Optimization of Bar with Temperature-Dependent Conductivity


Reference: From the Basic Principle
Analysis Type(s): Goal Driven Optimization
Element Type(s): 3-D Solid

Test Case

A long bar 2 X 2 X 20 m is made up of material having thermal conductivity linearly varying with the temperature K = k0*(1 + a*T) W/m-°C, k0 = 0.038, a = 0.00582. The bar is constrained on all faces by frictionless support. A temperature of 100°C is applied at one end of the bar. The reference temperature is 5°C. At the other end, a constant convection coefficient of 0.005 W/m2°C is applied. The ambient temperature is 5°C.

Input Parameters:  —  Convection coefficient, coefficient of thermal expansion and length

Response Parameters:  —  Temperature (scoped on end face), thermal strain

Figure 221: Schematic


Material Properties
E = 2e11 Pa
ν = 0
α = 1.5E-05/°C
K = k0*(1 + a*T) W/m-°C
k0 = 0.038
a = 0.00582
Geometric Properties
Breadth B = 2 m
Width W = 2 m
Length L = 20 m
Frictionless Support (on all faces)
Reference temperature = 5°C
Temperature on end face T = 100°C
Convection on other end face
Convection coefficient h = 5e-3 W/m2°C
Ambient temperature Ta = 5°C
ParameterTypeLimitsDesired ValueImportance
Length (l)Input15 m l 25 mNo PreferenceLow
Convection coefficient (h)Input0.004 W/m2°C h 0.006 W/m2°CNo PreferenceLow
Coefficient of temperature expansion (α)Input1.4e-5/°C α 1.6e-5/°CNo PreferenceLow
Temperature (T)Outputn/aMinimum PossibleHigh
Thermal strain (ε)Outputn/aMinimum PossibleHigh



Thermal strain:

Combined objective function becomes,

Minimizing ϕ we get input parameters as:

l = beam length = 25 m
h = convection coefficient = 0.006 W/m2°C
α = coefficient of thermal expansion = 1.4e-5/°C

Results Comparison

ResultsTargetDesignXplorerError (%)
Length (l)25 m25 m0.0000
Convection coefficient (h)0.006 W/m2°C0.006 W/m2°C0.0000
Coefficient of thermal expansion (α)1.40E-5/°C1.40E-5/°C0.0000
Temperature (T)29.650°C29.812°C0.5477
Thermal strain (ε)3.4514E-04 m/m3.448E-04 m/m-0.0995