8.3. ansyslmd.ini Keywords

Below is a list of keywords that may be used in the ansyslmd.ini file. For each keyword, we provide the following information:

  • a description

  • the default value and range of values

  • corresponding command option

  • other keywords that need to be combined with each one

  • any platform restrictions

  • whether the Licensing Interconnect needs to be restarted or reread when changed

  • an example

The ansyslmd.ini file must be a text file. Entries should begin in column one. Be sure that no spaces are used in any of the entries. Do not use quotes around paths in the ansyslmd.ini, even if the path contains spaces. Keywords can appear in any order.


Description:This option allows the user to specify the SSL Cipher Suite used on the licensing server to secure communications between client and server. OpenSSL Cipher names are used and can be combined in a comma separated list without spaces in order of preference. To see what ciphers are supported, use the ansysli_server.exe command "-DisplaySupportedCiphers". Setting the Ciphers to only use a preferred cipher, for example ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, may prevent older clients that do not support that cipher from connecting. To ensure older clients can connect, AES128-SHA256 and/or AES256-SHA should be enabled.

Default value/range: Output from -DisplaySupportedCiphers command

Corresponding command argument: -AnsysclCiphersToUse

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example sets the SSL Cipher Suite to use the ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 cipher, or the AES256-SHA Cipher if the client doesn’t support the first.


Description: This keyword allows you to disable and enable the ANSYSLI_CHECKOUT_RETRY feature. The ANSYSLI_CHECKOUT_RETRY feature dictates the number of seconds the license check-out retry attempts will continue before failing. This keyword is set to 1 (allowed) by default.

Default value/range: 1/0; default is 1 (on)

Corresponding command argument: -checkoutretry

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example turns the ANSYSLI_CHECKOUT_RETRY feature off.


Description: This keyword allows you to turn off the license reservation feature for design points in Ansys Workbench. This keyword is set to 1 (license reservation allowed) by default.

Default value/range: Default=1, Range=0-1

Corresponding command argument: -dp_reserve

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example turns off license reservation for design points in Ansys Workbench.


Description: In a scenario where a client connects to a server using an external IP which redirects traffic to the license server machine, and the license server does not know its own external IP address, the license server will read the IP address in the licensing path and try to connect to it to get the cache information. This causes a license server machine to try a connect to itself over the internet to get the licensing cache information. This keyword will prevent this issue from occuring. To use this option, set the following ansyslmd.ini keyword to the external IP address of the license server.

Default value/range: N/A

Corresponding command argument: N/A

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example:This example defines the license server external IP as


Note:  ANSYSLI_EXTERNAL_IP can be used to define multiple external IP addresses by separating each with a comma.


Description: Enabling this keyword internally sets the FlexNet environment variable - FNP_IP_ENV. This keyword allows you to bypass the client-side hostname resolution, thus improving license checkout performance. Use this keyword when you see such messages as "FLEXlm server is not responding. Resource is temporarily unavailable."

Default value/range: Default=0, Range=0-1

Corresponding command argument: -fnp_ip_env

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example bypasses the client-side hostname resolution.


Description: This option allows you to specify the number of times that the Licensing Interconnect attempts to restart lmgrd/ansyslmd. After attempting to restart for the specified number of times, the Licensing Interconnect discontinues the restart process until the next CHECKPOINT. At the time of the next CHECKPOINT, the Licensing Interconnect again attempts to restart for the specified number of times. This process continues until the issue is resolved. This situation might occur if licenses in the license file have expired.

Note:  The time of each CHECKPOINT is determined by the last start time and the CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL value in ansyslmd.ini (default is 6 hours).

Default value/range: Default=1, Range=1-10

Corresponding command argument: -fnp_restart_attempts

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example sets the number of restart attempts to 1.


Description: This keyword allows you to define which license servers to use from the licensing path. Any servers that you specify will be used, ignoring all other servers listed in the licensing path.

Default value/range: N/A

Corresponding command argument: -include_flexsvr

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example ignores all supplied servers in the licensing path except server1 and server2.


Description: This keyword allows you to specify which servers will not be included in the FlexNet license path. The reason to remove these servers from your path is that FlexNet can take too long to return when a server in the path does not exist. This can cause the Licensing Interconnect to delay license checkout calls. Candidates are license servers that are off-line but still in the DNS.

