Mesh Workflow Concepts

Mesh Workflows define a new meshing framework exposing advanced meshing capabilities to Ansys Mechanical for dealing with complex CAD geometries and meshing procedures. In Mesh Workflows, a meshing procedure is modelled as a sequence of Steps (a workflow) that can be parameterized and interconnected through the concepts of Controls and Outcomes.

Controls define the inputs for each workflow step, exposing the underlying algorithm parameters, and defining the input scope for the step.

Outcomes expose the output data for each workflow step, expose information about the underlying algorithm execution like failure information and the generated mesh data as output scopes.

Mesh Workflow Steps operate on a new computational domain called the PrimeMesh model, based on the Prime meshing kernel which exposes new meshing capabilities to Ansys Mechanical.

A PrimeMesh model can be initialized by transferring the desired geometry from Mechanical to the Mesh Workflows using the exposed Input object.

When all Mesh Workflow Steps are completed, the resulting PrimeMesh model can be transferred to the Mechanical Mesh by completing the Output object. On completion, the underlying PrimeMesh model is translated to the corresponding Mechanical entities as a set of geometry bodies, mesh parts and named selections.

Each Mesh Workflow operates on a separate PrimeMesh model, as no data is shared between multiple workflows.

The PrimeMesh model computational domain consists of a set of Parts representing the topology and mesh data of the model, Zones representing a complete partitioning of a part entities, and Labels representing a named grouping of entities.