In this section, you will first define the input parameters in ACP (Pre) and output parameters in the Mechanical application. Then, you will create multiple design points to evaluate the results of different lay-up scenarios.
Follow these steps to create input parameters based on the modeling plies' angles:
In Workbench, double-click the Setup cell in the ACP (Pre) system to open ACP.
In the ACP's toolbar, click Units and select MPA (mm,t,s,N,C).
Six 0° modeling plies were defined for the project. Double-click each ply in the ACP's Tree View to examine its properties.
Update the model to view the thickness of the lay-up.
In the Tree View, right-click Parameters and select Create Parameter.
In the Parameter Properties dialog, change the parameter's name to
(A, below). Place the cursor in the Object field (B) and select ModelingPly.1 from the Tree View. Specify the Property and Type as shown below (C), then click Apply and close the dialog.Follow steps 5 and 6 above to create five more parameters for the other modeling plies, incrementing the ply IDs, then close ACP.
In Workbench, the Parameter Set system has been created and connected to the ACP (Pre) system. Double-click either cell to open the Parameters tab.
Examine the Input Parameters' properties, then close the tab.
Follow these steps below to examine the bending and torsional loads in the Mechanical application, then define the output parameters from these loads.
In the Workbench application, right-click the ACP (Pre) Setup cell (A5) and select Update. Next, double-click the Model cell in the Model, Static Structural system to open the Mechanical application.
Click Remote Displacement Support in the tree Outline to view it in the model.
There are two load steps for this model. Select Remote Displacement Load (A), then click step 1 in the Graph pane (B) to view the bending load.
Switch to step 2 to view the torsional load on the model.
In the Home tab, Solve the model.
In the tree Outline, select Total Deformation under Solution to view the deformation plot.
In the Graph panel, click the
icon to view the deformation changes through time.
Repeat steps 6 and 7 above to view the Moment Reaction Torsion and the Moment Reaction Bending.
In the tree Outline, click Moment Reaction Torsion (A, below). In the Details pane, check Z Axis under Minimum Value Over Time (B) to make it a parameter.
Follow the previous step to create another parameter from Moment Reaction Bending using the properties shown below.
Switch to the Project Schematic window.. The Parameter Set cell connects the input and output parameters from the two systems. In Workbench double-click Parameter Set to view the results.
In the Parameter Set tab, examine the Output Parameters values, then close the tab.
Save your project and create an archive to use later in the tutorial (Parametrization 2). Next, follow these steps to create additional postprocessing parameters to monitor the structure's failure criteria:
In the Mechanical application, click the Toolbox feature and select Composite Failure Tool. This inserts a Composite Failure Tool group under the Solution in the Tree View.
In the Details panel of the Composite Failure Tool, set the Maximum Stress Reinforced Ply Criteria to On (A, below). Then, in the Composite Failure Tool Worksheet, ensure that the three failure modes to calculate are checked as shown (B).
In the Tree View, rename Inverse Reserve Factor object to Inverse Reserve Factor – Bending. In its Details panel, set Threshold for Text Visualization to Manual and --Value to 0.8 (A). Also, set the Display Time to load step 1 s (B).
In the Tree View, right-click the Composite Failure Tool and insert another Inverse Reserve Factor. Rename this result item to Inverse Reserve Factor – Torsion.
Set this result object's Details panel fields similar to step 3 for Threshold for Text Visualization but switch Display Time to load step 2 s.
Right-click the Composite Failure Tool and select Evaluate All Results. Review the contour plot of the Inverse Reserve Factors.
Next, make the Maximum Inverse Reserve Factor values into parameters by checking the box next to Maximum in the Results section of the Details panel for each Inverse Reserve Factor Plot.
Switch to the Workbench application and double-click Parameter Set.
In the Outline of All Parameters tab, examine the new additional Output Parameters values.
A design point is a single set of parameter values representing one design alternative. Each design point is a snapshot of your design given a set of input parameter values, where output parameter values are calculated by updating the project. Design points enable you to perform what-if studies. Follow these steps to create additional design points to get the results from various lay-up settings:
Open the Table of Design Points in the Parameter Set tab and add three design points using the ply angles shown below.
Click Update All Design Points to compute the output parameter results for the design points.
Examine the output values to evaluate which design point results in a more optimized model, then close the Parameter Set tab.