9.6.2. Standard UserIO Formats

BladeGen now supports a user defined file import/export mechanism, UserIO, that is now used to support several previously supported file formats. These include the file formats listed below. Moving the support for these file formats to the UserIO mechanism ensures the completeness of the mechanism and allows users to extend the file formats to support their needs.

File Format


Meanline Data File Format (rtzt)

This file format is simple, yet almost completely describes a blade model (missing LE/TE Treatments). This file is now supported through a UserIO module.

S1/S2 Stacking Data File Format (stk)

This file format specifies a meridional layer, a reference point, rotation angle, and a curve for each side of the blade. This file is supported through a UserIO module.

Machine File Format (mch)

This file format is for data import only. This file is now supported through a UserIO module. Meanline Data File Format (rtzt)

This section describes the generic data file format for BladeGen. The file is an ASCII file that uses space separation between values.

Note:  Angular values must be in radians.

Example File

text enclosed in {} is a data item
text enclosed in () is a comment
text enclosed in [] is optional

{number of blades}
{number of splitters}    (0 is main blade only)
(for each blade, main and splitter)
  {pitch fraction}       (Ignored for main blade)

  {number of layers}
  [N] [T]                (Normal or Tangential Thickness Flag)

  (for each layer)
    {span fraction} {number of points} [a][t][b]
    (for each point)
      {r} {theta} {z} {thickness}
  • RTZT Thickness Flag - N

    This flag is used to specify that the thicknesses are to be interpreted as Normal Thicknesses.

    If the flag is not included, the user will be prompted for the proper interpretation of the thickness values.

  • RTZT Thickness Flag - T

    This flag is used to specify that the thicknesses are to be interpreted as Tangential Thicknesses.

    If the flag is not included, the user will be prompted for the proper interpretation of the thickness values.

  • RTZT Layer Usage Modifier - A

    Including an ’a’ or ’A’ specifies that the data be used for angle definition only. If the modifier is not included, the default is for the data to be used for both angle and thickness definitions.

  • RTZT Layer Usage Modifier - T

    Including an ’t’ or ’T’ specifies that the data be used for thickness definition only. If the modifier is not included, the default is for the data to be used for both angle and thickness definitions.

  • RTZT Layer Usage Modifier - B

    Including an ’b’ or ’B’ specifies that the data be used for both angle and thickness definition only. This is the default modifier if none is specified. RTZT Example File
7 0

0.0 2 N

0	33
	1.000000	0.000000	-5.000000	0.000000
	1.000000	0.000000	-3.000000	0.100000
	1.000204	0.077093	-2.814457	0.100000
	1.001623	0.154129	-2.628919	0.100000
	1.005462	0.230969	-2.443417	0.100000
	1.012973	0.307383	-2.258029	0.100000
	1.025503	0.383052	-2.072914	0.100000
	1.044544	0.457575	-1.888359	0.100000
	1.071775	0.530478	-1.704839	0.100000

1.109083	0.601232	-1.523107	0.100000
	1.158537	0.669288	-1.344309	0.100000
	1.222280	0.734118	-1.170106	0.100000
	1.302269	0.795263	-1.002757	0.100000
	1.399863	0.852393	-0.845043	0.100000
	1.515342	0.905347	-0.699924	0.100000
	1.647629	0.954149	-0.569945	0.100000
	1.794444	0.998988	-0.456618	0.100000
	1.952874	1.040169	-0.360167	0.100000
	2.120009	1.078052	-0.279704	0.100000

2.293363	1.113009	-0.213661	0.100000
	2.471012	1.145387	-0.160203	0.100000
	2.651559	1.175500	-0.117507	0.100000
	2.834021	1.203618	-0.083901	0.100000
	3.017727	1.229975	-0.057911	0.100000
	3.202221	1.254771	-0.038260	0.100000
	3.387200	1.278176	-0.023843	0.100000
	3.572464	1.300336	-0.013703	0.100000
	3.757885	1.321374	-0.006992	0.100000
	3.943383	1.341399	-0.002950	0.100000

4.128915	1.360504	-0.000877	0.100000
	4.314457	1.378768	-0.000110	0.100000
	4.500000	1.396258	 0.000000	0.100000
	5.500000	1.396258	 0.000000	0.000000

1	33
	3.000000	0.000000	-5.000000	0.000000
	3.000000	0.000000	-3.000000	0.100000
	3.000047	0.052069	-2.899899	0.100000
	3.000369	0.104135	-2.799799	0.100000
	3.001242	0.156191	-2.699702	0.100000
	3.002941	0.208225	-2.599616	0.100000

