Mechanical application Documentation

The manuals listed below form the Mechanical product documentation set. They include descriptions of the procedures, commands, and theoretical details needed to perform Mechanical analyses. A brief description of each manual follows.

Mechanical User's Guide is the User's Guide for the Mechanical application, which is used to perform various types of structural, thermal, and electromagnetic analyses. Within the Mechanical application, you define your model's environmental loading conditions, solve the analysis, and review results in various formats depending on the analysis type. Related video help can be found on the Ansys How To Videos page.
The Mechanical Acoustic Analysis Guide describes how to perform an acoustic simulation to explore various properties of an acoustic field in a given environment. Acoustic simulations are valuable in a wide range of applications where sound levels are of concern.
The Mechanical Application Release Notes describes all of the new features and enhancements of the current release.
The Scripting in Mechanical Guide introduces scripting and how to use Mechanical APIs to write scripts for automating Ansys Mechanical.
The Structural Optimization in Mechanical guide describes how to perform a structural optimization analysis to optimize selected regions of your model according to design objectives and constraints. The optimization process produces transformed geometries that preserve the structural integrity of the original part but have a more efficient design
The Explicit Dynamics Analysis Guide explains the process of setting up an Explicit Dynamics analysis using either the Explicit Dynamics system or the Explicit Dynamics (LS-DYNA Export) system. Additional material describes the theory involved in the Explicit Dynamics analysis, and gives guidance on using the Explicit Dynamics system with a Structural system to improve the outcome of an analysis.
The Scripting in Mechanical Guide describes how to perform an acoustic simulation to explore various properties of an acoustic field in a given environment. Acoustic simulations are valuable in a wide range of applications where sound levels are of concern.
The Mechanical Technology Showcase: Example Problems demonstrates the features and effectiveness of the Mechanical Application by presenting a series of simulation solutions for interdisciplinary problems from a variety of industries and engineering fields. The problems presented are more substantive and complex than examples found in the standard documentation set.
The Mechanical Add-ons Guide contains a description of all available Add-ons in Mechanical.
The Mechanical Object Reference describes all object references, in alphabetical order. It is the definitive reference for the specifications of every Mechanical object in the tree.