2.1.13. Sampling Points

The Sampling Point functionality provides lay-up, through-the-thickness, and laminate elastic property information.

ACP samples through the element near the given coordinates. After the update, all plies (Modeling Ply, Production Ply, and Analysis Ply) are listed for review. In the General tab of the Sampling Point Properties dialog the sampling point and direction can be defined.

Figure 2.103: Sampling Point Properties (General Tab)

Sampling Point Properties (General Tab)

  • Sampling Point: The sampling point in global coordinates. The nearest element to the point is the sample.

  • Sampling Direction: Normal direction of the sampling point. The ply sequence will be given in this direction.

  • Element ID (Label): Element number closest to the defined sampling point. (informational only)

A detailed description of the options Offset is Middle and Consider Coupling Effect can be found in Analysis Options in the Composites Theory Reference. Use the arrow buttons to navigate easily through the ply definition.

The Analysis tab of the Sampling Point Properties dialog provides extended laminate analysis functionality. The lay-up can be visualized and analyzed by evaluating the polar properties, equivalent laminate stiffness matrices, and resulting engineering constants based on the classical laminate theory.

The lay-up visualization can be set to display Modeling, Production, and Analysis Plies present in the Sampling Point. The Material, Thickness, and Angle can be displayed additionally as text labels for every ply in the plot. The angle displayed for Modeling and Production Plies always matches the design angle in the Modeling Ply and Material definitions. Note that the angle for the Analysis Ply is always given in relation to the reference direction of the Sampling Point. This reference direction is indicated by a yellow arrow at the Sampling Point in the Scene. Meanwhile, the sampling direction is indicated by the purple arrow, which you can change in the General tab if desired.

Note:  Classical Laminate Theory is described in Composites Theory Reference.

Figure 2.104: Sampling Point Properties (Analysis Tab Containing Lay-up Sequence and Polar Properties)

Sampling Point Properties (Analysis Tab Containing Lay-up Sequence and Polar Properties)