steps must be performed, with some variations depending on the
preliminary analysis type (static, linear harmonic, or HBM). Use the HBMUINITGET
macro, available on the Ansys installation media, to perform the first four steps in
a concise and unified manner (choose the "STATIC", "HBM"
or "FULLHARM" flag to apply the correct procedure).
To restart from a static analysis —
Read the static solution vector to be used as the 0th harmonic (
) of the initial guess (
) from the Jobname.rst file.
Create the multiharmonic solution vector (
in Equation 1–7 - Equation 1–9, referred to here as
for clarity) using the *DIM command. The size of
is related to
and the number of harmonics NH as follows:
) = size(
)*(2*NH + 1).
Fill the
vector with
is defined as
= [
; … ;
the subscripts
denote real and complex values
and the integer superscripts denote the time-domain harmonic index h (see Equation 1–9).
Read the BACK nodal mapping vector from the Jobname.rst file and export it to an APDL array named "UserBack".
Specify the initial guess for the HBM solution using
and UserBack as inputs by issuing HBMOPT,UINIT,APDL,umh,INT,UserBack.
To restart from a linear harmonic analysis — Use the linear solution as an initial guess to help the solver converge
towards the first solution. Follow the procedure described above except for
steps two and four to fill the multiharmonic solution vector :
2. Read the linear harmonic solution vector (real |
4. Fill the |
To resume a prior HBM analysis that stopped — Due to convergence failure or a stopping criterion, restart the analysis at the last point computed. Changing some parameters (number of harmonics NH, number of time points per period NT, etc. via HBMOPT) without recomputing the previous substeps reduces the workflow and computation time. Follow the procedure described above except for steps two and four to fill the multiharmonic solution vector umh (see Example 8.1: Command Input for Filling umh from a Previous HBM Analysis):
2. For each harmonic of the initial run, read the solution vector (real
4. Fill the |
Example 8.1: Command Input for Filling umh from a Previous HBM Analysis
! number of harmonics NH = 3 *get,rstName,active,,jobnam *VEC,u0,D,IMPORT,RST,%rstName%.rst,1,,NSL uDim = u0_Dim ! size of the single harmonic solution vector ! size of the multiharmonic solution vector umhDim = uDim*(1+2*NH) *DIM,umh,ARRAY,umhDim ! fill vector with harmonic 0 solution *DO,i,1,uDim umh(i) = u0(i) *ENDDO ! fill vector with other harmonic solutions (complex) iloc = uDim *DO,ih,1,NH *VEC,uh,Z,IMPORT,RST,%rstName%_%ih%hi0.rst,iRestart,,NSL *DO,i,1,uDim iloc = iloc + 1 umh(iloc) = uh(i,1) *ENDDO *DO,i,1,uDim iloc = iloc + 1 umh(iloc) = uh(i,2) *ENDDO *ENDDO
Scaling the solution vector
To improve convergence behavior in the Newton-Raphson continuation procedure, the use of HBMOPT,SCAL to linearly scale each component of the solution vector by providing a vector of scaling factors is demonstrated here. (For scaling equations and tips on scaling the solution vector, see Equation Solution and Scaling the Solution Vector.)
Scaling the solution to improve convergence depends on the specifics of each model. Although there is no universal rule for determining scaling factors, the approach and equations used in this problem are often applicable. Since scaling does not affect solution accuracy, you can use typical or approximate values (as exact values may be unknown a priori) or other strategies to determine scaling parameters suitable for your application.
For this problem, the scaling vector is defined as an APDL array named "uscal" filled with a constant scaling factor for the displacement, scal_disp. The number of physical equations, Neq_typ, and the largest predicted displacement, Umax_typ, are used to calculate the displacement scaling factor by scal_disp = Neq_typ*Umax_typ. A value of scal_freq =300*2*p, close to the frequency range of interest (in rad/s) is used to scale the solution degree of freedom which corresponds to the forcing frequency. Finally, the scaling is applied by issuing HBMOPT,SCAL,1,uscal,scal_freq,SOLU. Note that for this example, a constant scaling value could be used (HBMOPT,SCAL,VALU,scal_disp,scal_freq), and a vector is created only for demonstration purposes.
To download the .dat file used for this example problem, click the link below.
The contents of this file are listed below. The command listing shows in detail how to specify and run the HBM analysis. You can use it as a template and modify it to create a custom HBM analysis.