3.005759	0.260220	-2.499556	0.100000
	3.010008	0.312155	-2.399546	0.100000
	3.016034	0.364001	-2.299628	0.100000
	3.024226	0.415726	-2.199864	0.100000
	3.035029	0.467289	-2.100351	0.100000
	3.048961	0.518643	-2.001228	0.100000
	3.066626	0.569732	-1.902704	0.100000
	3.088734	0.620492	-1.805083	0.100000
	3.116109	0.670849	-1.708809	0.100000
	3.149685	0.720716	-1.614524	0.100000

3.190467	0.770000	-1.523132	0.100000
	3.239429	0.818596	-1.435858	0.100000
	3.297318	0.866399	-1.354243	0.100000
	3.364395	0.913306	-1.280003	0.100000
	3.440207	0.959227	-1.214715	0.100000
	3.523582	1.004096	-1.159402	0.100000
	3.612891	1.047879	-1.114279	0.100000
	3.706454	1.090567	-1.078780	0.100000
	3.802835	1.132174	-1.051827	0.100000
	3.900963	1.172730	-1.032122	0.100000

4.000105	1.212273	-1.018360	0.100000
	4.099791	1.250845	-1.009324	0.100000
	4.199743	1.288489	-1.003921	0.100000
	4.299804	1.325247	-1.001164	0.100000
	4.399899	1.361159	-1.000147	0.100000
	4.500000	1.396161	-1.000000	0.100000
	5.500000	1.396161	-1.000000	0.000000 S1/S2 Stacking Data File Format (STK)

This section describes the pressure/suction data file format for BladeGen. The file is an ASCII file that uses space separation between values.

  • Angular values must be in radians.

  • X stands for Mp or M.

  • Y stands for Theta or R*Theta.

Example File

text enclosed in {} is a data item
text enclosed in () is a comment
text enclosed in [] is optional

{ "M" or "Mp" }          (selects the coordinate system for the x,y pairs)
{number of blades}
{number of splitters}    (0 is main blade only)
(for each blade, main and splitter)
  {pitch fraction}       (Ignored for main blade)
  {number of layers}

  (for each layer)
    {span fraction}
    {stack X} {stack Y} {stack Z} {stack R} {angular rotation}

    {number of meridonal points}
    (for each point)
      {z} {r}

    {number of side1 points}
    (for each point)
      {x} {y}

    {number of side2 points}
    (for each point)
      {x} {y}
         : STK Example File
11 0

  0.000000000 5

    1.69969864 0.159861188 0.00000000 3.00000000 0.000000000 0.000000000

        -1.75000000      3.00000000
       -0.750000000      3.00000000
       -0.725000000      3.00000000
       -0.700000000      3.00000000
       -0.675000000      3.00000000
       -0.650000000      3.00000000
       -0.625000000      3.00000000
       -0.600000000      3.00000000
       -0.575000000      3.00000000
       -0.550000000      3.00000000

       -0.525000000      3.00000000
       -0.500000000      3.00000000
       -0.475000000      3.00000000
       -0.450000000      3.00000000
       -0.425000000      3.00000000
       -0.400000000      3.00000000
       -0.375000000      3.00000000
       -0.350000000      3.00000000
       -0.325000000      3.00000000
       -0.300000000      3.00000000
       -0.275000000      3.00000000
       -0.250000000      3.00000000
       -0.225000000      3.00000000

       -0.200000000      3.00000000
       -0.175000000      3.00000000
       -0.150000000      3.00000000
       -0.125000000      3.00000000
       -0.100000000      3.00000000
      -0.0750000000      3.00000000
      -0.0500000000      3.00000000
      -0.0250000000      3.00000000
    1.01968231e-016      3.00000000
       0.0250000000      3.00000000
       0.0500000000      3.00000000
       0.0750000000      3.00000000
        0.100000000      3.00000000

        0.125000000      3.00000000
        0.150000000      3.00000000
        0.175000000      3.00000000
        0.200000000      3.00000000
        0.225000000      3.00000000
        0.250000000      3.00000000
        0.275000000      3.00000000
        0.300000000      3.00000000
        0.325000000      3.00000000
        0.350000000      3.00000000
        0.375000000      3.00000000
        0.400000000      3.00000000
        0.425000000      3.00000000

