The manuals listed below form the LS-DYNA product documentation set. They include descriptions of the procedures, commands, elements, and theoretical details needed to perform explicit dynamics analyses with LS-DYNA. A brief description of each manual follows.
LS-DYNA User's Guide explains the process of setting up an explicit dynamics analysis using the LS-DYNA ACT extension. Additional material describes the specific LS-DYNA keywords used by the LS-DYNA Workbench system. |
LS-DYNA Keyword and Theory Manuals provides access to the LS-DYNA Keyword and Theory manuals. Note that these manuals are not available directly in this help viewer but must be accessed from the Ansys Help site. |
LS-DYNA LS-PrePost Tutorials will teach you how to use LS-PrePost, the LS-DYNA preprocessor and postprocessor. |
LS-Run User's Guide describes the use and features of LS-Run, a tool for starting LS-DYNA jobs. |