18.6. Analysis and Solution Controls

A transient thermal analysis is performed to determine the temperature distribution, and a static structural analysis is run to determine the residual stress.

Thermal Analysis Solution

The simulation is carried out for 600s. The nonlinear formulation is set to Full under Nonlinear Controls. The time step details are given in the following image:

Figure 18.7: Details of Transient Thermal Analysis Settings

Details of Transient Thermal Analysis Settings

Structural Analysis Solution

The imported temperature loads are applied as 3 load steps at different times as seen below. Large Deflection is set On.

Figure 18.8: Details of Structural Analysis Settings

Details of Structural Analysis Settings

In workbench, the default offset temperature of 273.15 can be set to zero using the TOFFST command:


Note:  The structural portion of the analysis requires 10 solve operations. The first solution (time = 1 - 60) requires more time to converge than the remaining nine. Nevertheless, it is not good practice to increase the time increment for the first solution.