        0.450000000      3.00000000
        0.475000000      3.00000000
        0.500000000      3.00000000
        0.525000000      3.00000000
        0.550000000      3.00000000
        0.575000000      3.00000000
        0.600000000      3.00000000
        0.625000000      3.00000000
        0.650000000      3.00000000
        0.675000000      3.00000000
        0.700000000      3.00000000
        0.725000000      3.00000000
        0.750000000      3.00000000

         1.75000000      3.00000000

        0.979739542   -0.0467423479
         1.00049928   -0.0689084806
         1.02218599   -0.0902824495
         1.04567820    -0.110093182
         1.07102512    -0.128051283
         1.09752639    -0.144115336
         1.12457004    -0.158293492
         1.15212182    -0.170660656
         1.18025919    -0.181288571
         1.20901691    -0.190185056
         1.23839944    -0.197317067
         1.26837974    -0.202645590

         1.29876117    -0.206145939
         1.32929202    -0.207825578
         1.35979482    -0.207727919
         1.39023818    -0.205913243
         1.42061027    -0.202438319
         1.45084293    -0.197352018
         1.48082508    -0.190707341
         1.51046803    -0.182570352
         1.53976635    -0.173021548
         1.56874519    -0.162139280
         1.59741859    -0.149974369
         1.62577826    -0.136536026
         1.65381402    -0.121834991

         1.68148331    -0.105943503
         1.70873445   -0.0889694485
         1.73558245   -0.0709722274
         1.76213758   -0.0519176330
         1.78847110   -0.0317768005
         1.81447634   -0.0106292102
         1.84003725    0.0114165020
         1.86527338    0.0343518966
         1.89040905    0.0582372355
         1.91544930    0.0831437808
         1.94022700     0.109144443
         1.96466786     0.136141613
         1.98880282     0.163840292

         2.01276015     0.192281865
         2.03673264     0.221891643
         2.06064494     0.252746149
         2.08424568     0.284585129
         2.10753711     0.317205643
         2.13065545     0.350511538
         2.15374230     0.384783301
         2.17682417     0.420262930
         2.19973269     0.456862907
         2.22241524     0.494412235
         2.24493240     0.532763500
         2.26740768     0.572125058
         2.28978753     0.612634433

         2.31188486     0.653986129
         2.33403879     0.695622160
         2.35638703     0.737651997
         2.37889328     0.779980654
         2.40156972     0.822633973
         2.42441094     0.865608091
         2.44740284     0.908861891
         2.47056590     0.952396157
         2.49388426     0.996223336
         2.51730043      1.04026966

         1.02026046    0.0449747336
         1.04950072    0.0448147721
         1.07781401    0.0447265909

         1.10432180    0.0447583959
         1.12897488    0.0449851310
         1.15247361    0.0454634419
         1.17542996    0.0462131960
         1.19787818    0.0471587975
         1.21974081    0.0482178498
         1.24098309    0.0494136531
         1.26160056    0.0508351358
         1.28162026    0.0525443932
         1.30123883    0.0545295628
         1.32070798    0.0567891568
         1.34020518    0.0593463396
         1.35976182    0.0622215460

         1.37938973    0.0654317079
         1.39915707    0.0690169800
         1.41917492    0.0730465365
         1.43953197    0.0775925606
         1.46023365    0.0826826647
         1.48125481    0.0883227400
         1.50258141    0.0945433523
         1.52422174     0.101427717
         1.54618598     0.109060858
         1.56851669     0.117499887
         1.59126555     0.126789387
         1.61441755     0.136959370
         1.63786242     0.148006666

         1.66152890     0.159939933
         1.68552366     0.172877931
         1.70996275     0.186958875
         1.73472662     0.202104315
         1.75959095     0.218106096
         1.78455070     0.235027796
         1.80977300     0.253196409
         1.83533214     0.272707235
         1.86119718     0.293352873
         1.88723985     0.314987362
         1.91326736     0.337582439
         1.93935506     0.361322072
         1.96575432     0.386530862

         1.99246289     0.413079996
         2.01934455     0.440609262
         2.04625770     0.469045832
         2.07317583     0.498524054
         2.10026731     0.529369232
         2.12758476     0.561537130
         2.15506760     0.594712670
         2.18259232     0.628905147
         2.21021247     0.664286986
         2.23811514     0.700884048
         2.26596121     0.738360821
         2.29361297     0.776542897
         2.32110672     0.815370431

