Contact Tool Initial Information

When a Contact Tool is inserted under the Connections object, it includes a default object, Initial Information. This object provides the following information from the Worksheet.

  • Name: Contact Region name.

  • Contact Side: Selected contact side, either Contact or Target.

  • Type: contact type, Bonded, No Separation, Frictionless, Rough, Frictional.

  • Status: the status of the contact, Open, Closed, Far Open.

  • Number Contacting: the number of contact or target elements in contact.

  • Penetration: the resulting penetration.

  • Gap: the resulting gap.

  • Geometric Penetration: the penetration that initially exists between the Contact and Target surfaces.

  • Geometric Gap: the gap that initially exists between the Contact and Target surfaces. For Frictional or Frictionless contact, this is the minimum gap. For Bonded or No Separation contact, this is the maximum closed gap detected.

  • Resulting Pinball: user specified or the Mechanical APDL application calculated pinball radius.

  • Contact Depth: average contact depth of elements.

  • Normal Stiffness: the calculated maximum normal stiffness value.

  • Tangential Stiffness: the calculated maximum tangential stiffness value.

  • Real Constant: the contact Real Constant number.

  • Possible Overconstraint: This field displays if there is a possible over constraint between multiple bonded contacts using MPC formulation. You can set the MPC option manually or it can be used by the Program Controlled option. The field displays Yes for over-constrained contact, otherwise it displays No. The field can also display N/A if there is an inactive side of the contact or for non-bonded contact regions.

The following table outlines how to interpret the Gap and Penetration columns in the Initial Contact Information when there is a true initial geometric gap at the contact interface.

Contact TypeInterface TreatmentOffsetStatusPenetrationGapGeometric PenetrationGeometric Gap
Bonded or No SeparationNANAClosed000True Geometric Gap
Bonded or No SeparationNANAFar Open0000
Frictionless, Rough, or FrictionalAdd Offset, No Ramping0Far Open0000
Frictionless, Rough, or FrictionalAdd Offset, Ramped Effects0Far Open000NA
Frictionless, Rough, or FrictionalAdd Offset, No Ramping< True Geometric GapNear Open0True Geometric Gap - Offset0True Geometric Gap
Frictionless, Rough, or FrictionalAdd Offset, Ramped Effects< True Geometric GapNear Open0True Geometric Gap - Offset0NA
Frictionless, Rough, or FrictionalAdd Offset, No Ramping> True Geometric GapClosedOffset - True Geometric Gap00True Geometric Gap
Frictionless, Rough, or FrictionalAdd Offset, Ramped Effects> True Geometric GapClosedOffset - True Geometric Gap00NA

The following table outlines how to interpret the Gap and Penetration columns in the Initial Contact Information when there is a true initial geometric penetration at the contact interface.

Contact TypeInterface TreatmentOffsetStatusPenetrationGapGeometric PenetrationGeometric Gap
Bonded or No SeparationNANAClosed00True Geometric Penetration0
Bonded or No SeparationNANAFar Open0000
Frictionless, Rough, or FrictionalAdd Offset, No Ramping | Offset | < Geometric PenetrationClosedOffset + True Geometric Penetration0True Geometric Penetration0
Frictionless, Rough, or FrictionalAdd Offset, Ramped Effects| Offset | < Geometric PenetrationClosedOffset + True Geometric Penetration0True Geometric PenetrationNA
Frictionless, Rough, or FrictionalAdd Offset, No Ramping| – Offset | > Geometric PenetrationNear Open0| – Offset | - True Geometric PenetrationTrue Geometric Penetration0
Frictionless, Rough, or FrictionalAdd Offset, Ramped Effects| – Offset | > Geometric PenetrationNear Open0| – Offset | - True Geometric PenetrationTrue Geometric PenetrationNA