TaskML is an XML vocabulary. As such, TaskML consists of Unicode (wide character) text files that must follow the standard XML rules for well-formedness. When editing a TaskML file, use caution to ensure that the XML remains well-formed. For example, omitting a close tag will cause an error and may prevent the wizard from loading. To test for well-formedness, open the file in Internet Explorer 5 or later.
XML is case-sensitive. All TaskML tags are lower-case.
Attribute values must be in quotes.
Use only the five predefined XML entity references for special characters if needed: & (
), < (<
) > (>
) " ("
) ' (&apo;
).White space (new lines, tabs, etc) is generally discarded. However, within a string element extra white space may result in multiple spaces between words. At this release there is no way to insert a line break within a string element.
string elements contain only text; string elements may not contain any XML or HTML elements.
XML comments are allowed.