Sketch Edge Functions

Edge Properties
  • Name: Allows the edge to be named; for example, "BaseLine".

Spline Properties

Note:   Do NOT mix fit point and control point spline commands in a single spline!

  • SplineFlexibility: Used to set flexibility via "SplineFlexibility = agc.Yes;"

  • SplineXY(x, y): Adds an x, y fit point location to the current spline definition

  • SplineFitPtEnd(): Ends the current fit point spline definition

  • SplineXYW(x, y, w): Add an x, y, control point and w, weight to a current spline definition

  • SplineKnot(knot): Add a knot value to the current spline definition

  • SplineCtrlPtEnd(beginParam, endParam, order, closed, rational, periodic): Ends the current control point spline definition. The parameters are normally 0.0 and 1.0. "order" is normally 4, "rational" and "periodic" are normally 0, and "closed" can be 0 or 1.

  • SplineModifyEnds(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd): The new start and end locations are projected onto the spline to ensure they are really "on" the spline. Then the start and end of the spline (and its parameters) are modified. This can be used to trim a spline, but normally a spline cannot be extended beyond its original start or end location.