Default value/range: N/A

Corresponding command argument: -ignore_flexsvr

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example removes server1 from the license path.


Note:  To ensure that all appropriate domain aliases are removed from the licensing path, Ansys, Inc., recommends that you use the base hostname rather than the fully qualified domain name whenever applicable.


Description: This Licensing Interconnect keyword allows the Licensing Interconnect to revert back to Release 14.5 and prior behavior with regard to client IP addresses.  For most sites, the 15.0 and later behavior is appropriate.  This option  should only be used if you are using stand-alone Licensing Interconnects in addition to the one on your license server and you want the IP address used to be that of the system on which the stand-alone Licensing Interconnect is running, not the client machine.  To change the default behavior, this keyword would need to be set on the systems running the stand-alone Licensing Interconnect.

Default value/range: N/A

Corresponding command argument: -IpOverride

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread

Example: This example turns off the IP address override.

ANSYSLI_LICSTARTOPTS[=lmgrd command line option]

Description: This Licensing Interconnect keyword allows you to include any optional lmgrd command line arguments. For more information on the lmgrd command line options, see the FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide.

Default value/range: N/A

Corresponding command argument: N/A

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example enables the -local lmgrd command line option.


Description: This keyword only applies when queuing for multiple tasks of the same feature, like HPC. When this keyword is enabled (default/on=1), you are using FNP queuing and you are put in the queue in the order in which the request is made. When this keyword is disabled (off=0), you are not using FNP queuing and are using Ansys Licensing Interconnect queuing only.

Default value/range: Default=1 (on), Range=0-1

Corresponding command argument: -multitask_queueing_flex

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example uses FlexNet Publisher to queue multi-task checkout requests when you choose to queue requests.


Description: This keyword allows you to administer FlexNet and the Licensing Interconnect separately by telling the Licensing Interconnect to not start FlexNet. Set this keyword to 1 so the Licensing Interconnect will not start FlexNet. You must stop and start the Licensing Interconnect if changing; a reread is not sufficient.

Default value/range: Default=0, Range=0-1

Corresponding command argument: -noflex

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: LICKEYFIL and CACHE_FLEXLIC

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: When using this example to start the Licensing Interconnect, the Licensing Interconnect will not start FlexNet (ANSYSLI_NOFLEX). The Licensing Interconnect will read the license feature information (CACHE_FLEXLIC) from the license files in /FlexNet/ansys/license/license_files/ (LICKEYFIL).


Description: This ansyslmd.ini keyword is needed if you are using a port number for the Licensing Interconnect that is other than the default (2325).  Make sure ANSYSLI_SERVERS (on both clients and the license server) and CACHE_SERVER (on license servers) use the same port number. If port numbers change for a Licensing Interconnect, all clients and license servers pointing to that Licensing Interconnect must change their port numbers locally using the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility. 

Default value/range: Default is 2325. Range is any valid port number.

Corresponding command argument: N/A

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: Use this keyword to use a Licensing Interconnect port number other than the default; this example uses 5678:


Description: This keyword controls how long the ansysli_server process should wait before abandoning attempts to access the Licensing Interconnect port if the port was in use when the ansysli_server process began. This option may be useful if your system takes a long time to free its ports.

Default value/range: 15 minutes. Range is 10–60 minutes.

Corresponding command argument: -port_timeout

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: ANSYSLI_RESTART_PORT_TIMEOUT

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: Use this keyword to tell the ansysli_server to wait 25 minutes before it stops checking for the port availability and exits:


Description: This keyword allows you to disable and enable the ANSYSLI_PRIVATE feature. The ANSYSLI_PRIVATE feature dictates whether the license server should run in private mode where requests for license usage from client systems do not return user or host information. Setting this keyword to 1 (on) blocks user and hostname information while setting it to 0 (off) allows this information to be included. This keyword is set to 0 (off) by default.

Note: This keyword only modifies license or queue status queries from client systems, requests made from the server system are not affected.

Default value/range: 1/0; default is 0 (off)

Corresponding command argument: -private

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example sets the license server to run in private mode:

ANSYSLI_PURGE_WB_USAGE=[<number of days>]

Description: Use this keyword to purge obsolete usage data from the license tracking archive usage file (usage_track.xml; see the file description in Files created by the Licensing Interconnect). If you do not purge this file periodically, it could become very large. By default, this file is purged every 14 days.

