Saving or Loading Contact Region Settings

You can save the configuration settings of a contact region to an XML file. You can also load settings from an XML file to configure other contact regions.

To Save Configuration Settings of a Contact Region:

  1. Select the contact region whose settings you want to save.

  2. Right-click to display the context menu.

  3. Select Save Contact Region Settings in the menu. This option does not appear if you selected more than one contact region.

  4. Specify the name and destination of the file. An XML file is created that contains the configuration settings of the contact region.

Note:  The XML file contains properties that are universally applied to contact regions. For this reason, source and target geometries are not included in the file.

To Load Configuration Settings to Contact Regions:

  1. Select the contact regions whose settings you want to assign. Use the Shift or Ctrl key for multiple selections.

  2. Right-click to display the context menu.

  3. Select Load Contact Region Settings in the menu.

  4. Specify the name and location of the XML file that contains the configuration settings of a contact region. Those settings are applied to the selected contact regions and will appear in the Details view of these regions.