44.10. References

The following reference works are cited in this example problem or were consulted when creating it:

  1. Goldman, H.L. & Hutchinson, J. W. (1975). Fully plastic crack problems: The center-cracked strip under plane strain. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 11:575-591.

  2. Riedel, H. (1981). Creep deformation at crack tips in elastic-viscoplastic solids. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 29, 35-49.

  3. Riedel, H., Rice, J. R. (1980). Tensile cracks in creeping solids. Fracture Mechanics: Twelfth Conference. ASTM STP 700, 112-130.

  4. Kumar, V., German, M. D., Shih, C. F. (1981). An engineering approach for elastic-plastic fracture analysis. Report NP-1931.

  5. Kanninen, M. F. & Popelar, C. H. (1985). Advanced Fracture Mechanics. New York: Oxford University Press.