The following terms are essential to understanding RSM uses and capabilities:
- Job
A processing task submitted from a client application such as Ansys Workbench. Examples include solution updates, project updates, and design point updates submitted to RSM for remote processing.
Certain files in RSM are used to define and control RSM jobs. A job script is used to perform a processing task (such as running a finite element solver). A job template can be used to further customize a job.
- Client Machine
The computer on which Ansys Workbench and Ansys applications are installed, and on which jobs are submitted to RSM. RSM is automatically installed with Ansys Workbench products.
- Client Application
The Ansys application that submits jobs to RSM. Examples include Ansys Workbench, Ansys Fluent, and Ansys CFX.
- HPC Resource
A system that supports High Performance Computing, such as a cluster, or a cloud computing environment. The system uses a queueing system to make optimal use of all available resources.
- Node
A single computer. A multi-node HPC system consists of a head node, where jobs are submitted for scheduling, and one or more execution nodes, which are used for computational work.
Note:The head node can serve as an execution node as well.
The local machine (
) can be an execution node if it is serving as the HPC resource.
- Queue
A list of execution nodes that are suited to run a particular class of jobs.
When you submit a job to RSM, you submit it to an RSM Queue, which maps to an HPC Queue. The HPC Queue has one or more execution nodes assigned to it, and determines when and where the job will run based on resource requests and current available resources. Queue definitions are part of the configurations that are defined in RSM.
- HPC Configuration
A set of properties defined in RSM which specify the following information about an HPC resource:
HPC type: ARC, Windows HPC, LSF, PBS Pro, SLURM, UGE (SGE), Custom
For a cluster, the machine name of submit host
For a Cloud portal, the URL of the web portal
Client-to-HPC communication protocols
File transfer mechanisms, HPC staging directory, HPC job directory
A set of HPC queues that will be used for running Ansys applications