Default value/range: Range is positive integers representing days; default is 14 (days).

Corresponding command argument: -purge_wb_usage

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: ANSYSLI_WB_USAGE, ANSYSLI_USAGE_ARCHIVE_INTERVAL

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example purges the usage_track.xml file every 31 days.


Description: Use this keyword to stipulate that a member of the group specified can return reserved licenses for the design point reservation feature. This keyword identifies the group or (comma separated) list of groups that are permitted to return reserved licenses for all users. If this keyword is used, the user who started the Licensing Interconnect will be unable to return reserved licenses, unless that user is a member of the group specified.

Corresponding command argument: -reservegroup <group list>

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords:N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: The following example allows only those users who are a member of the group lmadmin to return reserved licenses.


Description: Use this keyword to stipulate that the users specified can return the reserved licenses of all users for the design point reservation feature. This keyword identifies the user or (comma separated) list of users that are allowed to return reserved licenses for all users. If this keyword is used, the user who started the Licensing Interconnect will be unable to return reserved licenses, unless that user is included in the member list.

Default value/range: Valid usernames. Comma separate list of valid users

Corresponding command argument: -reserveuser <userlist>

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: NA

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: The following example allows only users legolas and gimli to return reserved licenses.


Description: This ansyslmd.ini keyword controls how long the ansysli_monitor should wait for the Licensing Interconnect port to free before restarting the ansysli_server. This option may be useful if your system takes a long time to free its ports.

Default value/range: 15 minutes. Range is 10–60 minutes.

Corresponding command argument: -restart_port_timeout

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: ANSYSLI_PORT_TIMEOUT

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: Use this keyword to tell the ansysli_monitor to wait 25 minutes for the port to free before restarting the ansysli_server:


Description: This keyword is needed on client systems; it is used by the client to locate the Licensing Interconnect. It is not required to be in the server ansyslmd.ini file, but there is no harm in it being in there. Single, independent servers should be listed one per line; triads should be listed one per line. When there are multiple servers, they should be listed in order of preference.

Default value/range: The default port number is 2325. When joining multiple servers on one line, delimit them with colons (:) on Linux and semicolons (;) on Windows.

Corresponding command argument: N/A

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: N/A

Example: This example identifies the Licensing Interconnect port number and hostname of the license server as 2325 and mango respectively.


Description: This keyword allows you to disable previous versions of TLS and enable TLS version 1.2 for communication.

Default value/range: 1.2

Corresponding command argument: -ali_tls_version

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example enables TLS version 1.2.


Description: This keyword is used to specify how frequently usage data is archived for Ansys Workbench license usage reporting only. Once the usage data is archived, the data will be cleared from memory. Data is archived to <osdrive>\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\ansysli_data\archive\usage_track.xml (Windows) or ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/ansysli_data/archive/usage_track.xml (Linux).

Default value/range: 60 minutes; minimum 5 minutes, maximum 720 minutes

Corresponding command argument: -usage_archive_interval

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: ANSYSLI_WB_USAGE, ANSYSLI_PURGE_WB_USAGE

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: The following example sets the archive interval to every two hours (120 minutes):


Description: This keyword turns license tracking on or off for the license reservation feature for Ansys Workbench. License tracking is on by default. License data usage is archived to \Licensing\ansysli_data\archive\usage_track.xml (Windows) or /licensing/ansysli_data/archive/usage_track.xml (Linux).

Default value/range: 0/1; default is 1 (on)

Corresponding command argument: -wb_usage

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: ANSYSLI_USAGE_ARCHIVE_INTERVAL, ANSYSLI_PURGE_WB_USAGE

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example turns license tracking off for design points in Ansys Workbench.


Description: Indicates to the Licensing Interconnect to cache the FlexNet license file. This option is used when administering FlexNet and the Licensing Interconnect separately so that the Licensing Interconnect is aware of the available license features. The default is to not cache the FlexNet license file.

Default value/range: Default=0, Range=0-1

Corresponding command argument: -cacheflexlic

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: LICKEYFIL and ANSYSLI_NOFLEX

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: When using this example to start the Licensing Interconnect, the Licensing Interconnect will not start FlexNet (ANSYSLI_NOFLEX). The Licensing Interconnect will read the license feature information (CACHE_FLEXLIC) from the license files in /FlexNet/ansys/license/license_files/(LICKEYFIL).


