In this tutorial, you modeled and analyzed a basic structure – the sandwich panel. You have learned the following:
How the ACP software handles lay-up orientations and reference directions (OSS)
The different hierarchies of plies (Modeling, Production, and Analysis Plies)
How to postprocess a composite analysis in the Mechanical application, including:
How to set up a combined failure criteria definition
How to create global failure plots
How to examine a through-the-thickness plot at a single point (using a Sampling Point)
For more information on using the ACP application in the Ansys Workbench software, see Implementation in Workbench in the ACP User's Guide. For the ACP application's terms and concepts, see Guide for ACP Terminology in the ACP User's Guide.
For more information on composite postprocessing in the Mechanical application, see Composite Postprocessing in the Mechanical User's Guide.