         2.34843028     0.854815363
         2.37558906     0.894861372
         2.40259716     0.935460468
         2.42943410     0.976558543
         2.45611574      1.01822511
         2.48269957      1.06034564

    1.69990730 0.160393128 0.000000000 3.25000000 0.000000000 0.000000000

        -1.75000000      3.25000000
        -1.50000000      3.25000000
        -1.25000000      3.25000000
        -1.00000000      3.25000000
       -0.750000000      3.25000064

       -0.725000000      3.25000064
       -0.700000000      3.24999936
       -0.675000000      3.24999936
       -0.650000000      3.24999936
       -0.625000000      3.24999936
       -0.600000000      3.24999936
       -0.575000000      3.24999936
       -0.550000000      3.24999936
       -0.525000000      3.24999936
       -0.500000000      3.24999936
       -0.475000000      3.24999936
       -0.450000000      3.24999936
       -0.425000000      3.24999936

       -0.400000000      3.24999936
       -0.375000000      3.24999936
       -0.350000000      3.24999936
       -0.325000000      3.25000064
       -0.300000000      3.25000064
       -0.275000000      3.24999936
       -0.250000000      3.24999936
       -0.225000000      3.24999936
       -0.200000000      3.24999936
       -0.175000000      3.24999936
       -0.150000000      3.25000064
       -0.125000000      3.25000064
       -0.100000000      3.24999936

      -0.0750000000      3.24999936
      -0.0500000000      3.24999936
      -0.0250000000      3.24999936
    1.13512850e-017      3.24999936
       0.0250000000      3.24999936
       0.0500000000      3.25000064
       0.0750000000      3.24999936
        0.100000000      3.24999936
        0.125000000      3.24999936
        0.150000000      3.24999936
        0.175000000      3.24999936
        0.200000000      3.24999936
        0.225000000      3.24999936

        0.250000000      3.24999936
        0.275000000      3.24999936
        0.300000000      3.24999936
        0.325000000      3.24999936
        0.350000000      3.24999936
        0.375000000      3.24999936
        0.400000000      3.24999936
        0.425000000      3.24999936
        0.450000000      3.24999936
        0.475000000      3.24999936
        0.500000000      3.24999936
        0.525000000      3.24999936
        0.550000000      3.24999936

        0.575000000      3.24999936
        0.600000000      3.25000064
        0.625000000      3.24999936
        0.650000000      3.24999936
        0.675000000      3.24999936
        0.700000000      3.25000064
        0.725000000      3.24999936
        0.750000000      3.24999936
         1.00000000      3.25000000
         1.25000000      3.25000000
         1.50000000      3.25000000
         1.75000000      3.25000000

        0.979739397   -0.0467447538

         1.00049905   -0.0689370583
         1.02218566   -0.0903362553
         1.04567775    -0.110170339
         1.07102455    -0.128149516
         1.09752573    -0.144232222
         1.12456930    -0.158426565
         1.15212103    -0.170807613
         1.18025839    -0.181447280
         1.20901614    -0.190353344
         1.23839875    -0.197492585
         1.26837921    -0.202825841
         1.29876084    -0.206328399
         1.32929192    -0.208007723

         1.35979497    -0.207907240
         1.39023858    -0.206087263
         1.42061090    -0.202604630
         1.45084380    -0.197508155
         1.48082614    -0.190850890
         1.51046926    -0.182698967
         1.53976772    -0.173132891
         1.56874666    -0.162231146
         1.59742014    -0.150044600
         1.62577985    -0.136582336
         1.65381563    -0.121855006
         1.68148490    -0.105934900
         1.70873600   -0.0889299897

         1.73558395   -0.0708997332
         1.76213901   -0.0518098832
         1.78847247   -0.0316314977
         1.81447764   -0.0104440506
         1.84003846    0.0116438539
         1.86527450    0.0346236619
         1.89041011    0.0585555608
         1.91545032    0.0835108540
         1.94022794     0.109563006
         1.96466871     0.136614408
         1.98880358     0.164369424
         2.01276086     0.192869302
         2.03673330     0.222539862

         2.06064553     0.253457958
         2.08424618     0.285363407
         2.10753751     0.318052857
         2.13065577     0.351429598
         2.15374256     0.385774373
         2.17682437     0.421329649
         2.19973280     0.458008195
         2.22241526     0.495638755
         2.24493233     0.534073354
         2.26740750     0.573520582
         2.28978727     0.614118421
         2.31188441     0.655560882
         2.33403838     0.697289235