/title, Two jointed beams with frictional contact interface ! beam 1 Lb1 = 40 ! length wb1 = 20 ! width tb1 = 5 ! thickness ! beam 2 Lb2 = 140 ! length wb2 = 20 ! width tb2 = 5 ! thickness ! material E = 116e3 ! Young's modulus nu = 0.32 ! Poisson's ratio rho = 4506e-12 ! density alpd = 2e-6 ! alpha damping betd = 1e-5 ! beta damping ! contact Lc = 20 ! surface length wc = 20 ! surface width Kn = 1e3 ! normal stiffness Kt = 1e3 ! tangential stiffness mu = 0.3 ! friction coefficient ! load FN0 = 1.0 ! static pressure FT1 = 5.0e-4 ! harmonic tangential force ! 1.0e-4, 5.0e-4, 1.0e-3 or 2.0e-3 to reproduce figure 3 results ! mesh esiz_x = Lb1/4 ! element size in x-direction esiz_y = wb1/4 ! element size in y-direction esiz_z = tb1/2 ! element size in z-direction ! CMS Nmode = 6 ! HBM Fmin = 310 Fmax = 325 NH = 3 ! number of harmonics ds = 0.5 ! initial step size dsmin = ds/50 ! minimum step size dsmax = ds*5 ! maximum step size neq_hbm = (31*3+2*Nmode)*(2*NH+1) ! number of HBM equations: ! 113 equations = 31 nodes X 3 dofs + 20 CMS modes pi = acos(-1) ! typical values of the problem Neq_typ = 90 ! typical number of physical equations Umax_typ = 0.10 ! typical value of maximum displacement (mm) Fpeak_typ = 300 ! peak frequency (Hz) ! scaling values scal_disp = Umax_typ*Neq_typ ! scaling for displacement DOFs scal_freq = 2*pi*Fpeak_typ ! scaling for frequency DOF /prep7 ! material mp,ex ,1,E mp,prxy,1,nu mp,dens,1,rho mp,alpd,1,alpd mp,betd,1,betd mp,mu,2,mu ! geometry block, 0,Lb1, 0,wb1, 0,tb1 ! beam 1 block, Lb1-Lc,Lb1+Lb2-Lc, 0,wb2, -tb2,0 ! beam 2 ! element types et,1,185 ! mesh vsel,s,volu,,1,,,1 lsel,r,loc,x,Lb1/2 lesize,all,esiz_x allsel vsel,s,volu,,2,,,1 lsel,r,loc,x,Lb1-Lc+Lb2/2 lesize,all,esiz_x allsel lsel,s,loc,y,wb1/2 lesize,all,esiz_y allsel lsel,s,loc,z, tb1/2 lsel,a,loc,z,-tb2/2 lesize,all,esiz_z allsel type,1 real,1 mat ,1 vmesh,all vsel,s,volu,,1,,,1 cm,beam1_node,node cm,beam1_elem,elem allsel vsel,s,volu,,2,,,1 cm,beam2_node,node cm,beam2_elem,elem allsel finish save,full,db parsav,all,full,parm /com /com ______________ GENERATION PASS - BEAM 1 _____________ /com /filname,beam1 /solu antype,substr seopt,beam1,3,,,NONE ! generate stiffness, damping, and mass matrix ! (NONE = no files kept for expansion) cmsopt,fixed,Nmode ! boundary conditions nsel,s,loc,x,0 d,all,all allsel ! loading nsel,s,loc,x,Lb1-Lc,Lb1 nsel,r,loc,z,tb1 sf,all,pres,1 allsel ! master dofs cmsel,s,beam1_node nsel,r,loc,z,0 nsel,r,loc,x,Lb1-Lc,Lb1 cm,contact_beam1,node allsel cmsel,s,contact_beam1 m,all,all allsel cmsel,s,beam1_node ! select only nodes and elements for beam 1 cmsel,s,beam1_elem solve finish save /com /com ______________ GENERATION PASS - BEAM 2 _____________ /com /filname,beam2 /solu antype,substr seopt,beam2,3,,,NONE ! generate stiffness, damping, and mass matrix ! (NONE = no files kept for expansion) cmsopt,fixed,nmode ! master dofs cmsel,s,beam2_node nsel,r,loc,z,0 nsel,r,loc,x,Lb1-Lc,Lb1 cm,contact_beam2,node allsel nsel,s,loc,x,Lb1-Lc+Lb2 nsel,r,loc,y,wb2/2 nsel,r,loc,z,0 cm,load_beam2,node allsel cmsel,s,contact_beam2 cmsel,a,load_beam2 m,all,all allsel /com ------ LOAD VECTOR 1 nsel,s,loc,x,Lb1-Lc,Lb1 nsel,r,loc,z,-tb2 sf,all,pres,1 