48.6. Analysis and Solution Controls

A nonlinear static analysis is performed setting the Newton-Raphson option to Program Controlled in Analysis Settings.

The at rest stress state is calculated using a single substep as shown below.

The active and passive pressure-state loads are applied via 10 initial and 100 maximum substeps with automatic time-stepping enabled.

48.6.1. Defining the Initial Stress State

Calculating the at rest stress state in the first load step results in vertical displacements:

Generally, the soil exists in an already consolidated state. Initial displacements due to at-rest loads are therefore unnatural and should be minimized.

The vertical stress state varies linearly with the depth of the soil, expressed as:


= soil density
= gravitational acceleration
= vertical height of eachelement

The coefficient of lateral earth pressure is the ratio of horizontal to vertical stress components. For a horizontally retained non-overconsolidated soil under elastic loading conditions, it is defined (via Poisson’s ratio ) as:

so that the horizontal stress components can be calculated as [2]: