Selecting the Default Material Assignment for Model Parts

Engineering Data is configured at installation with the default material assignments of Structural Steel for solid parts and Air for fluid parts. You can change these defaults or remove the default for an individual analysis system or for each newly created analysis system. If the Engineering Data cell is shared and the default is changed, the first Model cell Edit action uses the current default.

To select the default material:

  1. In the Outline pane, select the material to be used as the default for the Model cell.

  2. Right-click the material and select either Default Solid Material for Model or Default Fluid/Field Material for Model.

You can also choose to not have a default material by selecting the current default and removing the selection in the context menu. Including and setting that material as the default for the model (or not setting the default) affects all subsequent systems created in the project.

You can replace a default material assignment in the model by deleting the default material and then refreshing the Model cell, which assigns the active default material.

The default material assignment is disabled when an initial connection is made to transfer material data from another system or when the choice is made to import material data with geometry. This behavior is controlled by the Unset the default material when materials are imported with geometry Engineering Data user preference. If the option is disabled, the default material assignment occurs if a default is selected.