         2.35638673     0.739413289
         2.37889211     0.781836029
         2.40156793     0.824579366
         2.42440983     0.867643218
         2.44740304     0.910997193
         2.47056592     0.954637626
         2.49388337     0.998569865
         2.51729897      1.04271490

         1.02026060    0.0449730496
         1.04950095    0.0447873675
         1.07781434    0.0446745106
         1.10432225    0.0446836991
         1.12897545    0.0448902925

         1.15247427    0.0453510144
         1.17543070    0.0460857155
         1.19787897    0.0470186148
         1.21974161    0.0480671272
         1.24098386    0.0492545470
         1.26160125    0.0506699110
         1.28162079    0.0523754025
         1.30123916    0.0543591618
         1.32070808    0.0566196834
         1.34020503    0.0591801009
         1.35976142    0.0620607910
         1.37938910    0.0652786335
         1.39915620    0.0688738045

         1.41917386    0.0729154527
         1.43953074    0.0774758310
         1.46023228    0.0825825705
         1.48125334    0.0882414545
         1.50257987    0.0944830246
         1.52422015     0.101390582
         1.54618437     0.109049226
         1.56851510     0.117516060
         1.59126400     0.126835644
         1.61441605     0.137037966
         1.63786099     0.148119864
         1.66152753     0.160090044
         1.68552236     0.173067332

         1.70996154     0.187189960
         1.73472550     0.202379352
         1.75958989     0.218427325
         1.78454968     0.235397496
         1.80977206     0.253617281
         1.83533129     0.273181905
         1.86119642     0.293883604
         1.88723914     0.315576205
         1.91326670     0.338231882
         1.93935447     0.362034878
         1.96575382     0.387309885
         1.99246249     0.413927734
         2.01934423     0.441527695

         2.04625744     0.470037163
         2.07317563     0.499590900
         2.10026720     0.530514485
         2.12758474     0.562763454
         2.15506767     0.596022202
         2.18259250     0.630300267
         2.21021273     0.665770398
         2.23811559     0.702458415
         2.26596162     0.740026818
         2.29361327     0.778302074
         2.32110789     0.817226029
         2.34843207     0.856764095
         2.37559018     0.896898664

         2.40259696     0.937592561
         2.42943408     0.978795576
         2.45611663      1.02056906
         2.48270103      1.06278945

    1.69968333 0.159849466 0.000000000 3.50000000 0.000000000 0.000000000

        -1.75000000      3.50000000
        -1.50000000      3.50000000
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       -0.400000000      3.50000000
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        0.250000000      3.50000000
        0.275000000      3.50000000

        0.300000000      3.50000000
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        0.600000000      3.50000000

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        0.650000000      3.50000000
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        0.700000000      3.50000000
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         1.50000000      3.50000000
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         2.23811519     0.700883098
         2.26596121     0.738359345
         2.29361280     0.776541363
         2.32110805     0.815373173
         2.34843268     0.854812704

         2.37559036     0.894845240
         2.40259627     0.935439837
         2.42943355     0.976550249
         2.45611673      1.01822897
         2.48270155      1.06034973 Machine File Format (mch)

This section describes the machine file format for BladeGen. The file is an ASCII file that uses space separation between values with various fixed headers.

Example File

text enclosed in {} is a data item
text enclosed in () is a comment
key words are in bold

{ header text } (any number of header lines can be included)
{ header text } (only the data show below must be included in the header)
 # OF POINTS= {number of points used to define blade}   

 # OF MAIN BLADES= {number of main blades}

Segment  2 (Main Blade)  { SHROUD or HUB }  ("(Main Blade)" and SHROUD or HUB are required)
   I       R         THETA         Z           TN         DUMMY1  DUMMY2
   1  0.45570E+01  0.00000E+00  0.45570E+01  0.10000E+00  0.0000  0.0000  (Dummys must exist, but are not used)
(optional splitter)
Segment  2 (Splitter Blades)  { SHROUD or HUB }  ("(Splitter Blades)" and SHROUD or HUB are required)
   I       R         THETA         Z           TN         DUMMY1  DUMMY2

   1  0.45570E+01  0.00000E+00  0.45570E+01  0.10000E+00  0.0000  0.0000  (Dummys must exist, but are not used)
Polygon points for inlet extension
{number of points} shroud
 {radial} {axial}
{number of points} hub
 {radial} {axial}
Polygon points for exit extension
{number of points} shroud
 {radial} {axial}
{number of points} hub
 {radial} {axial}
 : MCH Example File

