
Once you have edges, you can create dimensions for them.

Dimension Properties
  • Name: Allows the dimension to be named; for example, "OverallWidth".

  • DimValue: Gets or sets the dimension value

  • DimRefFlag: Gets or sets the Yes/No flag for whether the value of dimension is just a Reference value and does not drive the geometry or not. Set using agc.Yes or agc.No.

Dimension Creation Functions (these are Plane functions)

Note:   These will return a null pointer if the dimension fails to be created, so if you intend to name the dimension, you should use logic similar to the following:

  • var Hdim3 = HorizontalDim(pt6, 65, 57.5, YAxis, 0, 0, 34, 72);

  • if(Hdim3) Hdim3.Name = "HorizDim3";

For all dimensions below, locx, locy are the approximate location of the center of the text.

  • HorizontalDim(edge1, selx1, sely1, edge2, selx2, sely2, locx, locy): Creates a Horizontal dimension

    ‘sel’ locations should be near area on edges where dimension is to be applied
  • VerticalDim(edge1, selx1, sely1, edge2, selx2, sely2, locx, locy): Creates a Vertical dimension

    'sel’ locations should be near area on edges where dimension is to be applied
  • DistanceDim(edge1, selx1, sely1, edge2, selx2, sely2, locx, locy): Creates a Length/Distance dimension

    ‘sel’ locations should be near area on edges where dimension is to be applied
  • RadiusDim (edge1, locx, locy, radType): Creates a Radius dimension, where radType is:

    0 for Arc/Circle radius
    1 for major radius of an Ellipse
    2 for minor radius of an Ellipse
  • DiameterDim (edge1, locx, locy, dimType): Creates a Diameter dimension, where dimType is:

    0 for Arc/Circle diameter
    1 for major diameter of an Ellipse
    2 for minor diameter of an Ellipse
  • AngleDim (line1, selx1, sely1, line2, selx2, sely2, locx, locy): Creates an Angle dimension between two lines

    ‘sel’ locations should be near ends of lines to determine how dimension is to be applied