4.9. Apply Mesh Controls and Preview Mesh

Meshing is the process in which your geometry is spatially discretized into elements and nodes. This mesh along with material properties is used to mathematically represent the stiffness and mass distribution of your structure.

Your model is automatically meshed at solve time. The default element size is determined based on a number of factors including the overall model size, the proximity of other topologies, body curvature, and the complexity of the feature. If necessary, the fineness of the mesh is adjusted up to four times (eight times for an assembly) to achieve a successful mesh.

If desired, you can preview the mesh before solving. Mesh controls are available to assist you in fine tuning the mesh to your analysis. Refer to the Meshing Help for further details.

To preview the mesh in the Mechanical Application:

See the Previewing Surface Mesh section.

To apply global mesh settings in the Mechanical Application:

See the Global Mesh Controls section.

To apply mesh control tools on specific geometry in the Mechanical Application:

See the Local Mesh Controls section.

To use virtual topology:

All virtual topology operations in the Mechanical application are described in the Virtual Topology section of the Meshing Help.