Show Wizards

Show Wizards displays the Scoping Wizard in the Domain Browser. The available options when you click on Show Wizards are:

  • Scope Preview: Displays the current pattern that is used by Scoping Wizard. If you select some entities (parts, zones, or labels) in the Domain Browser, the Scope Preview shows a pattern that matches all the selected entities. If you do not select any entities, the Scope Preview shows the pattern defined in the Search Outline to match the current Domain Browser entity filter.

    • Scoping: Allows you to scope the entities for the scoping pattern available in the Mesh Workflows. The available options are:

      • Apply Selection: Allows you to select the parts, zones, or labels from Domain Browser for the scoping pattern. It is available only when you selected the respective scope pattern.

      • Displays the scoping pattern available in the Mesh Workflow. To select the Scoping Pattern, check the checkbox beside the Scoping Pattern.