Description: When you have multiple single license servers (not a triad), use this keyword to specify license servers other than the localhost for which to cache their FlexNet license file at startup. This will make the Licensing Interconnect aware of what license features are available on the other license servers. Use this option to speed up license checkouts, so that the caching is done upon startup of the Licensing Interconnect, rather than on the fly, when a client connects with the other license server in its license path.

Default value/range: The port number is the Licensing Interconnect port; the default is 2325. The host is the hostname of another license server. The port@host can also be a list, delimited by colons (:) on Linux and semicolons (;) on Windows, but we recommend separate lines for multiple single servers.

Corresponding command argument: -cache_srv <port@host>

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: When this keyword is in place, upon startup, the Licensing Interconnect will cache the license file information from a different license server running on port 2325 on a machine with the hostname kiwi.


Description: This keyword specifies the directory path and name of the output log file for the Licensing Interconnect; debugging and usage information is included in the file.

Default value/range: The default name and location for the Licensing Interconnect log file is one directory level up from the ansysli_server executable and is named ansysli_server.log. If a log file name and path is not specified and if the ANSYSLIC_DIR environment variable is set, the log file will reside in that directory specified in the ANSYSLIC_DIR environment variable. Override these defaults with this option by specifying the path and file name.

Corresponding command argument: -log <file>

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This keyword specifies the directory path and file name of the Licensing Interconnect log file as /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/ansysli_server.log.


Description: Use this option to specify the number of back copies of the Licensing Interconnect log file, anysysli_server.log by default, to keep.

Default value/range: The range is positive integers, with the default value being 10 and minimum value being 1.

Corresponding command argument: N/A

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: DEBUG_LOG_MAX_SIZE

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: These keywords indicate that the Licensing Interconnect log file named /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/ansysli_server.log should maintain three back copies.


Description: Use this keyword to set the maximum size (in MB) to which your Licensing Interconnect log file, ansysli_server.log by default, can grow.

Default value/range: The range is positive integers, with 10 MB being the default and 1 MB being the minimum.

Corresponding command argument: N/A

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: DEBUG_LOG_MAX_NUMBER

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: These keywords indicate that the Licensing Interconnect log file named /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/ansysli_server.log should only be allowed to grow to 500 MB.


Description: This keyword indicates the level of verbosity of the Licensing Interconnect log file information (ansysli_server.log). If this keyword is not specified, the verbosity level is set to STANDARD. The verbosity level should be changed only if you are actively working with the Ansys, Inc. Technical Support staff to solve a specific problem.

STANDARD level logs ansysli_server STARTUP options, license cache information (such as features/counts and FlexNet options file content), CHECKOUT, CHECKIN, RESERVE, and RETURN_RESERVE. It also logs CLIENT_SHUTDOWN for all but ansysli_monitor.

CONNECTIONS level logs everything that STANDARD logs, and CLIENT_ACCEPT and CLIENT_SHUTDOWN for the monitor.

VERBOSE level logs STANDARD plus CONNECTIONS, and ADD (product definitions and shared capabilities) and REMOVE (shared capabilities).

Default value/range: This keyword can be set to STANDARD, CONNECTIONS, or VERBOSE.

Corresponding command argument: -logtype

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This keyword indicates that the verbosity level of the log file should be set to VERBOSE.

LICKEYFIL=<path to FlexNet license file>

Description: Use this keyword to pass the file name or path of the FlexNet license file to the Licensing Interconnect, which is needed when administering FlexNet and the Licensing Interconnect separately. If you are administering FlexNet and the Licensing Interconnect together, allowing the Licensing Interconnect to start FlexNet, the value in this keyword is used to start FlexNet. When specifying a directory path (rather than a file), be sure that all license files within that directory have a .lic file extension to be recognized by the license manager.

Default value/range: Valid directory path or file name of the FlexNet license file. The default is the directory path - /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/license_files.

Corresponding command argument: -c <license_file_path>

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: CACHE_FLEXLIC and ANSYSLI_NOFLEX

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example identifies the path to the license files as /FlexNet/ansys/license/license_files/.


