Determination of Physics, Analysis, and Solver Settings

Most systems in Ansys Workbench are defined by three primary attributes: physics type, analysis type, and solver type. The method you use to launch the Meshing application functionality determines how default physics, analysis, and/or solver settings are defined:

  • Mesh systems, which are a type of component system, are unfiltered (physics, analysis, and solver). If you launch the Meshing application from a Mesh component system, your preferences will be set to the defaults you previously defined within the Meshing application. See Meshing Overview for more information.

  • If you launch the Meshing application from an analysis system (whether it be via the Model cell in a non-Fluid Flow analysis system or the Mesh cell in a Fluid Flow analysis system), your Physics, Analysis, and Solver settings will be set according to the selected type of analysis system. To change the Physics Preference, you must use the Details View of the Mesh folder.

  • To view the physics, analysis, and solver types that are defined for an analysis system, right-click the Model cell (non-Fluid Flow analyses) or Mesh cell (Fluid Flow analyses) and select Properties. This step will open the Properties window, where you can view the attributes. For example, for an Electric system, the Properties window will show that Physics is Electric, Analysis is Steady-State Electric Conduction, and Solver is Mechanical APDL.

  • Mechanical Model systems, which are a type of component system, are unfiltered (physics and solver). For details, refer to the discussion of Mechanical Model systems in the Ansys Workbench help.

For more information:

  • For a list of analysis systems available in Ansys Workbench and basic steps for building each type of system, refer to the discussion of analysis systems in the Ansys Workbench help.

  • For details about the various types of non-Fluid Flow analyses and how to perform them, refer to the discussion of analysis types in the Ansys Mechanical help.

  • For details about Fluid Flow analyses and how to perform them, refer to the documentation available under the Help menu within Ansys CFX or Ansys Fluent.