Segment  2 (Main Blade)  SHROUD
    I       R         THETA         Z           TN           BETA          %M
   1  0.45570E+01  0.00000E+00  0.45570E+01  0.10000E+00 -0.60390E+02   0.000
   2  0.45617E+01 -0.34226E+01  0.47180E+01  0.11006E+00 -0.58379E+02   2.270
   3  0.45755E+01 -0.64654E+01  0.48723E+01  0.11944E+00 -0.56489E+02   4.453
   4  0.45981E+01 -0.91928E+01  0.50200E+01  0.12821E+00 -0.54712E+02   6.559
   5  0.46291E+01 -0.11655E+02  0.51613E+01  0.13644E+00 -0.53038E+02   8.599

   6  0.46684E+01 -0.13894E+02  0.52963E+01  0.14419E+00 -0.51460E+02  10.580
   7  0.47155E+01 -0.15943E+02  0.54252E+01  0.15152E+00 -0.49967E+02  12.514
   8  0.47701E+01 -0.17830E+02  0.55480E+01  0.15847E+00 -0.48554E+02  14.410
   9  0.48320E+01 -0.19578E+02  0.56651E+01  0.16508E+00 -0.47212E+02  16.276
  10  0.49009E+01 -0.21207E+02  0.57764E+01  0.17140E+00 -0.45936E+02  18.121
  11  0.49764E+01 -0.22733E+02  0.58822E+01  0.17745E+00 -0.44722E+02  19.954
  12  0.50584E+01 -0.24169E+02  0.59825E+01  0.18326E+00 -0.43565E+02  21.780

  13  0.51465E+01 -0.25527E+02  0.60775E+01  0.18885E+00 -0.42464E+02  23.607
  14  0.52405E+01 -0.26817E+02  0.61675E+01  0.19424E+00 -0.41416E+02  25.440
  15  0.53401E+01 -0.28046E+02  0.62524E+01  0.19943E+00 -0.40422E+02  27.284
  16  0.54450E+01 -0.29220E+02  0.63325E+01  0.20443E+00 -0.39481E+02  29.145
  17  0.55550E+01 -0.30347E+02  0.64078E+01  0.20924E+00 -0.38596E+02  31.024
  18  0.56698E+01 -0.31430E+02  0.64786E+01  0.21386E+00 -0.37769E+02  32.925
  19  0.57892E+01 -0.32474E+02  0.65450E+01  0.21827E+00 -0.37003E+02  34.850

  20  0.59129E+01 -0.33483E+02  0.66071E+01  0.22248E+00 -0.36300E+02  36.802
  21  0.60407E+01 -0.34459E+02  0.66651E+01  0.22648E+00 -0.35666E+02  38.780
  22  0.61724E+01 -0.35408E+02  0.67190E+01  0.23024E+00 -0.35104E+02  40.785
  23  0.63077E+01 -0.36330E+02  0.67691E+01  0.23376E+00 -0.34618E+02  42.818
  24  0.64463E+01 -0.37230E+02  0.68155E+01  0.23701E+00 -0.34213E+02  44.879
  25  0.65881E+01 -0.38110E+02  0.68584E+01  0.23999E+00 -0.33894E+02  46.966
  26  0.67328E+01 -0.38973E+02  0.68978E+01  0.24268E+00 -0.33664E+02  49.080

  27  0.68802E+01 -0.39821E+02  0.69339E+01  0.24506E+00 -0.33527E+02  51.218
  28  0.70300E+01 -0.40657E+02  0.69669E+01  0.24712E+00 -0.33488E+02  53.380
  29  0.71820E+01 -0.41484E+02  0.69969E+01  0.24884E+00 -0.33549E+02  55.563
  30  0.73359E+01 -0.42305E+02  0.70240E+01  0.25020E+00 -0.33714E+02  57.766
  31  0.74916E+01 -0.43122E+02  0.70484E+01  0.25120E+00 -0.33984E+02  59.988
  32  0.76489E+01 -0.43937E+02  0.70703E+01  0.25181E+00 -0.34360E+02  62.225
  33  0.78074E+01 -0.44754E+02  0.70897E+01  0.25203E+00 -0.34845E+02  64.476

