The exterior surface temperature of the solid is maintained at 568° K and applied to four faces.
The inflow temperatures and mass flow rates are as follows:
Hole Number | Inflow Temperature (°K) | Mass Flow Rate (kg/sec) |
1 | 348.83 | 0.228E-01 |
2 | 349.32 | 0.239E-01 |
3 | 339.49 | 0.228E-01 |
4 | 342.30 | 0.243E-01 |
5 | 333.99 | 0.239E-01 |
6 | 364.95 | 0.242E-01 |
7 | 343.37 | 0.232E-01 |
8 | 365.41 | 0.799E-02 |
9 | 408.78 | 0.499E-02 |
10 | 453.18 | 0.253E-02 |
A Fixed Support boundary condition is scoped to the two faces at inlet and outlet sections.