3-D Burn on Time High Explosive Detonation


Reference:Engineering Data
Analysis Type(s):Explicit Dynamics 3-D

8-Node Linear Interpolated Reduced Integration Hex

Multi-Material Euler Hex

Boundary Conditions:Velocity
Structural Interactions:No
Fluid-Structure Interactions:No
Materials:High Explosive (TNT)

Test Case

Detonate a 3-D column of high explosive using the Lagrange and multi-material Euler solvers.

Calculation Description

The TNT retrieved from the library and used in this analysis has these properties:

Detonation Velocity = 6930.0 m/s
Detonation Pressure = 2.1E7 kPa

Two parts are created to model a column of high explosive (TNT), one part using the Lagrange solver, the other using the Multi-Material Euler solver.

Both parts are 10 m long (in the X direction). Both consist of 1000 elements.

Figure 254: Column of TNT for the Lagrange and Multi-Material Euler Solvers

Column of TNT for the Lagrange and Multi-Material Euler Solvers

All nodes of the Lagrange part are constrained to move only in the X direction. In addition, the nodes on the lower X boundary of the Lagrange part are fully constrained.

The default wall boundary condition is used for all boundaries of the Multi-Material Euler part.

A detonation plane using Burn on Time is placed at the left boundary (X = 0), with an initiation time of 0.0.

The calculation is run to t = 0.14 ms.

Calculation Results

This plot shows pressure contours in the two parts at the end of the calculation (t = 0.14 ms):

Figure 255: Pressure Contours in a High Explosive Column

Pressure Contours in a High Explosive Column

The detonation front travels at the correct detonation velocity, as the front has nearly reached the right boundary by the end of the simulation. It should arrive at the right boundary at t = 0.144 ms.

The peak multi-material Euler pressure closely matches the predicted detonation pressure of TNT:

Figure 256: Pressure Plot of a High Explosive Column

Pressure Plot of a High Explosive Column