Restarting a Thermal-Structural Coupled Analysis

When restarting coupled thermal-structural cases in which Mechanical APDL serves heat flow, use the default solve order, with Mechanical APDL solving first.

Mechanical APDL does not save the heat flows from the previous analysis, so initial heat flows sent to System Coupling are zero. Once Mechanical APDL has solved the first coupling iteration, the correct heat flows are sent to System Coupling.

If the default solve order is used, with Mechanical APDL solving first, then this will have no effect on the simulation because heat flows will have been calculated before Fluent solves the first coupling iteration. If the solution order is changed so that Fluent solves first, then Fluent will receive zero heat flow in the first coupling iteration after a restart, which could cause problems with the solution process.

Note:  The above information is for a coupled thermal-structural system. Mechanical does not support restarts for coupled analyses which include Steady-State Thermal and Transient Thermal systems.