  34  0.79670E+01 -0.45574E+02  0.71069E+01  0.25184E+00 -0.35437E+02  66.737
  35  0.81274E+01 -0.46401E+02  0.71219E+01  0.25124E+00 -0.36137E+02  69.008
  36  0.82883E+01 -0.47236E+02  0.71349E+01  0.25022E+00 -0.36943E+02  71.284
  37  0.84497E+01 -0.48082E+02  0.71460E+01  0.24878E+00 -0.37852E+02  73.563
  38  0.86111E+01 -0.48941E+02  0.71555E+01  0.24692E+00 -0.38862E+02  75.842
  39  0.87724E+01 -0.49816E+02  0.71634E+01  0.24462E+00 -0.39969E+02  78.118
  40  0.89334E+01 -0.50709E+02  0.71698E+01  0.24190E+00 -0.41169E+02  80.388

  41  0.90938E+01 -0.51621E+02  0.71750E+01  0.23877E+00 -0.42455E+02  82.649
  42  0.92533E+01 -0.52554E+02  0.71790E+01  0.23521E+00 -0.43821E+02  84.898
  43  0.94117E+01 -0.53511E+02  0.71820E+01  0.23126E+00 -0.45262E+02  87.131
  44  0.95687E+01 -0.54494E+02  0.71842E+01  0.22692E+00 -0.46768E+02  89.345
  45  0.97242E+01 -0.55503E+02  0.71856E+01  0.22220E+00 -0.48334E+02  91.536
  46  0.98778E+01 -0.56541E+02  0.71865E+01  0.21713E+00 -0.49948E+02  93.701
  47  0.10029E+02 -0.57610E+02  0.71869E+01  0.21172E+00 -0.51604E+02  95.835

  48  0.10178E+02 -0.58709E+02  0.71871E+01  0.20600E+00 -0.53291E+02  97.936
  49  0.10325E+02 -0.59842E+02  0.71871E+01  0.20000E+00 -0.55000E+02 100.000

 Segment  2 (Main Blade)   HUB
   I       R         THETA         Z           TN           BETA          %M
   1  0.32500E+01  0.00000E+00  0.45570E+01  0.20000E+00 -0.58980E+02   0.000
   2  0.32892E+01 -0.52643E+01  0.47466E+01  0.21024E+00 -0.55328E+02   2.295
   3  0.33382E+01 -0.96888E+01  0.49283E+01  0.22004E+00 -0.51984E+02   4.525

   4  0.33963E+01 -0.13471E+02  0.51022E+01  0.22941E+00 -0.48914E+02   6.699
   5  0.34631E+01 -0.16741E+02  0.52686E+01  0.23840E+00 -0.46089E+02   8.824
   6  0.35381E+01 -0.19598E+02  0.54276E+01  0.24704E+00 -0.43484E+02  10.908
   7  0.36207E+01 -0.22115E+02  0.55794E+01  0.25535E+00 -0.41077E+02  12.956
   8  0.37106E+01 -0.24347E+02  0.57241E+01  0.26335E+00 -0.38852E+02  14.975
   9  0.38073E+01 -0.26339E+02  0.58619E+01  0.27107E+00 -0.36792E+02  16.971
  10  0.39103E+01 -0.28128E+02  0.59930E+01  0.27852E+00 -0.34885E+02  18.947

  11  0.40194E+01 -0.29742E+02  0.61176E+01  0.28571E+00 -0.33121E+02  20.910
  12  0.41342E+01 -0.31206E+02  0.62358E+01  0.29265E+00 -0.31491E+02  22.862
  13  0.42543E+01 -0.32540E+02  0.63477E+01  0.29935E+00 -0.29987E+02  24.808
  14  0.43794E+01 -0.33761E+02  0.64536E+01  0.30581E+00 -0.28605E+02  26.750
  15  0.45092E+01 -0.34883E+02  0.65536E+01  0.31204E+00 -0.27339E+02  28.693
  16  0.46435E+01 -0.35919E+02  0.66479E+01  0.31804E+00 -0.26186E+02  30.638
  17  0.47820E+01 -0.36880E+02  0.67367E+01  0.32379E+00 -0.25143E+02  32.587

  18  0.49244E+01 -0.37775E+02  0.68201E+01  0.32930E+00 -0.24209E+02  34.543
  19  0.50706E+01 -0.38613E+02  0.68982E+01  0.33456E+00 -0.23383E+02  36.508
  20  0.52202E+01 -0.39401E+02  0.69714E+01  0.33956E+00 -0.22663E+02  38.482
  21  0.53732E+01 -0.40146E+02  0.70396E+01  0.34428E+00 -0.22050E+02  40.467
  22  0.55293E+01 -0.40854E+02  0.71032E+01  0.34873E+00 -0.21545E+02  42.464
  23  0.56883E+01 -0.41531E+02  0.71622E+01  0.35287E+00 -0.21148E+02  44.474
  24  0.58500E+01 -0.42181E+02  0.72168E+01  0.35670E+00 -0.20859E+02  46.498

