3.1. Activating the GPU Accelerator Capability

Following is the general procedure to use the GPU accelerator capability:

  1. Before activating the GPU accelerator capability, you must have at least one GPU card installed with the proper driver level. If you have more than four GPUs or CPU cores combined, you will also need some type of HPC license; see HPC licensing for details.

  2. Open the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher.


    Start >Programs >Ansys 2025 R1 >Mechanical APDL Product Launcher

  3. Select the correct environment and license.

  4. Go to the High Performance Computing Setup tab, select a GPU device from the GPU Accelerator drop-down menu, and specify the number of GPU accelerator devices.

  5. Alternatively, you can activate the GPU accelerator capability via the -acc command line option[2]:

    ansys251 -acc nvidia -na N


    ansys251 -acc amd -na N

    The -na command line option followed by a number (N) indicates the number of GPU accelerator devices to use per machine or compute node. If only the -acc option is specified, the program uses a single GPU device per machine or compute node by default (that is, -na 1).

    If you have more than one HPC license feature, you can use the -ppf command line option to specify which HPC license to use for the parallel run. See HPC Licensing for more information.

  6. If working from the launcher, click Run to launch Mechanical APDL.

  7. Set up and run your analysis as you normally would.

With the GPU accelerator capability, the acceleration obtained by using the parallelism on the GPU hardware occurs only during the solution operations. Operational randomness and numerical round-off inherent to any parallel algorithm can cause slightly different results between runs on the same machine when using or not using the GPU hardware to accelerate the simulation.

The ACCOPTION command can also be used to control activation of the GPU accelerator capability.

[2] When using GPU acceleration on a Linux machine, the Mechanical APDL graphical user interface (GUI) is not supported.