8.1.3. HPC Commands File

The HPC type-specific HPC commands file is the configuration file used to specify the commands or queries that will be used in the HPC integration. The file is in xml format and is located in the [RSMInstall]\Config\xml directory. The default naming scheme is hpc_commands_<hpcType>.xml. When using a custom HPC type, you will need to provide a name for the HPC Commands file that contains your changes in the jobConfiguration.xml file. It is not required to follow any naming convention, but it is suggested that the file that matches your custom HPC type name in the format hpc_commands_<keyword>.xml. This is also discussed in the setup sections of Custom Cluster Integration Setup.

The commands inside the HPC command file can point directly to cluster-specific commands (like bsub or qstat). When the operations are more complex, the commands can reference scripts or executables that call the cluster software functions internally. These scripts can be in any language that can be run by the cluster node. The HPC command file is described in greater detail in Custom Cluster Integration Setup.