  25  0.60143E+01 -0.42811E+02  0.72673E+01  0.36021E+00 -0.20682E+02  48.535
  26  0.61811E+01 -0.43424E+02  0.73137E+01  0.36336E+00 -0.20617E+02  50.586
  27  0.63501E+01 -0.44024E+02  0.73562E+01  0.36616E+00 -0.20666E+02  52.652
  28  0.65212E+01 -0.44615E+02  0.73951E+01  0.36857E+00 -0.20831E+02  54.732
  29  0.66943E+01 -0.45202E+02  0.74304E+01  0.37058E+00 -0.21115E+02  56.826
  30  0.68693E+01 -0.45788E+02  0.74623E+01  0.37217E+00 -0.21520E+02  58.933
  31  0.70459E+01 -0.46377E+02  0.74911E+01  0.37331E+00 -0.22049E+02  61.054

  32  0.72241E+01 -0.46972E+02  0.75168E+01  0.37400E+00 -0.22703E+02  63.188
  33  0.74037E+01 -0.47576E+02  0.75397E+01  0.37420E+00 -0.23486E+02  65.333
  34  0.75845E+01 -0.48194E+02  0.75599E+01  0.37390E+00 -0.24401E+02  67.489
  35  0.77664E+01 -0.48827E+02  0.75776E+01  0.37308E+00 -0.25449E+02  69.655
  36  0.79492E+01 -0.49481E+02  0.75929E+01  0.37172E+00 -0.26634E+02  71.829
  37  0.81328E+01 -0.50157E+02  0.76060E+01  0.36980E+00 -0.27957E+02  74.011
  38  0.83171E+01 -0.50860E+02  0.76172E+01  0.36732E+00 -0.29421E+02  76.198

  39  0.85017E+01 -0.51594E+02  0.76264E+01  0.36424E+00 -0.31028E+02  78.390
  40  0.86866E+01 -0.52362E+02  0.76340E+01  0.36056E+00 -0.32778E+02  80.583
  41  0.88716E+01 -0.53168E+02  0.76401E+01  0.35628E+00 -0.34675E+02  82.776
  42  0.90563E+01 -0.54016E+02  0.76448E+01  0.35138E+00 -0.36717E+02  84.966
  43  0.92407E+01 -0.54912E+02  0.76484E+01  0.34586E+00 -0.38906E+02  87.152
  44  0.94245E+01 -0.55861E+02  0.76509E+01  0.33972E+00 -0.41239E+02  89.330
  45  0.96074E+01 -0.56869E+02  0.76526E+01  0.33296E+00 -0.43717E+02  91.498

  46  0.97892E+01 -0.57944E+02  0.76537E+01  0.32559E+00 -0.46336E+02  93.652
  47  0.99696E+01 -0.59094E+02  0.76542E+01  0.31763E+00 -0.49093E+02  95.790
  48  0.10148E+02 -0.60330E+02  0.76544E+01  0.30909E+00 -0.51983E+02  97.907
  49  0.10325E+02 -0.61666E+02  0.76544E+01  0.30000E+00 -0.55000E+02 100.000
 Polygon points for inlet extension
  6 --- # of polygon points for shroud
    4.55700        3.25000    
    4.55700        3.57936    
    4.55700        3.80678    

    4.55700        4.00022    
    4.55700        4.22764    
    4.55700        4.55700    
  6 --- # of polygon points for hub
    3.01950        3.25000    
    3.07758        3.57936    
    3.11768        3.80678    
    3.15182        4.00022    
    3.19192        4.22764    
    3.25000        4.55700    
 Polygon points for exit extension
  6 --- # of polygon points for shroud
    10.3248        7.18714    
    10.7285        7.18546    
    11.0073        7.18430    

    11.2445        7.21008    
    11.5233        7.20892    
    11.9270        7.20724    
  6 --- # of polygon points for hub
    10.3248        7.65444    
    10.7286        7.65444    
    11.0073        7.65444    
    11.2445        7.65444    
    11.5233        7.65444    
    11.9270        7.65444