Description: The Ansys License Manager supports FlexNet's licensing queuing in many Ansys, Inc. Products. By default, queuing is off. Use this keyword to specify the maximum number of license checkout requests that can be queued at any one time.

Default value/range: 1 - 10000 (default)

Corresponding command argument: -max_queued_requests

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: QUEUING_INTERVAL

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example specifies that a maximum of 20 requests can be queued:


Description: When you have multiple single license servers (not a triad), use this option to specify which license servers, other than the localhost, should not cache their FlexNet licenses at startup.

Default value/range: The port number is the Licensing Interconnect port; the default is 2325. The host is the hostname of another license server. The port@host can also be a list, delimited by colons (:) on Linux and semicolons (;) on Windows.

Corresponding command argument: -nocache_srv <port@host>

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example:This example indicates that port1@host1 and port2@host2 should not cache their FlexNet licenses at startup (on a Windows system).

ANSYSLI_ NOCACHE_SERVER=port1@host1;port2@host2
QUEUING_INTERVAL=<number in seconds>

Description: The Ansys License Manager supports FlexNet's licensing queuing in many Ansys, Inc. Products. By default, queuing is off. Use this keyword to specify the frequency by which checkout attempts are performed on queued license checkout requests.

Default value/range: 15 - 600 seconds; default is 120 seconds

Corresponding command argument: -queuing_interval

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: MAX_QUEUED_REQUESTS

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: This example indicates that checkout attempts for queued requests are performed every 5 minutes (300 seconds):


Description: Use this keyword to specify that either a member of the group specified can shutdown the Licensing Interconnect or that the only the user who started the Licensing Interconnect can shut it down. If the group restriction is in place, when shutting down the Licensing Interconnect, the group specified must be your primary group. If specifying group, only one group can be specified. GROUP and USER cannot be used together; you can only specify one or the other.

Default value/range: Valid values are: USER or GROUP. The group name specified must be a valid Linux group name.

Corresponding command argument: -group <group> and -user

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: This option is only available on Linux platforms.

Action required to make keyword active: Stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example 1: When the Licensing Interconnect is started with the keyword in this example, only a user whose primary group is lmadmin can shut down the Licensing Interconnect.


Example 2: When the Licensing Interconnect is started with the keyword in this example, only the user who started the Licensing Interconnect can shut it down.

RETURN_RESERVE=GROUP: <group names separated by ",">

Description: Use this keyword to stipulate that a member of the group specified can return reserved licenses for the design point reservation feature. This keyword identifies the group or (comma separated) list of groups that are permitted to return reserved licenses for all users. If this option is used, the user who started the Licensing Interconnect will be unable to return reserved licenses, unless that user is a member of the group specified.

Default value/range: The system group name specified must be valid. When returning reserved licenses, the group must be your active group.

Corresponding command argument: -reservegroup <group list>

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions:This option is only available on Linux platforms.

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: The following example allows only those users who are a member of the group lmadmin to return reserved licenses.

RETURN_RESERVE=USER: <users in list separated by ",">

Description: Use this keyword to stipulate that the users specified can return the reserved licenses of all users for the design point reservation feature. This keyword identifies the user or (comma separated) list of users that are allowed to return reserved licenses for all users. If this option is used, the user who started the Licensing Interconnect will be unable to return reserved licenses, unless that user is included in the member list.

Default value/range: Valid usernames

Corresponding command argument: -reserveuser  <user list>

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: Reread or stop and restart the Licensing Interconnect

Example: The following example allows only users legolas and gimli to return reserved licenses.

RETURN_RESERVE=USER:legolas, gimli

Description: This keyword is needed on client systems; it is used by the client to locate FlexNet. It is not required to be in the server ansyslmd.ini file, but there is no harm in it being in there. Single servers should be listed only one per line; triads should be listed on the same line. When there are multiple servers, they should be listed in order of preference.

Default value/range: The default port number is 1055. When joining multiple servers on one line, delimit them with colons (:) on Linux and semicolons (;) on Windows.

Corresponding command argument: N/A

Use in combination with these ansyslmd.ini keywords: N/A

Hardware platform restrictions: N/A

Action required to make keyword active: N/A

Example: This example identifies the FlexNet port number and hostname of the license server as 1055 and cherry respectively.