allsel cmsel,s,beam2_node ! select only nodes and elements for beam 2 cmsel,s,beam2_elem solve /com ------ LOAD VECTOR 2 sfdele,all,all nsel,s,loc,x,Lb1+Lb2-Lc sfco,2,,0,1,0 sf,all,pres,1 allsel cmsel,s,beam2_node ! select only nodes and elements for beam 2 cmsel,s,beam2_elem solve finish save /com /com ______________ USE PASS _____________ /com /clear,nostart /filname,static_h0_load parres,,full,parm /prep7 ! load SE et,10,50 type,10 se,beam1 se,beam2 ! contact et,2,178 keyopt,2,2 ,1 ! pure penalty method keyopt,2,5 ,3 ! contact normal along z-direction r,2,-Kn,,,-Kt mp,mu,2,mu type,2 real,2 mat ,2 nsel,s,loc,z,0 nsel,r,loc,x,Lb1-Lc,Lb1 eintf,,,HIGH allsel finish /solu antype,static rescontrol,define,last,last nropt,unsym ! boundary conditions nsel,s,loc,x,0 d,all,all allsel ! loading - constant pressure sfe,1,1,SELV,0,FN0 ! SE 1 - LV 1 sfe,2,1,SELV,0,FN0 ! SE 2 - LV 1 solve finish save /clear,nostart /filname,hbm resume,static_h0_load,db ! read static results and write corresponding hbm initial solution vector HBMUINITGET,'static','static_h0_load',NH /solu antype,harmic hropt,hbm,NH ! hbm solve and number of harmonics harfrq,Fmin,Fmax hbmopt,contset,,ds,dsmin,dsmax hbmopt,uinit,APDL,umh,INT,UserBack ! use initial solution vector hbmopt,contterm,100,50 hbmopt,nr,10 kbc,1 ! boundary conditions nsel,s,loc,x,0 d,all,all allsel ! loading - constant pressure - harmonic 0 *dim,FNtab,TABLE,NH+1,1,,NHINDEX,FREQ *vfill,FNtab(1,0),RAMP,0,1 FNtab(0,1) = 100 FNtab(1,1) = FN0 sfe,1,1,SELV,0,%FNtab% ! SE 1 - LV 1 sfe,2,1,SELV,0,%FNtab% ! SE 2 - LV 1 ! loading - tangential pressure - harmonic 1 sfe,2,2,SELV,0,FT1 ! SE 2 - LV 2 ! scaling *dim,uscal,array,neq_hbm *vfill,uscal(1),RAMP,scal_disp,0 hbmopt,scal,1,uscal,scal_freq,SOLU solve finish /post26 nsel,s,loc,x,Lb1-Lc+Lb2 nsel,r,loc,y,wb2/2 nsel,r,loc,z,0 nd_load = ndnext(0) allsel HBM_EXPA,'hbm',nd_load,'u','y',NH,'minmax' *vfact,1/(FT1*wb2*tb2) *vfun,_hbm_ampl(1),COPY,_hbm_ampl(1) /gmarker,,4 /xrange,310,325 /yrange,0,3 /axlab,X,Frequency (Hz) /axlab,Y,Amplitude (mm/N) /plopt,info,0 /title,Ft = %FT1% N /show,png,rev *vplot,_hbm_freq(1),_hbm_ampl(1) /show,close /nopr /out,results_FT%FT1%,txt *vwrite,_hbm_freq(1),_hbm_ampl(1) (F10.5,' , ',E12.6) /out,scratch finish
The amplitude of UY displacement at the tip of the lower beam is computed using the HBM_EXPA macro. The amplitude of the response scaled by the excitation amplitude is shown in the figure below for different levels of excitations.
It shows that friction dissipates energy because of the contact stick-slip phenomenon. When increasing the excitation amplitude from 0.01 N to 0.20 N, the scaled amplitude of the response decreases. This corresponds to an increase of frictional damping due to the contact elements spending more time in the sliding state.
Information about the contact status is provided in the jobname1.out file for each iteration. For example, for Ft = 0.10 N and close to the natural frequency, the summary shows that sliding occurs on average 12.5% of time for 2 of the 15 contact elements:
For Ft = 0.20 N and around the same frequency, there are still only 2 elements sliding but they spend a greater time sliding, on average of 20% of the time: