The following sections will guide you through setting up the project:
The project files are contained in a compressed file and can be downloaded here.
Once the download is complete, extract the compressed file. The folder contains two project archives: a from-start file and a solved file.
Start Ansys Workbench and Open the archive:
Save the Workbench project.
To view the Engineering Data tab, right-click Engineering Data and select Edit.
As shown below, there are two materials defined for the layer and the core: Epoxy Carbon UD 395 GPa PrePreg and Honeycomb. Both materials come from the Composite Materials library in the Engineering Data Sources.
Close the Engineering Data tab to return to the project. To view the model in Mechanical, right-click Model and select Edit.
The model's mesh is shown below. There are six face Named Selections (Plate1, Plate2, Plate3, Plate4, Joint1, and Joint2), and one edge Named Selection (Tapering). You will use the face Named Selections to model the plies and the edge Named Selection to taper the core of the Base Plate in later sections. Click a Named Selection in the tree Outline to see its area in the model.
Close the Mechanical window and return to the project in Workbench.
To create new fabrics for the carbon layer and the core in ACP, follow these steps:
To open ACP, right-click Setup and select Edit.
Select Units from the menu and select MPA (mm,t,s,N,C).
In the Tree View, expand Material Data, right-click Fabrics, and select Create Fabric.
Create two new fabrics using the defined materials with the specifications shown below. After you enter the specifications for the first fabric, click Apply to update the fabric, then click OK to close the dialog. Follow the same steps to create the second fabric.
Note: The Weight/Area field will update as shown after you click Apply.